Wednesday || August 2 || 2023
Key Ingredient
I think it's an understatement to say that many questions and quandaries rise to the surface of our minds. There might be some questions in a season of life, or in a specific situation that we really want to know what God wants us to do. Maybe we want help with a big decision, discernment through a difficulty, or just plain wondering what God's will is for us.
Maybe you too, like me, have spent time trying a variety of things or options to figure out answers to those questions. Many times, looking for answers that didn't start with prayer.
Along my faith journey, I guess you could say, I've tried a lot of "recipes" to find out answers on my own terms. And I've tried some clinkers. Trust me.
If I had to title the recipes-- AKA : what didn't work out so well--they would read something like this:
-Always after the fact
-Whoops, I forgot
-Drove to every dead end, what now?
-Left out the key ingredient
-Tried everything else, let's throw up a Hail-Mary
Okay, I hope you're having a giggle with me. It is kind of funny. And true! Maybe a couple of those resonated with you. But the key ingredient I was missing in those recipes was prayer! Or if it was in my attempted solution seeking methods, it was the garnish you throw on at the end.
What I want to share with you today, is that I have been discovering and learning in my faith journey is that Jesus doesn't want me to follow-up with Him, He wants me to come to Him FIRST. The very first ingredient on our "recipe for faith" should be prayer. (Or reading God's word, they're both pretty important :) )
Putting prayer to the top of our list, it helps us prioritize what God deems important through whatever questions we're working through. God gifts us prayer, the power to come talk to him-- about anything!
Join me and having a recipe for faith that has prayer at the top of the ingredient list.
Tuesday || August 1 || 2023
The power of prayer
Happy Tuesday, Friends! First off, we are so happy to be back to posting and sharing again :)
We are also SUPER excited to start Day #1 of our new Bible-gram Series for the month of August:
The Power of Prayer!
Each Bible-gram we share on social media this month will be centered around prayer, it's importance, and how it's an open invitation to talk to God :)
Just a little side-note, we are trying something new this month, and hopefully as we move forward. I (Mallory Brown) will start to post Bible-grams and some words of encouragement from our Marketplace Ministry page on our Open Door Encouragement Facebook page. We are gradually trying to make a shift from sharing so much ODE related topics on our personal pages, to just having it on our business page. We want current and future friends to know where to look if they don't know us personally for Bible-grams and other work we do at Open Door Encouragement :)
Don't worry, I will still share the post from my personal page for some time! If you have been following my personal page (or Rachel's), that has been a great way to see them. But when you have a moment, like or follow us on our Open Door Encouragement Facebook page, or on Instagram: @Opendoorencouragement . We are hoping to build a loving and supportive community, right there on our Open Door Encouragement Facebook Page (and Instagram profile). Also, please feel free to invite others to follow along with us, it is appreciated!
Additionally, on our Open Door page we want to help you keep in tune when we are at in-person craft events, upcoming Bible-gram series, product offerings, and of course, our weekday encouragement with a Bible-gram.
Rachel and I are absolutely floored and humbled by all of the daily and ongoing support we receive from each of you! We are excited to see what God has in store and how we can help share God's word in a simple, meaningful, and heartfelt way. So, to simply put it, THANK YOU :)
As far as today's Bible-gram goes, here are some thoughts.
That word may either incite some kind of internal panic or maybe a prevailing sense of peace.
Regardless of how we currently perceive it, prayer is a wonderful gift. Our good friend Jesus was an excellent model of the importance of implementing prayer into the rhythm of daily life. Jesus showed us that prayer should hold a prominent place in our life. Afterall , it is our open line of communication to our Heavenly Father.
And let's stop and ponder that for a minute. Jesus, who is also God, prayed.
Jesus prayed.
If Jesus is God, why did He pray?
To me, one way to look it was that Jesus was modeling the deep dependency He wants us to have as God's children. God desires for us , His children to talk to Him! And the best way to talk to God is through prayer.
Personally, as a parent, I love it when my kids talk to me-- it's the best! (well, maybe except if they're talking back HA). Anyhow, I love to hear about their day, what was fun, or something interesting they learned. I want to lean down and really listen to what they have to say. I am also just as ready to listen when they have to tell me something difficult, tear-filled, or when they don't feel good. Those aren't necessarily my favorite things to hear from their sweet mouths, but I want to hear them none the less!
God, who loves us so much, wants to hear from us! As our loving Heavenly Father, He too wants to hear the good, bad, what's on our hearts and the worries we may be towing along. God is ready to lean in and listen to what we have to say, no matter what it is. Whether it's a wagon full of worries or a basketful of blessings, God wants to hear all about it.
Tuesday || April 11 || 2023
Creation Speaks
We have the privilege to see God's creative power, outside :)
Observation is a powerful thing!
Take a few minutes today and ponder God's awesome power on display in the world around us. I have no doubts the evidence of God's living creativity will overwhelm our hearts with His omnipotence, today.
Monday || April 10 || 2023
Hope Helps
Happy Monday sweet friends!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! We are so excited here at Open Door Encouragement to be back! We are thrilled to share Part 2 of our Bible-gram Series: Life-giving Lessons from Creation.
The rest of this month we will get to see beauty in the world around us. God works through His creation to talk to us and teach us more about Him.
Today's bible-gram is leaning into how we handle worry.
Jesus mentions in this passage how God clothes his beautiful wildflowers. God in His goodness, takes delicate care of even the wildflowers! In this passage, Jesus draws us in and invites us to be able to trust God with the tiny details of our life. If God in His goodness will dress & care for even flowers, imagine how He wants to help care for us?!
This passage is an invitation to lay our worries, whatever they may be, in God's capable hands.
Link today's passage with Matthew 11:28-30 if you have a minute. I have no doubts that the weight of your worries will shift from your heart into God's hands.
Tuesday || March 21 || 2023
Workmanship & Wonder
On our visit to Big Bend, Tom and I were so fortunate to see some pretty incredible and unique wildlife. If you look closely at today's Bible-gram you can spot my favorite little guy that we saw on our trip into the desert.
A road-runner!
First off, let me set the record straight. Road runners do not resemble the Warner Brothers version of the Road Runner in Looney Tunes.
But the real life version? The road runner is actually pretty little. Also, beautiful with long tail feathers. Super quick, attentive and fast. Oh, and vicious!
We were able to observe a road runner from a stone's throw away-- in some landscaping. I remember my initial thats of "Oh wow, he's so cute!" as he lingered by a rock. Shifting to: "holy smokes, he just ate an entire lizard!"
The road runner is just one bird. One kind of bird. Of thousands of species. Of so many animals! I love that we get to observe and take in the incredible workmanship of God's creativity in the world around us! You might not be standing in the desert landscape laying eyes on the unassuming roadrunner eat lunch. But maybe you were able to notice the Robin starting to build her nest this Spring for her coming-soon eggs.
God in His graciousness gave us such a beautiful world in which to live and soak in while we're on this side of heaven. Let's enjoy the lesson in His power, creativity, and beauty in the world around us!
Monday || March 20 || 2023
Teaches & Tells
I love how Psalm 139 breathes the beauty that God spoke into existence.
Take a close look at what is layered in between each verse: "For His lovingkindess endures forever."
We can't separate the beautiful works that God created around us from His incredible and enduring kindness.
God's character shines through His work in creation! Let's take in that truth today. Whether we have the opportunity to see a tree, turtle, or maybe mountain-top. :)
Friday || March 17 || 2023
Continuing on in our series: Life-giving Lessons from Creation (Part #1)
The passage reference today from Proverbs is definitely worth taking a peek at :)
We may not fully comprehend how God, by His word and wisdom, made the world around us. The momentary glances out our window, we get to see God's work on display.
Shining sun. Squirrels. Soft rain. Sand. So many things! (sorry for all of the S's!) Let's take a mental picture of what's outside and praise God for what the gift of His wisdom has brough us: the wonderful world around us!
Thursday || March 16 || 2023
Pause & Press in
Wanting to have quiet time with God will take some intention. As we know, interruptions in life are inevitable.
Jesus teaches us so much in this passage. About interruptions, intention, and devotion.
In this particular scene, Jesus was looking to have some time of solitude. He had just found out about John the Baptist's death (Jesus' cousin). I would imagine He wanted some time to pray and rest in His Father's presence.
But stuff popped up.
A huge crowd followed Him, and Jesus in turn responded with compassion.
I'm going to pause here for a moment. Can I just say it's can be so hard to stop, put others' needs first and yours to the side?! Especially when you were already "in the moment" and motion of what you're set on doing. I'm leaning on the truth that Jesus demonstrated the ability to do this. Even in a time of probably deep heart and experiencing person loss. This truth can prop us up as a parent, and the other roles we carry out in our life. But as a parent, we may not always feel like putting others' needs first. Especially if I'm not feeling well, carrying a burden, or needing to process something. Compassion to care for others when I'm in the "middle of my stuff" feels counterintuitive.
Continuing on, Jesus kindly dismisses the crowd after He cared for them. Then Jesus goes back to what He was trying to do in the first place: spend time with God. In this case, He went up to a mountainside come evening and prayed until the middle of the night! Jesus still pursued prayer and time in God's presence-- even though the time was probably not ideal and he was inconvenienced in the process. Let's dial into Jesus' example of devotion and intention that interruptions don't have to dismantle our devotion time with God.
Wednesday || March 15 || 2023
God's omnipotence is outside
Outdoors, out in nature-- or even in our own backyard.
When we take a moment to soak in what's offered right outside, it turns into a beautiful opportunity to be in awe of our Awesome God who made it!
Tuesday || March 14 || 2023
prep. trust. persist
Ants might be tiny in the grand scheme of things, but they can certainly offer us a big lesson!
These little guys show us how to show up, get going, and keep going!
Persistence. Perseverance. Preparation.
I think those are a few characteristics we can pick up on when we watch ants at work. I think Proverbs points this out to remind us that in our faith, we too can humble ourselves to show up and to do the work.
Day in and day out. Pushing on with a purpose.
Ultimately, planning, preparation & persisting in our work are good things! But alongside of that, it's integral to keep God in perspective and trust His provision in the process. We can be persistent. Productive. Preppers and push-throughers. But in our perpetual work, let's be prayerful about keeping God front and center, trusting His provision, and push on for His purposes.
Monday || March 13 || 2023
pointed out
Full and over-flowing.
God's promised provision for His people were just that!
Fruit, fields, refreshing rain, droves of grain & over-flowing vats of wine and oil.
Take a moment to glean all the adjectives used in this passage from Joel 2. God was promising a paradise of practical provision! (Say that 5 times fast! :)
But that's what God does when He provides. It's to the FULL. OVER-FLOWING. Actual ABUNDANCE.
(See Matthew 14, there were LEFTOVERS after Jesus fed 5,000 people. I know, that's wild!)
Anyhow, God wanted to provide for His people. He did in such a way, that wherever they looked, all they could do was think of Him.
Trees filled with fruit. God. Lush fields filled with flocks. God. Refreshing rain for their crops. God.
Based on the text, I would say God would be impossible to miss! In addition to God's practical provision, He promised His presence to be with them as well. We too can take in how wondrous, practical, and abundant God is through His provision and presence in our own life. Maybe it's a full fridge. Or a full tank of gas. Or maybe it's a dinner table with every seat filled.
My prayer today is that we each experience the fullness of God's presence and provision today.
Friday || March 10 || 2023
rooted in Jesus
The nutrient-seeking channels of a plant that reach, sprout, and spread out below the surface. I hope the visual of a root growing deep into the ground is a little lesson that inspires our faith today!
In our own faith, we grow by rooting ourselves in life-giving activities. Reading God's Word. Reaching out to God in prayer. Resting in God's promises. Rooting our life in His truth. Refreshing our soul through a relationship with Jesus.
Let's watch how our faith flourishes and grows, as we root our faith in Him.
Thursday || March 9 || 2023
Ministry prep
Hearing that word, we might not initially think of it as a go-to-destination.
Dry. Desolate. Deprived of resources.
I know, I just made the desert sound really appealing!
But from a spiritual stand-point, we could say that the desert is:
-distraction free to focus on God
-space for devotion to God
-opportunity to depend on God
And our good friend Jesus took a trip there.
Boom, right after baptisim, Jesus took a right turn into the desert. For 40 days. Not 40 minutes. Not 40 hours. But 40 whole days.
Let's also not miss the fact that this passage tells us that Jesus was led there "by the Holy Spirit".
Okay. Scene set. Let's dive into this desert thing a bit more. God, led His Son, who is also God, into the desert by the Spirit. The whole trinity was present in working out God's will here. Jesus went in obedience to what God called Him to do. So, into the desert He went.
For OVER a month. Jesus' place of residency was in the desolate, distraction-free desert.
What was the point of that?
The spiritual deserts of our life that God may lead us to walk through-- maybe for a time, not just a split second-- are a training ground. An unpleasant as it is to have a season of time in the desert, God has His reasons.
It could be a time of preparation. It could be a time of teaching. It could be a time of eliminating distractions so you can hear His voice. It could be a time of learning how to be completely dependent on God.
A season in the desert will move us to desire and seek to draw on the only source of Living Water. (John 4). I hope we can find hope in this today, my friends. Seasons in the desert aren't meant to destroy us or discourage our faith. They're not a vacation either. But maybe, it's a chance to vacate some things in our life we don't need anymore. We can learn spiritually to pack light and draw our strength from the source of Life Himself.
Jesus, having the full strength of God walked through a season in the desert-- depending completely on His Father. We too, can follow in His footsteps, devotion in following Jesus, even if it is right into the desert.
Wednesday || March 8 || 2023
Solid as a Rock
One of my favorite movies is Home Alone #2. Yes, I may be closer to 40 and this movie still ranks up there! I guess I'm just a kid at heart ;)
Anyhow, there is a scene mid-way through the movie where Marv (the tall one, played by Daniel Stern), is attempting to build a tower of "stuff" in order to climb up out of the basement level.
Marv makes this precarious tower of wobbly stuff-- lumpy boxes, some old furniture, and if my memory serves me, I think a guitar case in there somewhere! As Marv climbs up his stack of stuff, inevitability the tower gives way and gives out any kind of support is was providing. Legs dangling, Marv then scrapes with his upper half to pull himself up onto the ground floor. If that isn't funny enough, this happens a second time with both Marv & Harry. Marv thinks he's "worked the kinks out" of his second time of building, confirming it's "solid as a rock."
The little scene I shared is hilarious, to say the least. But as I mull over what happened to Marv and Harry, it brought to mind a spiritual parallel.
How often are we trying to build up a foundation of some things and we then try to stand on it? Thinking it will support the weight of our life, worries, feelings, and even our hope? A life that is built upon anything but the firm foundation of Jesus is sure to come tumbling down, just like that movie scene. I don't think I need to go into a list of things we shouldn't build our life on. I think the Lord has a way of gently showing us what might need to shift. My prayer that I will partner with today's bible-gram is this: Lord, please give us the strength to seek you as our firm foundation. You are the Solid Rock that I can build my life on and can give my faith the firm footing that it needs. We love you. Amen.
Tuesday || March 7 || 2023
Harvest Humility
Bible-gram #5 of our series: Life-giving Lessons from Creation.
We really dug down deep for this one!
Today's bible-gram features the humble carrot.
I bet you're excited to find out how a carrot bible-gram can help us in our faith! The carrot. Buried below the surface. Growing from a small seed in dirt. Shaped like an arrow that has roots reaching deeper still.
I can see why it's called the humble carrot. To point out the obvious, it does grow in dirt.
Like a carrot, humility is buried below the surface. Unseen, unnoticed & unknown. Humility is a hard thing-- that is for sure! Humility, character that is below the surface, stands in stark contrast to a society that says being seen and constant recognized is the life that we want to live. Or that it says that's success.
But our gracious God honors the heart that holds onto humility. He sees below the surface and knows the humility that is growing. Let's honor God by cultivating a heart of humility. The visual and visceral imprint of a carrot's position before it's plucked from the ground can certainly help!
Monday || March 6 || 2023
Vibrant faith
Sunshine is the best!
The warmth. The light. The beams reaching out. The brightness. All the things!
As I was mulling over what to share with you today, I got to thinking. As bright and cheery and colorful as today's bible-gram is, there are days that I don't feel like my faith shines like that.
Not to be Debbie-downer, but sometimes my faith isn't radiating the truth that I know about. But God in His grace walked me through inadequacy I felt in my own faith journey sometimes. How can I encourage others to shine Jesus' love + character when I don't always do that myself?
Well, that's when God enlightened me! (no pun intended!)
In the days I feel more like a dark cloud than a bright light, I am realizing I am trying to be my own source of strength. We each have the privilege to shine Jesus' light is because it is Him who lives in us. He is the vibrant source of light in our faith! The victory that Jesus won gave each of us a vibrant new life.
Jesus, as the Son, is the source of our shine.
We are the vessel that carries His vibrant, victorious Living Light inside of us! (John 1:1-5, John 8:12). So, maybe like me, you too have had some not so sun-shiny days in your faith journey. Friend, that is A-OK! Remember that the True Source of light still lives in you and His light will never, ever go out. Amen? Amen.
Friday || March 3 || 2023
Solitude Speaks
Combing over the Gospels during my devotion time has been a wonderful rhythm that I was introduced to a couple of years ago.
A chapter a day, a sentence a day, or even stretching the 4 books of the Gospel over the course of a year have been deeply enriching ways I've spent time learning about Jesus.
The Gospels are a wonderful collective, not comprehensive, view of Jesus' life from four accounts that include His words and ways.
Today's Bible-gram points to a detail about Jesus from the Gospel Mark that is both descriptive & prescriptive.
Early in the morning, Jesus steps seeming "off scene" to a secluded place to pray.
What can we glean from this single sentence in Scripture about Jesus?
He put God first in His day. He prioritized time with God. He prayed.
Jesus made a deliberate point to have devotion time with His Father! He made the sacrifice to get up early, step away from the distractions, and spend time seeking God. Scripture doesn't set the exact scene of the secluded location. I took the liberty of putting a little mountain scene in today's Bible-gram to help us embrace the peace and solace that Jesus was seeking.
We might not have a lush outdoor space or a nearby mountain to run off to to have devotion time with God. But maybe we can find a "go to spot" to time to spend time with the Lord.
Jesus set a precedent for us in seeking God's presence. Jesus, God the Son, showed us the importance of having time with the Father. That time of solitude no doubt filled His soul, shaped His mind , and set His focus for the day.
Let us also pick up this practice. Set aside some time for soul solitude with the Lord. Whether in nature or in a nook in your house--- and see how God speaks to you.
Thursday || March 2 || 2023
Sunrise Says
The sun rises, every single day.
Whether we witness it or not. Whether there are clouds or not. Whether it's a good day, or not so good day.
The sunrise is habitual, routine, and a reminder.
In one of my beloved Bible verses, we are reminded that God's love comes for us every single day.
No matter what! God's mercy and love start anew & is available to us each and every day.
If time and weather permits-- watch the sunrise sometime this week. Right before you step outside and witness it, steep yourself in Lamentations 3:22-23. Soak in the first rays of the day, along with God's shining love for you.
Wednesday || March 1 || 2023
Glide on God's strength
Happy March, friends!
Today is day #1 of our new series: Life-giving Lessons from Creation (Part 1).
We are filled with excitement over here at ODE to share this new series of Bible-grams with you!
The premise of this series is to be able to look at the amazing and wonderful things that God has created and how they can inspire us and teach us more in our faith walk.
You will see sunshine, to animals to roots in this series and God's Word certainly delivers some really beautiful messages for us! Also, this series has so much content to be shared, we felt that it wasn't fair to tie it up in a single series! This series will have *part 2* coming out in April, after a break for Easter.
So today's Bible-gram.
You may have come to notice, I love birds. All the birds. The beauty, the variety, the colors and one other fact-- they can fly! (most birds, anyway :) )
Anyhow, our bird-friend today looks like to be floating. Gliding along on the wind that is elevating him into the clouds. Carried by an invisible strength.
To me, this is a beautiful image of trust. The bird did initially flap his wings to get started and get up into the air. But now, he seems to be content with trusting how the wind will guide him along.
In our faith, God extends the same invitation to us in today's passge found in Isaiah. God lets us know that we can in fact open our wings and rely on His strength to help us soar!
Maybe today in faith, you need to: Just open your wings. Or stop flapping your wings so hard. Maybe it's just time to start gliding under God's gracious strength.
Wherever we are in our faith journey, we can keep in mind that God is our strength. It may be unseen to others, but we know we are fully supported by the winds of His strength.
Tuesday || February 28 || 2023
Best Seller
I can't believe that today is our last day in the You are SO loved bible-gram series!
This month has absolutely flown by and it has been a delight sharing this series of God's incredible love with you.
This may be the close to this series, but it's not the end of the story!
God's love for us is continually spelled out through the over-arching story in the Bible. We gave a small sampling this month of passages that tell of His love, and I pray that it encouraged you to keep looking in God's Word to discover more of it.
God loves us, and with His love, He has laid out His precious purposes, for each of us, beforehand. Each of our lives are a book-- a beautiful story that is apart of God's plan, already in His library.
Some books might be thick. Some books may have lots of chapters in them. Some books might have a binding that's coming apart. Some books might be a sliver thick but with intricate detail. Some books might only have a single sentence in them.
Whatever the length, detail, or size of our story, God the Author of life wrote it and has a beautiful purpose in mind.
We each have a story, with our life, that can tell of God's love. And you know what? Your story is already a best-seller and God was the first one to have a copy and put it on His bookshelf.
We have the privilege to share our story (filled with God's love) and show it to others. Let's allow the story of our life be highlighted with God's love. However long or short our story is, it can certainly tell of God's love.
Press into His love today, and moving forward friend. God's written a beautiful story of your life because He loves you and has great plans for you. Ask Him how you can tell the story of His love, today.
Monday || February 27 || 2023
Taller Than
A while back, Tom and I started hiking.
This adventure and soul-filling activity actually grew organically after my college volleyball career. I had a big knee injury, and now 7 knee surgeries later, it was a nudge to find another option to stay active.
And honestly?
Hiking has been such an incredible gift! Between hiking with my best friend, children, being out in nature, and going on these adventures-- it has been nothing but a big time blessing.
Last year, Tom and I tacked the "Top of Texas" together. The 2.5 hour hike to the peak of Guadalupe Mountain left me sitting speechless and overcome with tears. Between the adrenaline to reach the top and overcoming some big-time fears-- all that could surface was a big smile and tears rolling down my face.
As we sat there, we could look out for miles at the beautiful landscape of Texas that surrounded us. I took in how high we were from the ground. Our car looked like an ant, way off in the distance. I even felt close enough that I could reach up and touch the clouds! The vast blue sky wrapped around the mountain every way we looked. It was absolutely incredible!
As I reflect on that mountain-top hike, I will always have the visceral memory of the size of God's love for each of us. As big and tall as that mountain is, God's love for us is even bigger!
Let's just say it's monumental :)
Today's bible-gram and passage can point us to the exact height of God's love for us: higher than the heavens!
Friday || February 24 || 2023
Under His Wing
This puffy blue bird though!
This little guy looks so warm, comforting, and that he'd offer a good wing that would offer anyone covering that was seeking it.
I think if I could pick a seat in today's bible-gram, it would be right up under this blue bird's wing, nuzzled and tucked in close.
Like this bird, God also has a welcoming wing for us to find refuge-- right under His protective wing.
Allow God's wingspan, one that goes far and wide, welcome us in the space tucked right in next to Him.
Thursday || February 23 || 2023
Knit together
I came from a family and married into one that has many hand-crafting women.
Seamstresses. Quilters. Crocheters. Maybe the occasional knitter.
Between all of my lovely relatives, I've been fortunate enough to witness the making of various hand-made gifts over the years. Beautiful pieces that were sewn, crocheted or delicately held together by some kind of yarn or thread.
Each item that was made by their careful hands showcased the time, thought and intricate detail that went into making it. The colors, pattern, and choice of fabric was unique to each item made.
As we look at God and Who He is as our Creator, Psalm 139 gives us an excellent idea of how He intricately and individually fabricated each of us.
The verb used in this particular passage is knit.
"Knit together in our mother's womb." I love that so much!
I envision God's carefulness, incredible attention to each detail and the time that went into making each of us. He uses this technique every time, including the love that He knits in with it.
Wednesday || February 22 || 2023
All of us
Jesus' mission includes each and every one of us.
Tuesday || February 21 || 2023
Original Designs
The summer before I went to college I worked in a cupcake liner factory (true story!) This job taught me many things-- hard work, diligence, and consistency to name a few.
But one thing, I noticed though.
I might be overstating the obvious, but it was the same thing, over and over. Day in and day out.
Same product. Same motions. Same. Same. Same.
I felt like some days working there were a carbon copy of the previous day. Repetition is a good method for teaching, but it does lack orginality.
As I was thinking about my time doing factory work, I tried to envision the factory that God has when He handmakes, crafts, and creates each of us.
It is far different than the one I experienced, that is for sure!
God doesn't have a factory with an assembly line of the same parts and models for every person. There isn't just one singular mold that He uses to make each of us.
God uses custom molds and orginal designs, every single time! God as our Creator, is creative in hand-making and designing each one of us. We're not carbon copies of the previous person. We are uniquely, originally designed by our Creative Father--and created with qualities that are in His image, and no one else's!
Monday || February 20 || 2023
Beyond Borders
Beyond borders.
Bigger than any box.
Breaks through any barrier.
God's love, that is!
We are God's beloved (children) and He absolutely loves to bless us with His unbelievable love.
Let's start our day with this foundational truth of our faith and build our actions based on God's boundless love for us.
Friday || February 17 || 2023
And every single day to follow.
Thursday || February 16 || 2023
Totally within reach
There are SO many places to see, discover, and explore on this greenish-blue ball in which we all live.
God gave us a pretty awesome place to live, this side of heaven.
I mean, the landscape that covers the globe has countless places to check out! It's all very exciting and overwhelming at the same time to think about.
One would think that since there are so many of us and how huge our home Earth is, that it would be possible for God to lose track of us. We could think he doesn't see us, miss us, or wasn't really sure what our address was in some remote residence.
That couldn't be farther from the truth!
Even though we reside in millions of places and spaces, we are never beond the Lord's loving reach!
I can't give the exact dimensions of God's wingspan, but I would say it's wide enough to wrap around the whole world, and then some!
We can find comfort and notice God's compassion through this passage. Our God who is incredibly big and oversees the whole world-- can reach each one of us, regardless of where we are.
We are seen, known, and never out of His loving reach.
Wednesday || February 15 || 2023
Hand-made is the best!
I can't believe that we are half way with our You are SO loved bible-gram series already!
This month we've been exploring God's infinite and incredible love for each of us.
Thus far, I hope each of us has been able to discover we are:
completely His
held close to Him
made in His image
created down to the tiniest detail
loved beyond measure
hand-made by His hand
God's hand and heart is into every inch of us! Now that is love that we can be grateful for, hands down!
Tuesday || February 14 || 2023
Best Song ever
Prayer for today that this bible-gram is a sweet reminder of God's love for us is music to our ears, heart, and soul.
Monday || February 13 || 2023
Carried close
Completely cared for. Carried when we can't walk. Covered with unlimited compassion.
Today, each day, and everyday-- we have Someone near us who can carry out each of those actions.
Jesus affirms this truth from Isaiah through His I am statement of being the Good Shepherd found in John 10.
The Good Shepherd guards, protects, and goes after each of His sheep until they are safe in His loving and compassionate presence.
Part of Jesus' job is to care for God's children. And He does it through compassion, empathy, and carrying us close in His presence through the Holy Spirit.
Curl up to the Good Shepherd. Rest you head on His shoulder. His comforting presence will always be there to carry you close.
Friday || February 10 || 2023
The Power of 3
WE are made in God's image.
All of us. Everyone ever made. Everyone ever to be made. No exclusions. Full inclusion.
For my friends newer on their faith journey, God is 3 in 1.
The power of 3. All rolled into One. Cool, Right?!
God the Father. God the Son. God the Holy Spirit.
This Genesis passage points us to the powerful truth and promise that WE are, all of us, are made in HIS image. Yesterday's bible-gram was a nice lead in for today's devotion. Yesterday we discovered how God is an Artist, Creator and Craftsman. Our God, Who creates and designs beautiful masterpieces also puts parts of His image into every single design! His fingerprints are weaved, painted and molded right into each of us.
What a privilege and opportunity we have to display our Triune God's creative hand and image through our life, today.
Thursday || February 9 || 2023
Take a moment with me to imagine our Awesome God as our Artist.
He stands back from His canvas, palette in hand, paintbrush in the other. He takes a prolonged pause to admire each brush stroke of beauty, character and unique quality He artfully created on that canvas.
A smile grows across His face. Deep joy floods + fills His heart.
"This is my masterpiece" He says as He takes in the entirety of what he just created.
God, the Artist of each of us, says that after each unique, beautiful and carefully crafted human life He creates.
We are God's masterpiece my friend!
Each one of us are a work of ark that God designed and desires to be displayed.
Wednesday || February 8 || 2023
Beyond Measure
Here's a fun fact :)
Jesus was a carpenter.
You know, the kind that measured things, and built stuff? (I know, I sound really technical right now!)
Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing that Jesus was very familiar with measuring tools! I'm also sure He would be impressed by the fancy measuring tools that modern day carpenters & wood-workers use today.
So, today's bible-gram. It says that God's love for us is beyond measure. That's a thinker.
There isn't a yardstick, ruler or measuring tape that is long enough to extend to the length of God's love.
We can't measure God's love in increments or inches, but this passage does tell us that it is infinite.
God's love is limitless and beyond measure because God Himself is love (1 John 4:7-8).
This side of heaven, we have a tendency to want to measure things. But in God's economy, His love is something we can't put a number on. Just know that it is limitless, beyond measure and ALWAYS abounding for each one of us. I invite you today friend, to wrap yourself up in every inch of God's love found in today's passage. Prayers that you come to experience the full measure of God's love. Amen.
Tuesday || February 7 || 2023
Carefully made
What do you think of when you hear the word comfort?
Maybe it's:
Sweatpants + netflix + popcorn
favorite food + family
A big hug + shopping with your BFF
There are certainly countless comforts out there!
But maybe I can introduce you to just one more way of finding comfort. One that is covered in God's love and care.
Resting in the truth that we are loved and created with a purpose as God's children.
Read that again. Maybe whisper "I am" in lieu of "we are".
Mull it over and see how it sits with you.
Whether it's your first or fortieth time hearing that, it still rings true!
Today's bible-gram is meant to be a sweet reminder that God cares for and created each of us for a wonderful purpose! And in that incredible truth, we can find comfort.
We are deeply cared for. We are created with a purpose. We are called God's children.
This verse is an excerpt from chapter 43 in Isaiah where God was reminding His children ( the Israelites) the same thing.
It basically reads: "I love you, I care for you, and I've created you with a beautiful purpose!"
Ongoing comfort is available from our Heavenly Father. The truth behind why He creaed each of us is simply incredible. Be reminded of this today, my friend!
Comfort in God's truth is the coziest place to be.
Monday || February 6 || 2023
More than sand?!
Happy Monday friends!
Today is #4 in our series: You are SO loved.
We may be mid-winter, but we can let our mind travel to the beach as we think about the truth in today's bible-gram.
Before we dip our toes into the sand, I want to throw out a question.
Have you ever wanted to know what God is thinking?
I have, for sure. Many times. And I'm sure I will many more times in life.
In our wondering, we may want to know exactly what God was or is thinking. Or maybe we want to know the whys or hows something happened in life to use or to those around us.
Our mind can certainly bend thinking about wanting to know exactly what God thinks!
But that's just it.
Our brains weren't designed to know, hold or understand every single thought our Heavenly Father has. I know this goes against our knowledge seeking, gathering and analyzing culture. We have systems, programs and technology in place that allow us to find out and learn the ins and outs of everything!
But God, who's thoughts literally outnumber the grains of sand, has infinite knowledge, wisdom and thoughts. I don't think we could even begin to count the grains of sand if we were to scoop up some sand in a teaspoon.
The truth that God has infinite thoughts isn't meant to boggle our minds. Maybe it's an opportunity for us to take a break on trying to figure out and think out every possible thing. God's got it. His thoughts are numerous and beyond what any beach can hold.
Yes, on this side of heaven we will for sure be filled with all kinds of questions. Heck, we probably have enough questions that outnumber the sand! But maybe today we can start to bask in this truth and find peace that our omniscient Father knows what's best, infinitely.
Friday || February 3 || 2023
Life is Precious
Life is a gift that God gives to us-- physically + spiritually. Thankful for this beautiful reminder and intersection of this incredible truth, today.
Let's stand at the crossroads of pondering the gift of Jesus' life for us. This passage points to Mary treasuring early moments of Jesus' birth-- what a beautiful image! We too, can value, ponder and treasure in our hearts, too.
Thursday || February 2 || 2023
Down to the Fingertip
We are designed with incredible beauty, detail-- down to our very fingertips :)
Wednesday || February 1 || 2023
You are SO LOVED
Happy Wednesday + February, friends!
To say that we are excited, humbled + grateful at Open Door Encouragement to share this month's new line of Bible-grams with you is an understatement!
Let's just say this is a large, variegated ball of emotion and gratitude for this "You are SO LOVED" series!
The way that God led for this bible-gram series to be made is nothing short of His divine appointment. From the source of inspiration, to the bible verses that give the back-bone to each bible-gram, they are certainly an arrow that points back to God, as our loving Creator.
We may have questions about our own life, or those lives that are around us.
What is our purpose? How do we each tie into God's overarching kingdom story? What details make me so special?
My prayer, sweet friend, is that through this series of 20 bible-grams this month, we will have a bigger, broader view of the landscape that God has painted for our life and the love that He has for each of us.
I think the designs and the verse paired with each bible-gram this month will help us tie together threads of beauty that are weaved throughout God's Word.
I'm so glad you're here and I hope you know, today and forever more, that you are SO LOVED by God.
Tuesday || January 31 || 2023
Keep going!
I can't believe it's the last day of January! And the final day of our black + white bible-gram series.
I hope this month has lifted, inspired, and invigorated your faith with these little tokens of truth :)
It's been a joy making and sharing each one of these. My prayer is that the Lord continues to stir in our hearts a deep-seeded devotion that desires to seek Him-- each and every day.
As far as our next theme and series, that starts tomorrow!
We're beyond thrilled and and humbled here at Open Door Encouragement to start our new series: You are SO LOVED.
Keep an eye out, it starts Wednesday!
P.S: If you are looking to order any bible-gram prints, please send an e-mail ( or DM us through our FB page )
Monday || January 30 || 2023
Silence the shouts
I read something in my morning devotions that blew my hair back, just a bit.
I thought I'd share with you, because, well, it lined up so divinely with today's bible-gram.
To zoom you in on what I've been reading-- "A Year with Jesus" by [Eugene] Peterson. I'm at the beginning of Matthew 4, right after Jesus spent time in the desert and then was tempted by satan.
Peterson then comments how Jesus begins His ministry, right after these events. But you want to know the thing I read that blew my mind?
Peterson writes: "Thoroughly prepared BY the temptations..." (all caps, mine).
I have NEVER, ever thought of temptations as a preparation tool. Ever!
I'm still reeling over here! If anything, temptations feel like the enemy's sneaky, under-handed, and tricky way to trip us up! (Which, they are.) But what if-- what if instead, when moments of temptation pop up, we take a breath and lean into the opportunity that it presents.
Temptation is an opportunity to turn to God's truth.
Jesus gives us THE example and certainly used those 3 (lame attempts, if you as me) by satan as a training ground to exhort God's Word.
Jesus didn't yell. Jesus didn't have a melt down. Jesus didn't turn and run from it.
Jesus stood there and told the TRUTH over each temptation.
THEN, He told satan to beat it.
I love this so much!
Temptation or times of testing don't have to tease how strong our spiritual muscles are. We have the opportunity to flex God's truth in the face of temptation. I mean, who needs weapons of mass destruction when God's truth, His Word-- the Bible-- is a sword itself (Hebrews 4:12). Words spoken in wisdom, from God's Word is the way to talk down times of temptation. We are trained for times of temptation through each moment we meet God in His Word.
And when the time comes, God will guide us in His Word through the help from the Holy Spirit. Now, that is something worth shouting (praises) about!
Friday || January 27 || 2023
Baby steps is where it's at!
Yup, the little ones. Small. Feels heavy + hard at first. Then wobbly with excitement.
Even though the first few baby steps of faith feel unbalanced + unsteady, we can use that momentum to keep going!
Fear in taking the first step may be at the forefront, FOR SURE, but we can use it as fuel to fire up our faith!
Let's channel our inner Bob Wiley (Bill Murray in What About Bob?) and whisper "baby steps" to ourselves to the next thing in faith our Father is pointing us to.
Baby steps to pick up the phone and make that call. Baby steps to walk through the door. Baby steps to find a pen and fill out the application. Baby steps to one kind gesture, in love.
We know baby steps we need to take. Let's hold on tight to Jesus' hand and He will walk with us while we take them.
Where will our baby steps of faith lead?
I can't say for sure, but with Jesus by our side, the possibilities are endless, and the direction is certainly divine!
Thursday || January 26 || 2023
the fight in our faith
Sharing one of my favorite bible-grams today! It was one of the first ones that was created and the encouragement and truth that it still speaks to me!
I hope the remake of this bible-gram speaks to you today, too my friend.
If I'm being honest, we all probably have the days we need a little pep talk. Some words of encouragement to keep going. There are 100% days we want to....
-throw in the towel
-not get back up
- not take another step
I'll admit, the punches life can throw our way somedays feels like a knock-out. But even on the hard-hitting days, the fight of our faith isn't measured in our strength. The fight of our faith to keep going comes from our good friend Jesus.
Our strength is found in Him.
He's standing in our corner.
He's ready with the towel + water.
He's ready to help pick us up and speak words of encouragement in our ear. He's telling us He will be with us each moment, of every round of life.
When we feel like we don't have the fight left in us, remember we always have Someone in our corner. Jesus is the best trainer-faith-encouraging-friend that we could ever ask for in our corner!
He no doubt will give us the strength we need to keep fighting the good fight!
Wednesday || January 25 || 2023
Daily Goal
A mind and heart set on the Lord, motivates and molds how we carry out our work each day.
Let's channel our heart + mind toward the Lord throughout our work today-- whatever it is! And then we can rest in the truth that those efforts hold on eternal value.
Tuesday || January 24 || 2023
Bunny Speed
Let's lead with our ears and having "bunny speed" to leap to others with the availability to listen :)
Leading with our ears isn't the easiest thing to do. Admittedly, I want to add in my "two cents" before taking the time to listen-- or completely listen to what is being shared with me.
God as our Creator made things on purpose with a purpose. I am smiling that in His creative genius, He gave us two ears and only one mouth. I guess we could say He's allowing for us to have twice as much opportunity or availability to lend a listening ear.
Monday || January 23 || 2023
Obedience Outgrows
There's a word in the Bible that is linked to doing something, driven by faith, and leans hard on the Lord's leading. Let me rephrase that. It leans completely on the Lord's leading.
What is this word, you might ask?
A friend in the Bible that exudes all-out obedience and all-in faith in God, is Abraham. It doesn't matter how many times that I've read through Genesis chapter 22, it cuts to the core of me every single time and the big time faith and obedience that Abraham demonstrates.
Everything from the request that God asks of Abraham, the immediate action, urgency, and obedience that he takes to follow through on God's direction. Apologies if this is a spoiler, but what God asks Abraham to do was 1,000% a sacrificial step of obedience.
Sacrificial in the sense that God was asking Abraham to give up the most important thing in his life-- his only son. This chapter pulls at every single thread in my heart as a mom and a parent.
I'm sure those of you reading this are probably nodding your head in agreement that our children are our worlds! They are a piece of us and they are a beautiful gift from God! And God asked Abraham to do something that sounds crazy. To go and sacrifice his only son Isaac. If you're not familiar with Abraham and his wife Sarah's back story-- it took them forever to conceive Isaac. Sarah was barren for a longggg time. And then God blessed A + S with Isaac when they were the age of grand-parents. Actually, great-grandparents. So I can only imagine the gravity of this request, especially since they had such a difficult time conceiving their only child.
But obedience and faith go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. Faith is having confidence-- aka trust in God. (Hebrews 11:1) Obedience is an offering of our faith that comes out in action (James 2:14). With that being said, Abraham exemplified faith and obedience by carrying out what God called him to do-- despite not knowing the outcome. This was definitely outside Abrahams comfort zone by a million miles. But through Abraham's relationship with God and love for Him, Abraham trusted God that he could take those sacrificial steps of obedience. That day, Abraham showed us that in our faith journey our obedience has to outgrow our comfort zone to following the Lord's will for our life.
So as you're gathering, obedience feels outrageous. It seems crazy. It doesn't make sense! Even the audience around us might not understand.
The Bible doesn't give us the text for the conversation (if there was one) between Abraham and his wife Sarah before he left on his journey with Isaac. I'm sure we could imagine that it wasn't filled with excitement or eagerness. If anything, Sarah was probably confused, concerned, and I would guess completely crushed!
But faith that says yes to stepping out of it's comfort zone has deep seeded trust and obedience to our omnipotent God. Obedience allows our omniscient and omnipotent God to oversee our life. Direct our steps. Obedience trusts God to have an open heart with where he is leading and what he needs us to do. We might not have the full step by step plan with what God is going to do with our steps of obedience, but we can trust that He will and can provide for us in unusual and unexpected ways.
If you're on the edge of your seat wondering about the follow through and aftermath of God's request, sift through the verses to see how God provides for Abraham and Isaac. It is beautiful, poetic and perfect. Also, a wonderful parallel that points to how God later provided His only Son as our eternal sacrifice for salvation.
Friend, I'm praying big prayers today. For you. For me. For each of us to have an open heart for obedience that says yes despite the sacrifice in the steps God calls us to take to follow Him.
Friday || January 20 || 2023
Grateful for this glorious truth and gift!
I am pretty excited about how this bible-gram print turned out and how it looks on the oak stand :)
Thursday || January 19 || 2023
He talks to us
It spoke to the prophets THEN
and it speaks to us TODAY
God's Word, that is :)
When you have a moment, flip to 1 Samuel 1 or one of the dithered passages (on the left hand side of today's Bible-gram). Then head to Hebrews 4:12, as it is a great partner passage with today's Bible-gram.
Let's be open to God's Word and how He openly speaks to us through it, today. Amen? Amen!
Wednesday || January 18 || 2023
He notices!
Happy Wednesday!
I pray that this message of encouragement meets you right where you're at today, friends!
Keep going :)
Our efforts make an eternal difference, even when we can't see tangible results. God certainly sees our earnest desire to do His will, keep going, and take those steps of faith-- each day.
Tuesday || January 17 || 2023
ALLLLL the sheep
I think one my favorite (of many!) names that Jesus has is The Good Shepherd.
As The Good Shepherd, He is the One who seeks us out, even when we've strayed and wandered. We're never too far from him to access. We're never "too lost" for us to find. Jesus came to seek and save each and everyone of His sheep. Take a gander at Luke 15 to read about the loving way Jesus wants to seek, love and care for each one of us.
Monday || January 16 || 2023
Faith shoes are meant to take steps
In 5th grade I can remember walking around the mall with my family after they bought me a new pair of shoes at Foot Locker.
I was so excited about my new kicks, my parents even let me wear them right out of the store! They were black nike hightops with a little white nike swoosh on each side.
Super cool, I know! ;-) ( I obviously was a trend-setter in my early years. Also, my sister had the same exact pair!
Anyhow, as we left the store, I distinctly remember checking out everyone else's shoes that day at the mall. Every person we passed, I was looking at the style, color, and kind they had-- and for some reason I was mesmerized
I think in some way their shoes were telling me a story, a little narrative about the person wearing them.
What if we took a peek at the shoes we're wearing in our faith journey?
What would they say?
What kind of story would they tell us?
Would the shoes we wear be a testimony to the steps of faith we have taken? Would they have years of good ole wear and tear because of the times spent serving and helping others. Or maybe they're squeaky clean and look like they haven't been out of the box yet?
Whatever the condition you feel like your shoes of faith are in today, that's exactly OK!
But maybe you want to start using your shoes of faith more. Well friend, I'm here with you. We can certainly slip on our faith shoes, together.
We can take a step. A little hop. Maybe even job. Run if we want! While we start to journey in our faith shoes we can know that we have the privilege of Jesus' presence being present, and the opportunity to take steps that follow in His likeness, today.
Friday || January 13 || 2023
footsteps, fellowship & faith
Taking the first step sometimes is the hardest!
We might fall. We might fail. We may be fearful of the results (or lack thereof).
These statements all may be true in taking a step of faith in the direction the Lord is leading each of us. But a step of faith is placing trust in the Lord despite the immediate and initial results.
Faith summons the strength to take the scary first step-- and then some more--by staying in close fellowship with Jesus. Since fellowship is a fancy word for friendship, I think we can find comfort in that. Staying close to Jesus, seeking His presence right where our feet are-- we do find in fact that Jesus is standing with us. Jesus is ready to take those steps of faith WITH us.
Saying a prayer for the footsteps of faith each of us are called to step into, with Jesus, today. Amen.
Thursday || January 12 || 2023
C x 3
I think today's Bible-gram speaks for itself :)
Wednesday || January 11 || 2023
New Heights
Taking on a new challenge or something that is really difficult for us-- mentally, physically, emotionally-- is well, challenging!
The new challenge probably highlights things we feel like we can't do. Or it's stretching us so much that it's uncomfortable.
The new challenge puts us in a place we've never been before-- likely out of our comfort zone.
In our faith walk, if God left us in the same place and never presented us with new challenges (or opportunities!), would our faith grow?
The challenges we are given in life have the opportunity to change us. In the process of the new challenge, God has the chance to grow, stretch, and cultivate more Christ like character in us. We can allow life's new and difficult challenges to encourage us to cling to God and see where He takes us!
Let's press in today, friends. Let's rise to the new challenges that God lays in front of us. Let's experience the new height of faith He wants us to discover!
The view and what we get to experience from the challenge of hiking up that mountain like challenge is worth the climb!
Tuesday || January 10 || 2023
Uno mas!
During my sophomore year of high school club volleyball season, my teammates and I had a saying that we would all yell together after we did a team huddle.
"Uno mas!"
Meaning, "one more" in Spanish.
This became our team mantra throughout that club season. It certainly was fun to say, and the meaning behind it helped us capitalize on the importance of "one more".
One more game. One more good play. One more good serve. One more good pass. And so on!
Just one.
From there, I guess you could say the little seed was planted in my mind about the power of "one more". From that point, through my years of being high school and later a collegiate athlete, the power of one more spread through many areas of my life. ( We can say things came full circle when I was assigned the #1 when I played college in volleyball :) ).
Anyhow, one may seem small, insignificant even. But in God's economy, it is a BIG number. One. And God never overlooks any one. Each one of us, God's beautiful children created in His image, are so important to Him! God has more than enough room for each of us in His flock.
I have no doubts that our Heavenly Father enjoys and even echoes my volleyball team's mantra of "uno mas!" each and every day.
Moday || January 9 || 2023
They seem to grow where they want.
How they want.
Wildflowers may even grow with weeds, but it doesn't make them any less beautiful.
They seem to be the rogue friends of the flower family.
Maybe we each have felt like a wildflower, a time or two. I know I've had many.
But believe it or not, God can cultivate and grow beauty from the "wildflower moments" in each of our lives. A season of life as a wildflower-- or even many seasons-- never eliminates us from the Expert Florist from using us.
Based on God's history, it's not a stretch to call Him an Expert Florist. We can take a moment to consider the beauty He arranged through the lives of many Biblical friends. David, Abraham, Moses, and Paul, to name a few.
I hope you are finding comfort in this wonderful truth today friend, as I am!
Let's take a moment to thank God for His grace and for never giving up on us, despite all of our past (and future) wildflower moments.
Friday || January 6 || 2023
prayer partner
I can remember several times sitting in John & Barb Fehl's living room on a Thursday night for YFC (youth for Christ) in high school.
I can't tell you how much those years of the fellowship with John, Barb, (Marv!) and other area students meant to me. There is a laundry list of wonderful memories I am thankful for and what I could share with you.
One thing in particular, though, I remember. Deep grooves of this practice are in my memory bank.
What I leanred. What I witnessed. I am so grateful that I got the chance to experience.
Every week, we ended our gathering in prayer. John and Barb would take prayer requests and write them on a board, and then we would join hands, and as we felt led, we could say a prayer. I was floored and blown away at the spoken prayers. At the same time, I also recognized the power of the silent ones, too.
I realized it then, that prayer didn't have a script. It didn't have a recipe. Prayer was however you wanted to talk to God.
In words. In silence. In tears. In thank yous. In head nods.
Because the cool thing about prayer is that it's not just us that's doing it. The Holy Spirit links arms with us and intercedes with us-- on our behalf.
Especially the wordless ones.
Prayer can be a scary or intimidating thing for some. And that is OK! When we feel that way, we can trust that the Holy Spirit holds us close, and knows our heart and helps us! We don't have to be polished and perfect or even a good speaker or say some "fancy prayer." We can press into this beautiful truth that the Holy Spirit knows our heart and willingly helps us convey what is on our heart, to our loving Father.
And you really want to know something?
All those years of prayer at the end of Thursday night YFC gatherings, I learned to pray, despite never speaking one out loud myself.
Thursday || January 4 || 2023
Push out temptation
Thankful for this truth, today!
Wednesday || January 4 || 2023
No holding back
What if our faith went all out? Pursued and pushed to put God's will first and into focus?
That is a big thought, that is for sure!
There have been many a times that I've pushed forward on doing something, something that wasn't inherently bad, but something that I thought was best for me. I would go after it, take steps to do the thing-- and then later I'd find myself either asking for God's help or seeking his stamp of approval on my plans.
Maybe you can relate?
Surrendering to God's sovereign plans for our lives isn't necessarily the intuitive thing to do. Surrendering may require us to stop, pause, ponder, and pray.... and then sometimes wait!
But in that process of seeking God, staying close to Him in Scripture-- He will speak to us. God doesn't talk and lead each of us in the same way-- it's not a recipe. Each of our plans are individualized, intricate and designed for each of us. God has knitted each one of us-- His children-- into His sovereign plans. And the neat thing?
God already has it figured out.
Check out Psalm 139--- God lays it out right there!
Saying a prayer for you, friend, as I wrap up this little devotion. I'm saying a prayer for you as you read this-- that you are able to pause and ponder the sweet fact that you are incredibly loved and God deeply desires for you to step into His sovereign plans for your life. First, by surrendering to His will and His way-- today. Amen? Amen.
Tuesday || January 3 || 2023
Triple S
Jesus is our Good Shepherd and provides us the triple S:
Security, safety & salvation.
Let's take a moment today and soak in these simple, but soul-satisfying truths!
Below is a Bible-gram print of today's digital Bible-gram, with the colors flipped! Enjoy :)
Monday || January 2 || 2023
Faith has an appetite
New Year.
New Month.
New Day.
Same God.
We are kicking off the new month + year with a brand new Bible-gram series.
Our series will be based around black and white Bible-grams for the whole month of January.
These bible-grams may only have two colors, but they will not be lacking in impact, truth, or encouragement for our faith! God's Word does speak for itself, so this month at Open Door Encouragement we really want to highlight that.
Today's bible-gram is "faith has an appetite". Let's have a big appetite to serve and help others as God leads us!
Take a look at this month's featured bible-gram as a print too; in our favorite format: a printed 4x4 inch design with craft cardstock backing :)
Friday || December 2 || 2022
December's Favorite Soul-Shaping THings
Happy Friday!
Today is our last post for 2022 and we thought a good way to wrap up our theme is to finish with December's Favorite Soul-Shaping Things!
Each month at Open Door Encouragement this year, we have shared some of our favorite songs, books + podcasts along with a themed passage and bible-gram.
Our hope in sharing has been to help guide, encourage and inspire you along your faith journey. God has created so many beautiful creatives that share His good word in a multitude of ways.
If you're looking for a previous month's list, click here.
2022 has been a gift in it of itself for Open Door Encouragement. God has led and grown us in so many ways, and helped us start our new adventure as a Marketplace Ministry! We look forward to serving you all and sharing more in 2023! We welcome prayers as my sister Rachel and I continue to explore how God wants to grow our small business and ways we can share, deliver and send bible-grams. So much love and gratitude for each of you!
Enjoy the True Joy of what God brings this Christmas season!
Until 2023,
Rachel & Mal
P.S. If you're wanting to do more bible-gram led devotions, head to the Bible-gram home page and find a topic that speaks to you :)
P.P.S. Sharing a little sneak peek of some of the bibe-grams that are currently hanging in my ODE workspace. (I'm just a little excited!)
Thursday || December 1 || 2022
Simple & beautiful
Happy December friends!
We are on day #4 of our theme, The Gift of Joy, and I am beyond excited to share today's bible-gram with you.
This bible-gram is a little extra special :)
Not only is it our monthly featured December bible-gram for Open Door Encouragement, but it's the Christmas-gram design that my mother-in-law inspired. So, a little shout out to her!
I hope the reminder of this simple, yet beautiful truth told in today's bible-gram speaks volumes for you as we move through the coming weeks.
Here is the 4 x4 inch bible-gram print on a linen #80 cover stock, with the 1/4" inch craft brown card-stock backing. I am overjoyed at how well these turned out! The simplicity is so beautiful and yet speaks such a wonderful message! Looking forward to making more bible-gram designs to print and assemble for friends and family to share.
Wednesday || November 30 || 2022
Best Gift ever
Day 3, in our theme The true gift of joy, takes us to a passage in John.
It may seem odd that today's bible-gram doesn't have a verse out of the "Christmas Story". But it fits well within our theme leading us up to Christmas, I promise!
But first, let me ask you this.
Have you ever planned to get a loved one a gift? Like, had something in mind for them-- that was really special, meaningful and also something you knew that they needed?
It feels really good, right?!
Personally, I get all the feels when I feel like I give a gift to a loved one and I "knocked it out of the park"!
Well, I think that it's safe to say that God feels the same way about giving His Son, Jesus, to us. Jesus is the genuine gift of that God always intended to give us.
And might I add, God completely crushed it-- like knocked it out of this world-- giving us Jesus! 🙌
So, from the beginning, way back when-- before we were even were created-- God had this in the works. It's incredible to know now that God knew us so intimately before we even came to be-- and already had planned to give us Jesus as a gift.
Jesus is the true gift of joy, grace, love, and light--- and was sent to live among us.
Read that again.
I'm getting all the feels thinking about how much God loves each of us to give that to us. Read John 1:14 today, and if you have time, look back to Genesis 1 & peruse Luke 2. Soak in God's truth and how the gift of Jesus demonstrates his genuine love for us.
Tuesday || November 29 || 2022
Always Treasure
Let's hold the true gift of joy, in our hearts, today. Amen? Amen.
Monday || November 28 || 2022
Bigger than any Box
Happy Monday, friends! Today, we're starting day 1 of our new theme, The Gift of Joy!
We are pretty excited to share these upcoming bible-grams with you all over the course of this week. Praying that this short, but impactful series will keep our hearts + minds on the true joy of the Christmas season.
God delivered us the greatest gift we could have ever received. Beyond the size of any box any bow could cover-- God gave us His Son, Jesus.
It is super exciting to share gifts with one another --even receive a few-- that is for sure!
But let's turn our hearts and minds toward remembering the *why* behind each of our gift giving and receiving this Christmas. That will certainly bring real joy in our hearts!
Just a little memo for those who follow along with our posts + sharing on social media:
1. Thank-you! We wouldn't be where we are today without your love + support! It means so much to us + we are so much encouraged by each of you!
2. Open Door Encouragement will be taking a Christmas social media break starting next week. Making margin for quiet and time to celebrate Christmas and for upcoming strategy and growth for ODE as a Marketplace Ministry!
Digital Bible-gram sharing on IG/FB and on the blog will resume after the first of the year :)
Friday || November 18 || 2022
Grateful for the daily details
Open Door Encouragement is rounding out the monthly theme of a harvest (and heart) of gratitude and good works today with this three-fer bible-gram from 2 Kings 4.
More of the emphasis probably has been on us, God's children in how we can have a harvest of gratitude and good works in our life of faith. But today, we're taking a moment to look more so how God works through his beloved children to cultivate gratitude and good works.
When you have a moment, read through 2 Kings 4 and see if you can link up the biblical truth in this bible-gram and the paired visuals in the design. Our God shows how deeply concerned He is with his children and works providentially through his practical prophet, Elisha.
Take stock of the good works that God displays through the daily tasks and through a little bit of good 'ole elbow grease. Good stuff right here, my friends!
My prayer is that this month has prompted and stirred your heart to continue to carry out good works for the Lord with gratitude!
Looking forward to connecting and posting again after a little Thanksgiving break and start our (short) but impactful theme of The Gift of Joy. See you all then :)
Thursday || November 17 || 2022
Gratitude = growth
Continuing on with our heartitude of gratitude theme! Let's lean into the truth today that gratitude is fertile ground for our faith to grow.
When we practice having gratitude-- a deep thankfulness for God, for what He has done and the promise of what He will do-- deepens our faith.
The roots of our faith, grown in gratitude flourish into a life of beauty that honors God. Let gratitude take precedent, no matter our present circumstances, and watch our faith grow!
Wednesday || November 16 || 2022
Some of us are probably familiar with taking inventory. Taking inventory is a very important business etiquette and practice, to say the least!
What if we took the time to do the same thing in our life? What if we took a fine tooth comb over our day, week or even year(s) and took inventory of how God has been faithful in our life?
I personally have had days where I wanted to be grumpy-grumperson and gripe about ALL.THE.THINGS.
Anything from interruptions to illness to inconveniences, to not being able to implement something how I wanted.
I know. That sounds incredibly lame, and well, ungrateful!
The Holy Spirit has been kind and gracious to me, in my grumpy days. God has nudged me numerous times that He doesn't want me to live in that space. Because, as I just pointed out, it does not cultivate a heart of gratefulness.
Do we have things that go wrong, not go our way or we just plain aren't happy about?
But we don't have to live in the immediate feelings that those happenings might trigger. We can instead acknowledge them, and also pray for God to help us to have a heart of gratitude! Deep gratitude isn't based on circumstances. It's based on the history of God's past faithfulness and full trust in His and the truth that He is in control.
So, the inventory thing.
Taking the time to take stock of God's movement and hand of grace throughout our life is intentional and it builds a stockpile of evidence that He ultimately loves us and will never leave us. So let's do this inventory thing. Let's take time to reflect on God's very real presence in our life. I'd be curious to know how much lif His goodness starts to stack up.
Tuesday || November 15 || 2022
Gifted with Grace
I was listening to a song today, and there was a reference to God's kingdom being called "grace, with gates open wide."
Oh, how I love that! It's such a beautiful image of God's amazing grace.
And that's what God's amazing grace is. A big, open wide invitation that is an incredible gift-- to each of us!
Let's humbly receive this gift given to us and cultivate a heart that willingly gives the grace to others, too.
Monday || November 14 || 2022
Daily Bread
One of my favorite ways that God provided for His people (the Israelites) in the Old Testament was His literal provision of daily bread.
Also, called manna.
Everyday while the Israelites wandered through the desert, God provided physical bread for His people.
It rained bread!
His provision was bountiful and enough for each day as it came.
This bible-gram is a strong reminder for us to recall God's past provision in our life and the fact that He is dependable. That can prompt us to rely on Him today, and each day as it comes. I am beyond grateful for God's daily provision. I hope that you can press into this truth and promise too.
Friday || November 11 || 2022
grateful for His covering
This month, we are looking into cultivating a heartittude of gratitude.
Today's bible-gram encourages us to look to one of God's awesome attributes of His character. His protective covering. In the New Testament we get to see the covering of Jesus's love in many ways.
But in the Old Testament?
God revealed His love for His people through His physical protection.
As the Israelites navigated their way out of Egypt, through the desert, to the promised land, God was their guide. God did so through the form of a cloud. Imagine, a big puffy, comforting cloud giving you covering overhead and steadily floating along to lead your way.
Todays bible-gram looks at and remembers God's goodness in the way that He cares for us. In what ways is God's love currently covering, comforting or leading you?
Thursday || November 9 || 2022
God gave us the GREATEST victory!
Does that make Jesus the G.O.A.T?!
Asking for a friend :)
Let's live in the vibrancy of the greatest victory-- NEW LIFE-- today.
Wednesday || November 9 || 2022
The gift of Giving
God is super gracious and generous and gave each of us gifts that we have the opportunity to employ.
For the eternal benefit of others and for God's glory.
Let's give of our giftings, today! Link arms with Jesus today and lean into where He is guiding you to exercise your gifts. Amen? Amen!
Tuesday || November 8 || 2022
small is big time
The small is NEVER over-looked by our BIG God!
You would think that the smalls things of our faith would for sure be over-looked.
But God sees our smalls acts of faith, COMMENDS them & CELEBRATES them, 100%.
Now, that calls for a celebration! :)
Monday || November 7 || 2022
heart posture
The therapist in me has a tendency to check out others' (and my own) posture. I think because from a physical stand point, I know how important our posture is so that we can do the things of life.
But what about our spiritual posture?
What gives our life of faith structure and support as we carry out our daily routines?
Well my friend, that is the Holy Spirit.
The day we said yes to receive salvation, we were sealed with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, zip-loc-style, was sealed in our heart, giving us the gift of spiritual support and posture of faith.
We have the choice, each day, to lean into the Holy Spirit's strength and receive ongoing support for our heart posture. With the indwelling support of the Holy Spirit, our heart overflows with God's love and in turn comes the heartitude of gratitude.
God has lifted me through His Word & Spirit this Monday morning, and I pray my friend that He supports the posture of your heart today, too.
Friday || November 4 || 2022
Joy & Gratitude
Gratitude can grow & overflow our hearts -- today. Thanks to the help of the Holy Spirit! :)
Thursday || November 3 || 2022
Celebrate new life
Leaning into our theme this month, a harvest of gratitude & good works, is our friend-- celebration!
When our hearts are filled with gratitude for the ultimate work that our Father did for us on Calvary, we certainly can celebrate!
Now, I know what you may be thinking.
We're celebrating Jesus dying on the cross? That feels insensitive or odd, to say the least.
Jesus did go to the cross for us, this we know. He died on the cross, this is also true.
But. BUT 3 days later, Jesus ROSE. He rose from the dead-- ultimately DEFEATING death and sin!!
THAT is what we're celebrating! The new life that Jesus gave to each of us! As Christ followers, we have the privilege to celebrate today the ultimate victory that Jesus, our champion, won for us.
Tuesday || November 1 || 2022
A Harvest of Gratitude & Good Works
Happy November friends!
Sharing this month's featured Bible-gram & theme:
A harvest of gratitude & good works.
So, before anymore leaves change colors and fall-- let's embrace the opportunity of what this season and month can be for us.
One of gratitude and doing good works.
Because of the gratitude for the ultimate gift God gave us, we in turn gratefully serve Him by doing good works.
Good works do not have to be complicated or come with a price tag. It can be the gift of a listening ear, helping hand or a soft heart.
Here's to cultivating a harvest of good works, that ultimately give God the glory!
Monday || October 31 || 2022
Diligence, devotion & Dedication
Rounding out the month of October and our series on obedience over outcomes!
Diligence, devotion & dedication are 3 friends we need to walk with while going after God's goals for us.
I personally needed this reminder today, for sure!
Maybe you do too.
Because, well, there are days we may feel like what we're doing doesn't add up or it doesn't look like it will amount to anything.
But in God's economy, it does. The day in and day out, showing up kind of diligent work ethic, does.
When we carry the 3 D's while we do our work, it deepens our faith & demonstrates the heartitude we have in getting the job done.
Keep going. Keep doing the things that the Lord is lovingly directing you to do. Let your heart whistle while you work, doing good work for the Lord.
Friday || October 28 || 2022
Bonus Gifts
Going out on God's mission, doesn't mean we go it alone. Hallelujah!
Thursday || October 27 || 2022
Perfect Aim
Wednesday || October 26 || 2022
God Goes first
God's purposes prevail, when we place Him first. ?
For a long time, as a christian, I claimed to have Jesus in my life. And yes, that being truthful, He wasn't always the focus.
Nor did He come first.
Jesus was a part of my life, but I usually went to him as an after thought or visited him at church on Sundays.
Over the years, God has continued to gently re-shape my mind and heart on what it truly means to be his child. He's released me from viewing myself as as a Christian, but as a Christ-follower.
Read that again.
Yes, this seems bold and risky to say something like that, but I'm finding freedom in that truth.God desires for us, His beloved children to FOLLOW Him. God goes first. He is more than deserving to have first place in our life.
Today's bible-gram is a beautiful picture of the Israelites (God's home-fries) saying YES to putting God first.
If you peek at the passage out of Joshua, it says that the ark went first, THEN the Israelites followed.
The ark was carried by the Levites (the priests), and that housed God's holy presence. Take stock of what else the scripture says. They noted how much distance they placed in following God in the ark. God is completely holy and needed that space between the Israelites.
I think what we can glean is that God is holy & deserving to get first place in our life, we have the privilege of following Him, AND He deserves the space to guide us through His leading.
Each of the microscopic dots on today's 'gram represent alllll of the people that said yes to yielding to God & Him going first.
If God can lead each of the millions of Israelites with His divine direction, I think we can trust Him to go first and lead us too.
We have the complete privilege to follow.
Tuesday || October 25 || 2022
One day at a time, starts today
One day at a time, my friends!
Keep showing up and press in. Some days it doesn't feel glamorous, new or even easy.
As I am discovering, there can be BOTH joy & grit in pursuing the work the Lord has set before us.
Link arms with me and let's keep going!
Friday || October 21 || 2022
Hello, Soul-Goals
What are your soul goals?
Wednesday || October 19 || 2022
obedience OVER outcomes
Happy October, friends!
October will be a shorter month, as I took a small fall break :) However, there will still be lot's of good content to be shared in that short amount of time!
Let's keep our focus on God, look to Him for guidance and trust Him with the outcomes. Obedience is both an offering and an opportunity. Keep that in mind this month as you move forward what the Lord is laying on your heart. Amen? Amen.
Friday || September 16 || 2022
intentional rest
Happy Friday! Happy almost official fall, my friends in faith!
Just as a little note, Open Door Encouragement is taking a little time off from sharing on social media and posting on the blog. Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as I take some intentional time away for rest, refreshment and restoration.
But before I go, here is one last bible-gram for you to round out our theme this month on intentional awareness of God's presence and pressing into His presence.
I am grateful for each of you and your continual support! Just know that if it were up to me, I would work non-stop and keep pushing and plugging away. This wonderful work and vision that God has laid on my heart through Open Door Encouragement and making bible-grams to share, really isn't work. It truly is a labor of love! So, it is hard for me to stop when I feel like there are so many fun and wonderful inspirations that God lays on my heart.
But God invites each of us to rest. To stop. To pause. To put work down for a period of time. To remember Who He is. Who really is in charge. He is the One that is over it all. So, I will be doing that. Re-centering, re-charging in His compassionate and caring presence.
If you feel like you will be missing out on my regular posting, you're not, promise! If you're longing for some Bible-grams in the mean time, head to (on our website) Days of Devotion, Tokens of Truth, Motivation Messages or Awesome Attributes. Those are wonderful topics to dig more into God's Word.
So for now, it's see you later! Take some time to slow down, and drink in the season as the leaves start to change!
Love, Mallory
Thursday || September 15 || 2022
He is there
Struggles, strains, storms and faith stretching moments never stop Jesus' presence from being present!
Wednesday || September 14 || 2022
what a gift!
As a kid, there was probably nothing more pain-staking than getting a gift, and then you are told you have to wait to open it! Not life-shattering, but as a kid, a struggle, none the less!
The excitement. The eagerness. The anticipation.
All of those feelings swirl until the moment you were given the green light to shred the paper off of the present and then experience what was inside!
Super exciting!
Well, what if I told you that we each have a gift given to us? Available to us, right now? No waiting-- in the present?
And that very gift can help us with how we experience every day life?
I know. The anticipation thing-- What is it, you may ask?!
The gift of God's presence!
The promise of God's presence, in the present, is a pervasive theme throughout scripture. The thread of His eternal presence isn't something that goes away just because we might not "notice it".
We capture and connect God's presence when we say yes to being more alert and present, in each given moment. Taking stock of what's moving inside of us and around us. In those moments we can examine and experience how God's presence is being made known.
Lean in with me. Let's look, see, sense and really experience how God's Spirit is surrounding us with the gift of His presence, today.
Tuesday || September 13 || 2022
God's zip code = here & now
Facts :)
Let's allow this truth take up residency in our life, today!
Monday || September 12 || 2022
Invitation to God's presence
Invitations for your Monday, and week ahead.
Pray and press in.
Let God's presence take precedent, today.
Knowing and living out the truth of God's ever-present presence builds the confidence of our faith muscles.
Amen? Amen
Friday || September 9 || 2022
rest is a rhythm
Let's find soul rest, readily available in His presence, today.
Feel free to borrow this prayer on today's bible-gram to help prompt you into resting in God's good presence.
Taking time to rest and getting in a rhythm of experiencing God's rest takes intention. But as the intention for this rhythm increases, so does experiencing God's incredible presence.
Thursday || September 8 || 2022
constant communion
One incredible act of compassion opened the door for us to have
constant, consistent, life-giving communion with God!
We can exude acceptance of this invitation of constant communion when we stand at the threshold of this truth-- and then decide to step through that open door, today.
Wednesday || September 7 || 2022
Vast Presence
Life has mountain-top moments.
Life also may have us veer into the valley.
Interestingly enough, they both include God's presence.
It might feel like God's presence leaves us or is no-where to be found when we have times that we travel through the valley.
If you find yourself in a "valley season", whether it's pain, loss, uncertainty, disappointment or grief, God is with you, friend.
God will walk with us, at whatever pace we're at, right down in the valley.
His vast presence is present.
Psalm 23 is a truth we can tether ourselves to and can reassure us. Especially in verse 4.
"Even though I walk [through the darkest valley]....YOU are with me."
Tuck that truth down in your heart and hold it close. Remember that God's vast presence is everywhere, even in the valley and He will lead you with the presence of His eternal light (John 8:12).
Tuesday || September 6 || 2022
Invitation to be still
Happy Tuesday, friends!
Although, to be fair, it does feel more like a Monday.
For those of you just catching up, this month our theme at Open Door Encouragement is being able to be at peace in the present. To experience God's presence, in the present, no matter our circumstances.
And can I tell you something?
Experiencing God's presence (the Holy Spirit) in the present doesn't happen on accident.
It is intentional.
I'm still learning and leaning into that fact.
When I've over-loaded my schedule (with good intentions!) and I'm sprinting from one thing to the next, my body usually does okay keeping up. It's my soul the takes the hit. It's like my soul gets whip-lash from frantically going from one thing to the next.
And on days like that, my fuse is short, I feel stressed and I then decide that everyone else is in my way-- because, well, I've got things to do!
Anyone with me?
So, we have to start taking stock of what we're saying yes to and setting ourselves up for. Is my soul going to thrive or just crash trying to keep up?
Let's reset our soul, today. Each day as it comes. God gives us the gift of rest to bring the new day in, so that we can physically and spiritually be refreshed to start our day.
Challenge yourself to have a few moments of stillness first thing in the morning before all-the-things start up.
Still can be a noun, adverb, adjective OR a verb. Personally, I want it to be a consistent action in my life, so I'm all for it being a verb.
🌿 Still = Lessen. Let up. Subside.
Try being still. See how that sits with your soul. I promise you will be flooded with an everlasting Presence of Peace.
Friday || September 2 || 2022
September's Favorite Soul-Shaping Things
Here is September's Favorite Soul-Shaping Things :)
You can check out the full images for each of the recommendations by clicking here. This will take you to the Favorite Soul Shaping Things page, where you can see this month's (and previous months) carousel of images. I hope something speaks to you and helps you on your journey with Jesus.
Thursday || September 1 || 2022
Happy September!
Happy September!
New day, new month, both good things!
This month, I thought it would be good to have a theme based around pressing into God's presence.
I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling like this, but having started into another school year, activities ramping up and with to-do lists lengthening--- I can already feel my chest and shoulders rise at ALL.THE.THINGS.
Along with that and the delightful (yet demanding) holidays peeking it's head around the corner, I thought this theme was important and necessary.
We can press into God's presence, now, each day as they come. Taking time to remember He is already living inside us, even with life swirling at a high speed around us.
We can be centered.
We can be calm.
We can be content.
We can live life from a space that is curated by Christ-like character & presence.
I want us all to experience God's perfect, peaceful and powerful presence in the present. To carry him with you.
Actually, let HIM carry you.
Today's bible-gram is this month's featured bible-gram of the month. Let your soul sit down in that lovely, green chair. All month long! Our soul can sit down on the inside, even if our schedules aren't allowing our bodies to physically do so.
Here's to us, pressing into God's incredible presence, each passing day, and knowing that is a true gift to our soul.
Wednesday || August 31 || 2022
Shine Bright!
It seems fitting that the last bible-gram for August light-series is an invitation.
Our passage comes from Matthew, out of the Sermon on the Mount.
And I know.
We have had this passage a few times this month.
But I think the invitation that Jesus extends to us is so important! Jesus welcomes us to shine our light-- which is His love that shines through us. He implores us to let it glow, like a bright city on a hill!
Think about that visual. Even from far away-- driving or flying in the sky-- your eye catches to the light that comes from the city scape and the light it produces. It can be seen from miles away!
Let's shine like that!
And Jesus didn't say we could 'try' to shine or try to be light.
Nope. He spoke matter-of-factly.
He said: "You ARE the light of the world."
We are.
We ARE the light of the world.
Take this charge, this invitation, and let it glow bright in your heart my friend! I pray that you let this truth that Jesus speaks in this passage fill every crevice of your heart and soul, today. Amen? Amen!
Tuesday || August 30 || 2022
Repeatedly Rise
Anyone wanting to have a Melissa McCarthy style log-roll over the back of the couch, and just flop down, and not get up, kind of day?
Me too!
Our feelings and reasons to be a log on the couch might vary at times between physical and emotional.
But what about spiritual reasons?
Maybe we've lost our zest and spiritual fervor to get up and get going.
Maybe life has gotten hard.
Or maybe it's hum-drum.
You know what the narrative is.
My prayer today is that we each can find renewal in our spirits to RISE. God gave us the gift of both His Son, Jesus, AND the gift of our morning sun, that rises every single day.
Jesus rose so that we can have new life. God gives us the sun, and it is a shining reminder of that truth, every day. A renewal happens each and every night, and God gives us his new mercies in the morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).
Let the truth that God renews our spirit, each morning, resonate deep within you today. And in turn, let's repeatedly rise, my friend!
Monday || August 29 || 2022
Soak in the Son
Happy Monday ODE friends!
I'm hoping as the month of August nears it's end, you've been enlightened a little bit more through this bible-gram series on light!
God really connected some dots for me these past few weeks, in the making of and developing this month's bible-grams.
Prettttty excited about today's.
In addition to checking out both passages in Numbers and Matthew, if you have a moment, see how it reads it Amplified.
You won't be disappointed!
Friday || August 26 || 2022
Shine like the Son
Jesus, the Son, shines. He is the Light of the World.
God's Word also shines-- it illuminates wisdom to our heart and mind.
So, when we dive into God's Word, which also comes through Jesus--the Living Word-- we are wrapped up in God's glorious light through passage and presence.
Embrace the fact that God seeks to shine His light through us by His Word (passage) and through the Spirit of His presence (Jesus). Let this truth shine in your life and lead you on the path that shines like God's Son.
Thursday || August 25 || 2022
let our actions shine
Our actions speak, this we know.
But what if we explored what it means for our actions to shine?
Wednesday || August 24 || 2022
God's glorious word
God's word is a gift!
God's word is a gift because He gave it to us so that we can get to know Him better.
What's the catch?
We have to decide to sit down and read His word. We deepen our relationship with God, by getting to know Him by reading His precious word.
Reading a devotional that pairs with God's word is just that. It takes devotion and time.
Read that again. It takes devotion and time.
I don't say that to discourage you, but to encourage you to have endurance. We get to know our Everlasting Father by spending time in His word, day in and day out.
Friend, know that any decision you make in regards to spending time in God's word is a good one. There is no right or wrong amount. God knows the motives in our heart to seek Him more in His word. God is glad for any amount of time we give to him! Maybe your starting point is looking up one verse today. Maybe it's 5 minutes fumbling your way through the pages to find the Gospels. Maybe it's looking a verse of the day on an app. Maybe you're a little farther along and soaking up a chapter and journaling afterward. Whatever it is, you are giving God your time and He will gift you with revealing more of His glorious self to you, right in His word.
Tuesday || August 23 || 2022
Happy 1st Birthday, ODE!
ONE year.🎈
One whole year!
I can't believe today is Open Door Encouragement's first birthday! 🎉
This day last year, I bought the domain rights to my website and signed up for a year subscription in Canva. (I really had no idea what I was doing!)
Even though God gave the seedlings of ODE long before 8/23/21, it is the day that felt very official and significant because I took a step of faith.
I want to say a huge thank you to all my family and beloved friends who have prayed and poured encouragement over me to keep going! I wouldn't be here without you! I don't know all of the details that God will iron out for ODE, but I can't wait to see what the future holds.
My prayer is that ODE's mission continues to shine God's light on His word and in your hearts-- encouraging each of us to live our new life, each day! A million thank you's to each of you-- truly. I love you all, my faith friends and family-- your support means more than you know.
Feel free to see below some of previously shared bible-grams in a collage :)
Lastly, I'm sharing a picture of physical bible-grams that has been printed (and given out) this far. That is what is really on my heart is to send bible-grams to all! I am humbled and honored to do this and share the creative notions God lays on my heart.
Thank you again for connecting with Open Door Encouragement, I couldn't do this without you!
Monday || August 22 || 2022
Light led steps
let our faith grow feet, and take steps in your light, wherever it is you are leading us. Starting today.
Friday || August 19 || 2022
God= Giver of LIght
I hope today's bible-gram encourages you to ponder over God and how extensive and expansive His holy character is.
God is the original source of light. He is light. I mean, I guess we could technically say he is the OG of light! That is pretty cool.
God being the original, glorious source of light-- He always glows. And he glows because he is completely perfect, flawless and holy.
That may sound intimidating, but I think we can find it comforting.
God's character is flawless and radiant-- He doesn't contain an ounce of darkness in Him. And because He is The Eternal and Everlasting Light, we know that being in His presence (in spirit and in His word), we get the benefit that He will shine what is right and true in our life.
Friend, if you feel like you are standing in the shadow of a dark time, day or season. Take heart. Our God, the One of Glorious light, he is standing with you. And if God is standing with you, amidst your presence, His presence will shed light and cut through the darkest shadow you feel like you're in.
As I finish this note for today, I will say a prayer that God's eternal light cuts through all and any darkness that attempts to shadow over your life. Let's stand in God's light, today. Amen? Amen.
Thursday || August 18 || 2022
God's Light floods fear
Psalm 27 is a repeat from yesterday, but is worth reading again.
Remembering God and recalling his attributes will remind us he can outshine any fears we have.
God can flood any of our fears with light from the truth of his word!
When I find myself feeling fearful, saying out-loud what I'm wrestling with in prayer confronts my (usually fraudy) fear that is often fueled by own feelings.
Yes, God gave us feelings and emotions. But He also has given us his presence and the truth of his word to shine in every area of our life.
If we are fighting off fear-- we can hold those fearful feelings out in front of God in prayer and against the light of his word. His truth will shine.
Wednesday || August 17 || 2022
Light & Salvation
Psalm 27.
Today's bible-gram references the first verse, but if you have the time, I highly suggest reading the whole Psalm. It's only 14 verses :)
This whole Psalm is basically one big long request for the author (David) to seek and stay close to the Lord. It's like a pep talk to himself, about God. And many of God's amazing attributes.
I know I have mentioned previously how much my eyes have been opened to God's character more intricately over the last several months. I am huge fan. I am learning and discovering more of God's divine character and keep falling in love with him more and more!
David is teaching us an invaluable trick to our trade as Christ followers. Feeling down and out? Feeling scared? Lack of confidence? Unsure of how things will pan out?
Look to the Lord.
Look to the Lord and request to be in his presence ( we already are) and then list out all the cool things you are learning and know about God in your prayer.
In this Psalm alone, David says this of The Lord: Light, my salvation; the stronghold of my life, and my Savior. In addition to the nicknames that he gives God, he also names out what God will do. He was confident of the Lord's abilities. Do an initial read of Psalm 27. Then slowly comb back through it, looking for God's character and abilities. Jot down or pray over what stands out to you.
I know that our circumstances may vary a bit from when David sat and wrote this. But our deepest longings we carry and desire to seek the Lord are the same. Lean in, friend, our good and completely capable God has you in His loving arms.
Tuesday || August 16 || 2022
Beacon of Love & Hope
Let's allow God's word to be the bright light, that brings His beacon of hope and promises, today.
The beacon of God's word can heal the broken places, bring peace and be the guide-post we begin each day with.
Monday || August 15 || 2022
Layers of Light
God's light:
💛 shines on us
👟 sheds a path for our steps
🖤 cuts through any darkness
🔁 surrounds us with His grace
🔎 helps us to see his provision
Step into the light of this token of truth today friend!
Friday || August 12 || 2022
Soak up Salvation
Let's soak up this truth today, friends!
Have an open heart, mind and soul that soaks in God's beaming love for us, through His Son Jesus. God sent His only Son (John 3:16) so that we could bask in the truth that we are given salvation-- new life. Keep this shining truth in your heart and mind as you move throughout the day. Saying yes to salvation was a single event, but that decision radiates into each day of your life, through eternity.
Amen? Amen.
Thursday || August 11 || 2022
Character of Compassion
I am very humbled at the timing of today's bible-gram.
I enjoy so much being able to share God's word through the creative notions he lays on my heart. I continue to be blown away by the truths he's revealed to me in his word and how he prompts me to put it in a 4×4 square.
Long story short, the content I share is made up to several days or a few weeks in advance before I share it with you all.
There is certainly a deep impression on me when I make it at the time. But like in many instances, I am hit deeply and reminded of what I need most at that time.
Today is one of those days.
If I can be vulnerable with you, the part of God's character that I'm clinging to is his compassion.
I have noticed the thing that my actions are lacking, is what I am needing most from God. Recently I've been critical of myself and to those that I hold close.
For some reason, critical nature wants to pay me an unwanted visit and hangs around like a stage 5 clinger.
I hate that.
It's just like what Paul talks about in Romans 7. I do the thing I don't want to do. In this case, think or say critical comments to myself or others.
But, in typical God fashion, he lovingly lights up the part of his character that I need. And in this case, his compassion is flooding my heart!
God is pouring out his compassion on me in abundance, today. He's meeting me where I am and giving me what I need.
That's what our Good Father does.
His loving light will shine on the areas of our life that we want to hide & keep in the dark, buried in shame. He brings it into his light and covers us in his character of compassion, love and mercy.
I'm not sure what part of God's character you need to cling to today my friend. But you can trust that His word and spirit will shed light on whatever it is.
Monday || August 8 || 2022
Constant Comfort
I think we can find comfort and hold close to this truth, today.
Centering ourselves on the truth that God is constant & never changing-- we are able to stand firm even when life is constantly changing, chaotic or even confusing.
Friday || August 5 || 2022
Traveling lightly & in His Light
Today's bible-gram is a wonderful invitation we all are welcome to.
And it's a two-fer.
Travel lightly & travel in God's light.
What does that mean, exactly?
In the Matthew passage, Jesus welcomes us to link arms with him (yoke).
Walk with him.
Do life with him.
Jesus will walk alongside us, always and in all things-- and while doing so, He keeps our souls light. He bears our burdens and teaches how to live in rhythm with Him.
When we link up with Jesus and say yes to walking with him, we end up living life like him. That is traveling light.
In the John passage, Jesus shares with us that He is the light of the world.
It seems rhetorical and obvious, but light provides light.
It overcomes darkness. It illuminates what we couldn't see otherwise. It sheds light on a path or a way.
In this case, Jesus Himself being the True Light. He is the one that provides the light, illuminating us the way to everlasting life.
Let's receive this double invitation to live lightly, in Jesus' light, today. Amen? Amen.
Thursday || August 4 || 2022
Life & Light
Guess what?!
Our faith is fueled by the source of life & light Himself-- Jesus.
Jesus, the source of light and life-- lives inside of us.
Take a peek at this beaming truth in John & in Genesis 1. I think reading these passages will help solidify and illuminate how God, and the second part of the trinity-- Jesus-- is our everlasting life and eternal light.
God is never compartmentalized, only being light one day and the giver of life on another.
God is all of who He is, all at once, all at the same time.
We can bask in this radiant truth that God, completely life and light, lives in each of us. Let this truth fuel your faith fully in His light, today.
Thursday || July 28 || 2022
Cast it
Cast your concerns and anything you're carrying to Jesus.
He is the One who is capable to catch anything you've got.
Wednesday || July 27 || 2022
He Equips
God doesn't call the equipped,
He equips the call.
Maybe you've heard this sentiment before.
But how does God equip us and ready us for his precious purposes? One way, is through reading his word-- the Bible. This passage in Timothy points us to the strength, ability and leading that God's word provides. Let's embrace God's word as wisdom and the go-to tool that will equip us to carry out our calling.
Tuesday || July 26 || 2022
One step is a Big difference
Happy Monday, friends!
Today's bible-gram is a repeat passage from last week, but it certainly is worth a re-visit.
What if we said no to fear, and took a step in faith, today?
One step.
It may seem small. But taking a step of faith out of the safety of the boat is HUGE.
Monday || July 25 || 2022
He is WITH us
There is something that I need to read, know and be reminded of every single day.
It's that God's presence is always with me.
And He's with you, too. No matter what kind of season of life we're wading through.
Waiting or whirl-whind.
Lonely or a time of learning.
New or full of nuisances.
Calm or crazy.
Fresh or frazzled.
God is with us.
We don't ever have to for one second believe any fraudy feelings of doubt tell us otherwise.
Take in this truth from Isaiah today. Mediate over Psalm 139 alongside it and press into the goodness of God's ever present presence.
Friday || July 22 || 2022
Waves & whispers
Meeting God in His word, consistently, has deepened & strengthened my relationship with Him.
And it's done something else.
It has opened my eyes more and more to His character.
God has revealed so many ties & connections-- I still am in disbelief and awe when he reveals another aspect of Himself. I'm grateful to experience another layer of who he is.
God's character is consistent.
The God of the Old Testament is lived out in living color through the man and characteristics of Jesus, in the New Testament.
Today's bible-gram should strike a chord, as we have seen Jesus recently calm a storm by His word. Look back through previous bible-gram passages and pair it with today's reading in Psalm 107.
See how God speaks to you and reveals more of His completely consistent, compassionate character to you, too.
Thursday || July 21 || 2022
U.S.S. Wisdom
What's lifting your sails and steering your ship?
Wednesday || July 20 || 2022
God can Conquer & Calm
Waves in the water can be really neat to look at, watch, listen, or maybe surf on, if that's your thing.
For our disciple friends, it seems like they had their fair share of waves. They typically experienced waves in the middle of a storm, in a boat. Waves of water crashing in-- that often seemed like it would capsize or flood their vessel.
Yikes. Even for experienced fishermen lining the disciple crew, it was scary and overwhelming, to say the least.
When waves are crashing in on our life, one after another, it feels hard to catch our breath and get centered.
In this scene, Jesus' disciples followed him into the boat, and then Jesus fell asleep.
When reading this passage, one might think that Jesus seems oblivious to the disciples' struggle with the winds and the waves that were threatening their boat.
But Jesus' ability to sleep, in the boat, during this wild storm, we have a couple take-a-ways.
Jesus was at peace, even in the storm. Verse 23 says "when he got into the boat, the disciples followed him."
Jesus is God. He already *knew* there would be a storm coming. So, he wasn't surprised or unknowing what he allowed his disciples to experience.
Jesus was *in the boat* with the disciples. Jesus' presence was present. Jesus didn't exclude himself from the storm, he was in the middle of it with his disciples.
When life's waves are rising, we can hold onto the truth that our loving God stands with us, is at peace & can certainly calm any storm.
Monday || July 18 || 2022
Faith takes the step
Many of us might be familiar with today's bible-gram passage.
Quick recap, it's the scene where Jesus is walking on water, while the disciples are in a boat, trying to stay afloat in a crazy storm. Once the disciples knew it was Jesus, Peter asked permission to join Jesus out on the water. Jesus welcomed Peter.
Now. This part of the scene, we have an opportunity to look at it one of two ways.
1️⃣ Peter steps out of the boat a step or two and starts to sink because he stared at the storm.
2️⃣ Peter STEPPED out of the boat, onto the water, in faith and trust, and tried to move toward Jesus.
Both are correct statements about the passage at hand.
But what boat do you sit in?
The one where we criticize Peter stepping out, which some might view as impulsive, unsafe or just bold--- and then 'failed' ?
Or are you in the boat that applauds Peter, who eagerly wanted to meet Jesus, be close to Him, and tried, in faith?
Personally, I don't view things as a failure when someone gets out and tries something in faith. The only time I think we've 'failed' is when we choose to give up and not try again.
I'm going to leave you with two thoughts.
Jesus was standing IN the storm. Even if where Jesus invites us to go, it's with Him. Jesus doesn't call us to 'come' to a place where he isn't already. He's already there, waiting with an open hand. Even if it's in the middle of a storm.
There were 11 other disciples that sat in the boat and watched.
Friday || July 15 || 2022
Witness His Wonders
What if we took a moment, to see God, our Creator, out in creation, today?
One of my favorite ways to witness God and His masterpiece work are in sunrises and sunsets. Today's bible-gram is an abstract take of a sunset on the water. 🧡
Taking early morning walks and pairing it with day break as the sunrise peaks out has been a wonderful rhythm that I have incorporated over the years.
I affectionately have named one of the roads in my subdivision the "sunrise-Son-shine-strip".
As I walk down this long strip, up a tiny hill, it walks me toward God's beautiful sunrise and greets me as I approach the top of the hill.
I feel small, filled, and reminded of God's new morning mercies, today.
How does creation speak to you?
Thursday || July 14 || 2022
His Leading Light
The bible has many references and names for God and things about his character. I love so many of them!
But I think among the (long) list, God being referenced to as light, is probably a favorite.
💛 guides us
💛 sheds light on a path
💛 helps us see something we couldn't see before
💛 is uplifting and warming
💛 elevates our mood
💛 overcomes darkness
Now, go ahead and exchange God(or Jesus) for the word light. Take a minute to ponder and pray over that. Let the shining truth of God's glory light up your heart and path today, friend.
Wednesday || July 13 || 2022
Graciously rescued
We are rescued, saved & set-free.
We have the privilege & ability to walk in new life. A new way of living.
Today. Tomorrow. And the day after that.
All because of God's gracious gift of grace given to us through Jesus.
(Say that 5 times fast😉)
Let's bask in this truth, today.
Amen? Amen.
Tuesday || July 12 || 2022
Our Safe Harbor
There are some days we might want to just run and hide.
Run from our problems. Hide from the hard. Take cover because the waves of life keep crashing onto us over and over.
Maybe you've had days like that.
Maybe it feels like a season of nothing but crashing waves. Maybe you're in the middle of what feels like a monsoon of mayhem and you're not sure if the waters will ever be calm again.
I myself have stood in moments and seasons where it felt like I was going to be swept up in the current. And all I was looking for was for a place to run and hide.
It took me a long time to discover that when life's problems hit, the temporary things I would run to, were empty and not the deep soul comfort I was longing for.
Life will never be free from waves. But we can free ourselves from running to things that don't provide true soul comfort and solace. God is the safe harbor that we can run to. No matter what.
God's guiding light never turns off, it constantly sweeps the waters to shine his eternal light.
God's light can be seen from out in the middle of the ocean, even when the waves are tossing us to and fro.
God can be our harbor of comfort in the middle of chaos and waves of life. The passage paired with today's bible-gram is a powerful truth of how capable our Heavenly Father is. Take a moment to check out this passage in Psalm 107.
God can calm, comfort and care for your soul, even when the waves of life don't stop.
Friday || July 8 || 2022
Unwavering Company
I forget this wayyyy too often. I hate even admitting my forgetfullness of God's faithfulness.
As friends of Jesus and saying yes to following Him, it doesn't mean we are privy to a life without waves or storms. The biggest area of growth and stretching in my faith walk is remembering that God hasn't abandoned me and left me to fend for myself when a storm pops up.
My faith stretches and grows when our focus remains on him, especially in the storm. He will help guide us, keep us company and soften our perspective when the squalls come.
My fears, worries and anxieties subside when I say yes to surrendering to Jesus and relaxing into the comfort of His constant presence.
What I'm sharing with you today, is something I wish Thursday Mallory would have remembered. Maybe the day before version of yourself needs this reminder today, too.
But, God graciously gives us another day. Another day to bask in his grace and anchor ourselves onto His unchanging and steadfast character. And to that, we can be grateful!
Wednesday || July 6 || 2022
Be a Beacon
Shine bright, today, friend.
Tuesday || July 5 || 2022
our Almighty Anchor
Life is a lot like the ocean at times.
It can be big, vast and exciting.
It can be blue.
It can be calm and peaceful.
It can have constant crashing waves.
It can be refreshing.
It also can be stormy and turbulent.
I think we can agree, life has many temperaments-- just like the ocean.
No matter the nautical mood of our life-- choppy or calm--God can be our anchor.
God is the one, true, unchanging Anchor that can hold us firmly in place, no matter what. Staying affixed to Him, we will find peace and wisdom that helps us be anchored in life. ⚓️
Thursday || June 23 || 2022
kind words cultivate growth
Our words are certainly powerful.
Let's wield them to speak life, empower and encourage others' growth.
I'm thankful, challenged and humbled by this passage from Ephesians 4. Especially since I'm home with my kids, I have opportunities to speak words that bless them and build them up.
(Even when there are moments I botch up an opportunity, God is gracious and delivers me plenty more!)
Our kids and loved ones that we're surrounded by are delicate flowers that need tender-loving care. Fostering love and growth for the flowers in our life takes gentleness and softness in our words.
Praying that we all can have words today that are a gentle, refreshing mist that encourages growth. Let's also pray that we resist the temptation to deliver words with thunder. Amen? Amen
Wednesday || June 15 || 2022
Are you a fan of nick names?
I am! (But I know not everyone shares this same passion)
Maybe it was because growing up and over the years, I had A LOT of them. I always took it as a sign of endearment. And that the person who gave me a nick name knew me well and cared about me.
Among a few, Mal, Mal-verny, Vern, Flem, Mal Flem, Tally-mark, tiger, Prime-time, Stick-stick, Mal-pal, and:
You can thank my parents for the last one :) Anyhow, I hold a special place in my heart for those fun, silly and sweet nick-names that my loved ones have given me over the years.
God also names us. His children. Beloved. Chosen ones. Masterpieces. Special in His eyes. And SO many others. Moving through scripture you will see and can soak in the beautiful names He gives us.
On the same note, God too, has many names.
The Good Shepherd. Our Savior. Friend. Refuge. Shield. Compass. Lamb. The Lion of Judah. The God of love. And hundreds more! (Sorry if I didn't include your favorite).
We get to experience God as each one of these nick names personify. His nicknames are in essence His character of who God is.
Looking for a place to read them for yourself?
Start in the Psalms. David penned SO many names of God throughout the Psalms.
Jot a few down. Make a list. Circle the ones you need. Star the ones you want God to reveal to you in your relationship with Him. You'll be surprised and humbled by how He reveals His character to you.
You can also click here, to Awesome Attributes, bible-grams that center around God's character and other nick-names He has.
Monday || June 6 || 2022
Faith Walks
A new mantra has come to me during my sunrise strolls.
Jesus walks with us.
If that is something my attention has been drawn to throughout the Gospels this year, it’s that. Jesus walked. He walked everywhere. Right alongside His disciples, friends and eager students.
Jesus physically walked. Let that sink in.
And yes, the obvious thing being that there weren’t any cars for Him to hop in. Right. But they did have donkeys, camels, and horses. But, He walked every where.
Jesus walked. He didn’t run. He didn’t sprint. Jesus truly physically embodied in every essence what the life of faith really looks like by doing that. Not just from the spiritual and calling sense, living out his identity as God’s Son. But as a man. A person. Yes, He was (and is) the Son of God, but He was also fully a man. He came to walk among us. With us. He got down on our level, and walked alongside us. He lived life right where we were and are. He saw things from our point of view and showed us how to embody the life that God directs us to. Jesus brought the walk of faith into living color, in the flesh.
Jesus walked. He physically showed that the life of faith was one step at a time. He no doubt had a desire to be urgent and attentive, but he was humble, gentle and was NEVER in a rush. I personally desire and want to carry that characteristic of Christ into my every day. In the day to day. With my famil and into my relationships. Jesus’s pace was one of presence. A slowed pace—one that was literally done on foot. His life points me to the fact that I don’t have to have the gas pedal pushed down to the mat to do this faith thing. I hope you can find peace and a focus in that sentiment as well.
Faith is a walk. It’s one step at a time. We don’t need to rush or sprint. The life of faith is of a pace of endurance, convicted consistency and a deep devotion to continually seek God first and as our ultimate focus.
Jesus’ rhythm and pace was most certainly counterintuitive to the culture then, 2000+ years ago, as much as it is astounding to the astronomical pace of life now-a-days. But Jesus didn’t come to be the living example for us so that we have to succumb to the pressures and pace of the world around us. He doesn’t want us to be swept up in the current of the unforgiving pace that the culture around us makes. Our souls can’t handle it. They weren’t made for that kind of pace.
Peer through the gospels. Ask God to reveal to you the pace that Jesus literally walked throughout His time here on earth. Let’s invite him into our hearts and embrace Him in our souls so that we can surrender the painstaking pace we tend to want to move throughout life. Let’s ask him for the grace, continued example and the conviction to follow Christ’s example of walking in faith.
Looking for more on how to walk with Jesus? Click here for a 3 week (21 day) days of devotion series to do so. :)
Wednesday || June 1 || 2022
Restoration & Refreshment
I used to think I found restoration and refreshment in my next purchase, indulgent food, or novel "thing".
I missed out for a long time searching for soul fulfillment in the "stuff" of life. There are neat and wonderful things our world offers us, that is for certain.
But as I've come to find out, no amount of stuff can fill my soul.
What fills my soul and deepest need, deepest desire for refreshment-- is a Person. This Person, this Friend, longs to restore and refresh each of us, personally.
True soul restoration and refreshment comes through a relationship with Jesus. Read through Psalm 23 today if you're seeking some soul restoration and refreshment, friend.
Let Jesus refresh your heart and soul with what only He can give-- Living water.
Thursday || May 19 || 2022
kingdom collaboration & Divine Appointment
What I might have once coined has coincidence, I now see as God's divine appointment.
I am deeply grateful for how the hand of God has been working in my life. I'm beyond excited to share with you about Rising Above Ministry. I had the opportunity to meet two wonderful ladies from Rising Above--Kim and Carrissa, in Cleveland for Inclusion Fusion Live! hosted by Key Ministries. After meeting them, one thing led to another, and led they invited me to speak on their podcast!
I can't but help see God's plans through little, but meaningful encounters over the last few years. And now God is graciously blooming fruit from all of the divine appointments He planned for me to attend.
For instance.
-I met Sarah, 2 years ago, and I see her 2 times a week where my son goes to therapy.
-Which led to consistent connections because of my son's bi-weekly appointments, blossomed into a lovely friendship.
- Which led to Sarah finding out about my making of bible-grams and encouraging me about the work that I was doing.
-Which led to Sarah inviting me to join her and go to a disability ministry conference in Cleveland, to "meet her people".
- Which led to sharing an expo table with Sarah's friend John, in which was the table that was planted directly across from Rising Above Ministries
Friends, maybe you too have been coining some things in your life as coincidences or a freak accident.
But I assure you, God is setting up a series of divine appointments, that you may or may not known you're attending at the time.
Keep being present, keep seeking Him first and he will reveal Himself to you. Sometimes when we just let go of trying to make it all happen & try to force what we think is best, we might miss the appointments He already has booked. I never knew that I was "supposed to" go to an event like this in April. It wasn't on my radar. I never had even heard of it. I didn't even know ministries like this even existed. But what I got there I couldn't help but feel the Holy Spirit's overwhelming presence that I was where I was supposed to be. And with like-minded, Jesus loving people that were also on mission to help others.
Like I said, I didn't know that my above list were divine appointments at the time. I'm seeing God's had in how he scheduled all of those things in my life organically, that points to His sovereign hand. I think finding out after the fact we attended a divine appointment is a good thing. It takes the pressure off of us to perform and push, and it completely places what is to happen in God's capable hands.
So, as you might have suspected, I am so excited to share this podcast episode with you. I highly encourage you to follow my friends on instagram @risingaboveministries, and visit their website here . They also have an amazing App that you can download for free in the app store with incredible resources and encouragement. You can also access the podcast episode that I was featured in here :)
Lastly, this has prompted me to finally release a new topic of bible-gram topic for you, Divine Appointment. Which will include today's bible-gram at the top. I included some passages on today's bible-gram to encourage you to keep showing up, being right where you are-- in the thick of it. Moses was out herding sheep when God met him in the burning bush. Joseph was in prison doing his duties diligently when the he was noticed and given special privilege. Samuel was sleeping when God called him. David was coming in from herding sheep when he was anointed king. Matthew was sitting in his tax collector's booth-- doing his day job when Jesus came and called him. Take heart and keep going my friend. I will be excited to hear about the time(s) God schedules you for divine appointments that will amply point to His presence.
this and other opportunities that Open Door Encouragement has for collaborations is housed under 'kingdom collaborations' on the website. You can click here to go to that page :)
Wednesday || May 18 || 2022
foundation of faith = love
Love is an action.
Love is a commitment to care about others, despite "deservedness".
Love is the foundation that our faith stands on.
I could probably list a page full of definitions about love that is beyond its typical view-- a romantical type feeling.
It's just like what Boston sings about-- it's more than a feeling. Love in the Christ-like sense is anything but a romance love and it certainly was more than "just a feeling". Jesus loved others just as they were, where they were, and for who they were-- sinner and all. (I don't normally like to use the word sinner, maybe because I can only hear it being spoken in the voice of Chris Farley from Tommy Boy 😂).
But Jesus wasn't like that. I don't think it was Jesus' m.o. when he walked the earth-- to go around pointing out all the sinners. (Because, well, that would be everyone). Jesus lived with love first.
Did Jesus come to seek and save the lost? Yes. Absolutely. But He didn't throw that in anyone's face. (Well, maybe except for the Pharisees ).
Anyhow. Jesus' actions were led by his deep, abiding, steadfast and abundant love for others. Despite the fact that we all are sinners.
We can take some life notes from Jesus and do the same. Love others no matter what. Even when we don't feel like it. Or when it's not easy or even if it doesn't "make sense". Let's love others anyway. Jesus grounded himself in his relationship with God and the extension of that was love.
Sometimes we might feel like the foundation of our faith has some cracks in it. Not to worry. We can draw close to God and He will help our foundation be reinforced and solidified by His love.
Wednesday || May 11 || 2022
letting go of picture perfect
Hey friend! First and foremost, Happy May! Second, my apologies if you have been checking the blog and I hadn't posted in a while :) I will say the end of April and the beginning of this month have been delightfully busy. But not to worry, there have been plenty of things God is laying on my heart to write-- it's just a matter of time sitting down to polish them and publish to share with my Open Door Encouragement family.
Okay. Now we can move onto what I really wanted to share with you.
Personally, the thing I am about to share with you is something I wish I would have been let in on much sooner in life. Simply because it has offered the older version of myself so much freedom. And I know it can for you too. Truth be told, if I could go back in time and tell the younger version of myself this thing, I would do it. But, seeing as I don't have a time machine to do that, I decided to share it with you instead.
And with this privilege, comes great responsibility my friend. Once I let you in on it, you have to promise me, to go and share this with your loved ones too. Okay? Okay. Sounds good.
Alright. I've built up enough suspension, I think.
Here it is. You don't have to be perfect.
Okay. I know, it's a lot to swallow. Take another second, read it again. This time, out loud and instead substitute the word "you" for "I".
I don't have to be perfect.
Whew! Did you feel the pressure release? Me too.
I'm now going to addend that statement with this. You or your life doesn't have to be perfect to pursue Jesus.
I know, friend. Maybe you haven't heard that before. But I'm sharing it because it was a truth from God's word that has set me free, and I pray that it does for you too.
There is an unfortunate push from society, maybe our peers-- that there's a notion to be presentable, polished and put together. 24/7. And it's suffocating. This pressure is unwarranted and it distracts us from following Jesus. So, I am going to lay the this notion to bed-- we don't have to be perfect or with a picture perfect life to follow Jesus. It is 100% false advertisement.
And quite frankly, it's undue stress we put on ourselves and our already over-loaded plates.
So, here's the catch. We don't have to pretend or try or strive to be perfect (Or need to_.
One. It's impossible. Two. It's exhausting. Three. Did I say it's impossible? This dangling illusion that a picture perfect life is obtainable, is a balloon that needs to be popped. Or something to be written down and torn up. Burned. Incinerated. Thrown away.
When we finally release ourselves from the pressure of perfect expectations, we have room to say yes to following Jesus. In that, we will find freedom in being ourselves. No puppet strings of perfection attached.
Jesus recruits us just as we are. Right where we are. On our Mondays. On our make-up-free days. And in the middle of our mess days.
That's the version He wants of us. And the "unpolished" version of ourselves is free to follow Jesus without the presumption to be perfect. We don't have to be perfectly organized, a straight A student, the biggest and strongest, the coolest instagram posts, or have the best clothes.
In God's economy, those things aren't even on the check list.
God just wants to see an open heart, willing hands and ready feet to follow His Son Jesus. Just as we are, imperfections and all.
Friday || April 22 || 2022
made to be mountain climbers
I vividly remember learning what mountain climbers were. The exercise.
For those of you that are not familiar, a mountain climber is where you get down into a plank position on the ground, with your arms stretched out straight, while balancing on your toes, and you look like you’re in a position for a push-up. That’s just the set up :) The actual exercise is while holding yourself up, you alternate driving your knees up to your chest and back, as fast as you can. And you do said mountain climber until your coach or trainer tells you to stop.
I’m not going to lie, the first time I ever did a round of those, every inch of me was covered in sweat, my heart was pounding from the hard work– and I think every one of my muscles felt the burn.
But when it’s all said and done?
I’m relieved, excited and proud of myself. It’s like a melting pot of emotions because the task itself was hard, but afterward, totally worth it.
Whether doing mountain climbers for physical exercise or climbing actual mountains for spiritual growth, they actually have several parallels.
They’re both hard. They both take time. They both engage every part of you. And as much as you might feel like you want to quit in the middle of it, there is a little part of you deep down inside that tells you to keep going, keep digging, and to keep pushing forward. You want to get to the end point—the pinnacle-- and experience the mountain top experience.
The Bible is laden with mountain climbing experiences. I’m going to go out on a limb that God didn’t call our Bible friends to climb up physical mountains to get into better physical shape. I mean, they already walked everywhere as it was.
God used the mountain climbing experiences to spiritually shape them.
Abraham, for instance (see in Genesis 22). God asked Abraham to go on a little trip with his (only) son, Isaac. They traveled together for 3 days until they reached the mountainside area where God directed Abraham to take Isaac and offer him as a sacrifice. During the time that God asked Abraham to carry out this monumental act of faith, I have no doubts that Abraham was flipping through a catalog of questions. The travel and ascent up the mountain itself certainly allowed time for that.
I’m wondering if Abraham had questions like:
How long will I be climbing this mountain? Should I really sacrifice my son? Why did God ask me to sacrifice Isaac? Didn’t God say He would bring a nation through my offspring? Am I really doing this?
I can only speculate the kinds of questions and thoughts that were ping-ponging around in Abraham’s mind as he mustered the strength to climb that mountainside.
And Moses. Moses had several mountain climbing experiences in his life. Moses’ initial invitation and calling from God via the burning bush scene (Exodus 3). Then there was obtaining the Ten Commandments– both times (Exodus 19, Exodus 34). And then at the end of Moses life, right before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, God allowed Moses to climb a mountain to overlook and see the land with his own eyes, right before he passed away (Deuteronomy 34). Again, we can only speculate the thoughts that Moses had too, in each of those mountain climbing experiences. Each step that Moses took up the mountain, each time, I’m sure there was anticipation, curiosity, devotion and surrender to the amount of time it would take. The curiosity and devotion certainly had to drive him past any doubts and propelled him up the mountains to meet God.
And what about Jesus? Specifically, the time where Jesus had Peter, James and John join Him to mountain climb for Jesus’ transfiguration. Jesus walked with the inner circle 3 disciples up the mountainside. Jesus knew what He was walking His disciples into. But they didn’t. Peter, James and John each committed to the climb, took one step of faith at a time, and followed Jesus up that mountain. They didn’t know how long it would take or even probably what they were going to experience at the top.
Jesus does talk about having a mustard-seed size faith that can move mountains in Matthew 17:20.
But what kind of faith do we need to have in order to climb mountains in our faith?
God undoubtedly can move mountains. He is a God that can perform monumental, out of this world miracles, hands down. We know this. Raising the dead, healing the paralyzed, walking on water, saving His people from a fiery furnaces, dens of lions, giants in battle– I could go on! So, I think the underlying question is, what do we do when God doesn’t move the mountain in our life, but calls us to climb it, instead?
God calling us to spiritually climb mountains? That flexes our faith muscles, big time.
We might not know how big the mountain is, how long it will take to get to the top, the obstacles we might experience on the way there— the questions and quandaries are infinite. But when we surrender the questioning and trust that God is leading us up the mountain and start climbing in faith anyway, that is monumental. We say yes to the hard, but humbling process of taking this mountain climbing journey. We become determined and devoted to seeing what God has in store for us. The mountain that is placed right in front of us might not meant to be moved, but rather to be climbed. And experienced. God’s intentions are for us to climb the mountain so that we can come close into His eternal presence.
Mountain climbing experiences forge our faith deeper in God.
Mountain climbing experiences reveal more of who God is and His everlasting, eternal character.
Mountain climbing experiences weather our faith.
Mountain climbing experiences get our faith fit-tested and give us the first-hand experience of God’s goodness.
We can read however many times we want to about our friends in faith and their spiritual mountain climbing experiences. We can even empathize, ponder or even guess what their experiences were like during the process and when it was all said and done. But what is really going to build our faith? It’s when we say yes to climbing the mountain, ourselves to seek God.
Surrendering and acknowledging the fact that we are taking a step of faith because we don’t know the amount of time, trip-hazards or tediousness of climbing that mountain, until we do it ourselves.
God most likely has presented you a mountain to climb. Maybe you haven’t packed your hiking gear yet, and are still pondering what this trip will entail. You’re succumbing to the fact that He is not going to move it—even though we know that He can and is able. It’s evident that God intends for us to climb it instead.
Abraham, Moses, and Jesus all succumbed to mountain climbing experiences. They said yes to taking the steps up the mountainside. Their devotion and desire to experience what God had in store for them, and it propelled their faith to mobilize. During the time it took for the ascent to the top of the mountain, that’s when their faith grew and flourished. In the time it took to reach the pinnacle.
Each of them had mountain-top experiences with God. At the pinnacle, they each had powerful God moments filled with His perfect presence. They were able to fully bask in God’s eternal presence because they took the steps of faith to climb up the mountain that was in front of them. Then at the top, God filled them with His presence and equipped them for whatever would come next.
A life of faith isn’t lived on the mountain-top. Our faith grows and is pruned in the process that we take during the mountain climb itself. God doesn’t air lift us and drop us on top of the mountain, skipping the ascent to experience Him. God needs our faith to be fit-tested, truly weathered by the trek to the top. During the climb, our soul seeks and strides to meet our Lord at the top.
Under the umbrella of our identity as a child of God, I think it’s safe that we can add mountain-climber to that list. Embracing this quality that we have in our character as God’s child, we know that it comes with some pretty awesome benefits. Climbing future mountains, we can know from our friends in faith and our own personal experiences that when we get to the top—the very pinnacle we get to experience God’s personal presence. We’ve pushed to seek God—the peak is close to God and we are put, right in His perfect presence.
Thursday || April 7 || 2022
Character clothed in compassion
I have many fond and funny memories growing up with my sister. We were super close in age-- one school year apart--looked and sounded alike, and did pretty much everything together. Because we were so close in age and size, my mom frequently bought us matching outfits.
Anyhow, something that my mom did probably out of her sanity and simplicity, my sister and I took as opportunity. Whenever we were out and about with our mom, wearing our matching clothes, we would undoubtedly run into someone she knew.
The poor, unsuspecting acquaintance that would stop to chat with our mom would unsuspectingly be a contestant in the game, “who is who?”. Because we were basically dressed like twins, and were pretty much the same size and looked very similar—it was assumed we were twins. Our dress-alike-charades made for a fun game for others in figuring out who was Mallory and who was Rachel. Admittedly, we did thoroughly enjoy playing up the twins bit, just a little. :)
Anyhow, it can be fun to dress and look alike.
But what if we took it a step further? Not just look alike, but act alike? It’s one thing to dress like someone, but acting like someone else? That takes it to another level. I mean, isn’t wanting to be and act like someone else the highest form of flattery?
What if the person we were yearning to dress and act like, was Jesus? Okay, hang with me here. I realize that wearing physical clothes that resemble what Jesus wore isn’t really what we’re going for here. Obviously wearing something that physically resembles someone else doesn’t mean you’re going to be like them. What I’m talking about is spiritual clothing. The spiritual clothing that dresses our heart and soul.
My thoughts are frequently filled with this this notion, this invitation that we’re all welcome to. Being more like Christ. Seeking and desiring to be clothed in Christ-likeness. Being clothed in Christ-likeness is an expression that is expressed and mirrored in our actions. Jesus Himself, was clothed in Christ-like character, because, well that’s Who He was and is. Specifically, to the core of Jesus, His heart and soul are clothed in compassion. And because His heart and soul are completely covered with the fabric of compassion, threads of His character were sewn into every inch of His life and ministry.
We too, can have a heart and soul that are covered in the fabric of Christ-likeness, specifically compassion. And it comes out in our actions.
By spending time with Jesus in His word, we glean what His Christ-like character looks like up close and personally. Yes, we read about how Jesus reacted and responded to those in His proximity at a given time (see the Gospel verse references in the Bible-gram). Taking the time to view Jesus’ character for ourselves, we start to have a deep desire to be like Him ourselves.
Christ-like character starts with dressing our heart first. Donning specifically compassion on our heart is a characteristic that embodies love and directs loving actions. When compassion is one of the cornerstones of our character, we are complimenting Jesus’ character.
Frequently, we find in the book of Matthew, that Jesus had compassion…. This insight into Jesus’s character demonstrates that His heart was completely covered with the fabric of compassion, and we witness so many threads of it throughout His ministry.
Let’s be compelled to don our hearts in Christ-like character. Specifically, starting with compassion. As compassion dresses our heart and soul, we too will see it threaded in the fabric of our lives.
On a side note, there is a new Bible-gram topic that this Bible-gram will be housed under: Clothed in Christ-likeness. I’m very excited about what material God will cultivate through this new topic and how we can glean more about our friend, Jesus.
Monday || April 4 || 2022
Eternal Value
As a kid, I can remember my parents helping me save my allowance. One of the main times they would encourage me to save it would be the weeks leading up to a family vacation, so that I could have a little spending money when we went. One time in particular, was when we went to Disney World. When the opportunity came for me to buy something, I excitedly and feverishly looked for the price-tag on the toys or stuffed animals that piqued my interest. So much anticipation, hope and curiosity– flipping them over to see how much they cost. It was very elating when I found something I really liked, and the “price was right”, if you will, and I had enough money to buy it.
But let me throw this out there. What if real life was like that?
What if events, memories and seasons of life had price-tags on them?
I know, it’s a weird thought, isn’t it?
I know when there are special times and occasions bonding with friends or family and the time spent together is completely wonderful- life giving and all around awesome. We could say those moments don’t have a price-tag. Those memories are priceless.
But what about the hardships, hard times and dashed hopes? What about those times? Do those times have a price-tag? How would we quantify those times in our life?
I think either way you look at it, it’s hard to imagine putting a price-tag on any kind of experience in life– good, bad or indifferent. It’s hard to place that kind of quantitative value on something. I don’t think that’s an activity that anyone does. Personally, I take time to remember the good, exciting and life-giving times. And then I tend to reflect on the hard, confusing, and difficult events or seasons of my life. My reflecting is in hopes an opportunity to glean the goodness that God was growing through my circumstances. In a way, I would wager many of us try to place some sort of value on the more reflective events of our life, because we want to make sense of what happened. I will ponder and reach out to God as to why something happened and how He is using that in my life. I guess in that sense, I am trying to place a value on it.
This brings to mind the ever-so popular verse of Romans 8:28. Quick recap, this verse lets us know that that God works everything out, for the good of those who love Him. Everything.
If that’s not a mic drop of a verse, I don’t know what is. (Actually, I feel like the Bible is laced with all kinds of mic drop verses—see the Bible-gram section: Core Convictions 😊)
So, back to Romans 8:28.
All events in our life hold eternal value.
Looking a bit deeper, take a moment to look up the verse in an Amplified Version. The word know is often correlated with confidence. And here in the verse, the first chunk it says “And we know [with great confidence] that God [Who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan]…”.
Wow. That is awesome! And encouraging. I’m not making light of the fact that when we walk through hardships, heartache and dashed hope, that is for certain (Hebrews 12:11). But as the first part of Romans 8:28 says, we can have the confidence, hope and assurance that God- who cares for us—will work it all out. It is 100% undeniably difficult to see the value of a situation we’re presently in. We don’t often glean perspective or value until later. Months. Years even.
The remainder of that verse goes on to say that God works all things out, for those who love Him, and are called according to His plan and purpose. That is very re-assuring. When we asked Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, we were adopted into God’s eternal family (Ephesians 1:5). And as His child, we are called to identify as such and seek Him to live a life that honors Him.
So, I think we can lay down the notion that God isn’t up in heaven with a price-tag gun and tagging every event in our life in the sense of its worth. But I think it’s safe to say that God does allow things to take place in our life– the good bad and in between– because it all has purpose. And we, the ones on the receiving end of life’s events, can leave space for God to work things out and reveal the eternal value and shaping He intended for those times. God weaves everything together and encourages us to trust Him that His work in us is inherently good and eternally worth it.
Monday || March 14 || 2022
Pursuing God’s presence
There are things in life sometimes that we don’t realize we need it, until we don’t have it. This could certainly pertain to many things, especially material ones. Our material needs are usually pretty obvious when we need them. But what about our soul needs? How do we realize what our soul needs?
We might not always be able to put our finger on it or put it exactly into words, but our souls have a way of telling us we need space. Some alone time. A time to shut down. Solitude. A time set aside to seek God and rest in His presence.
I personally know when my soul is seeking some space—some alone time—when I start to feel less than compassionate, gracious and loving in my responses as I carry out my daily responsibilities. My heart feels heavy and burdened and at then at the same time, empty to give out just one more ounce to others. My heart and soul nudge me in unison—that there is a longing, a deeper need; a void that only God’s presence can fill.
Alone time with God.
Dare I say those words, but yes, alone time. From the vantage point of a stay-at-home-mom with two young kids, that little phrase holds so much power. I’ve never realized the deep soul need of wanting alone time, until I’ve had children. I love the two, precious little humans that God has gifted me to raise, there is no doubt there. But raising children does come with an eternal investment—you are continually and persistently pouring into them—for all of their needs. It is a privilege. A “good-hard” work, if you will. But with the pouring out and into them, I too need to be poured into. Replenished. And so much more I am finding myself seeking, truly desiring alone time with God, so that my soul can get quiet before Him. To be still. To cast whatever is on my heart into His hands. To be present in His presence. To allow God to fill my heart so that I can renewed to do the lovely work He’s laid before me.
Along with this desire for alone time with God, I am also releasing myself of any false guilt that comes along, telling me that it’s selfish to want to have it in the first place. Society says to keep pushing, “you’ve got this”, you can’t stop (or shouldn’t stop)—keep plowing through. Society might also say that it looks weak to desire alone time, rest and soul renewal. But as I will share in a moment, Jesus Himself, the Son of God, the second part of the Holy Trinity—in all His perfection and glory -- He too sought alone time with God. Jesus wasn’t swayed into the current of what others were doing around Him. Jesus set the standard and the tone for total soul connection for all He said and did by retreating into God’s presence.
So, alone time. It can feel like an elusive thing. Personally, I am in a season of life where it is a gift to go to the bathroom alone without a mini audience barging in to find me or to ask me for help. Maybe, your season of life doesn’t include bathroom-barge-ins. Maybe it’s endless phone calls from co-workers seeking your experience and help. Maybe you have a list of continual requests from a family member who isn’t physically capable to carry things out on their own anymore. The demands in our life from loved ones, co-workers and those we care for, well, can sometimes be a lot. We might feel undone, overwhelmed or extended to the point we feel like we can’t stretch any more or have anything left to pour from our cup. Because well, it feels empty. And it’s not in the physical sense that we feel depleted. It’s on a soul-level. Feelings of prickliness and irritation might be lurking at the thought of one more request or some impromptu pop-up for something they need.
And as the loving, Christ-followers that we are, we want to help. We want to give. We want to do. We want to be there and give to our people. But at some point, our souls get tired. They feel weary. We might have the urge to hide or self-preserve because we feel like we don’t have anything else to give away.
So, when we are feeling like that, what do we do?
May I suggest we turn to Matthew 14:13-23. I think for those of us who are seeking alone time, a soul-level retreat in God’s presence, Jesus gives us some pretty great insight on how to go about doing that.
In short, this is a passage where Jesus wanted some alone time. He needed it. He was trying to make space to be alone with God the Father because right before this, Jesus was grieving the loss of His cousin, John the Baptist. Verse 13 b tells us that by boat, Jesus withdrew to a solitary place. He wanted to retreat to have quiet time and be with the Father, and no doubt, process the loss of His cousin. But in the very next verse, the crowds heard about where He was and followed Him.
Okay. The mom in me can’t gloss over this. Here Jesus is, attempting to retreat and have alone time. But the crowds followed Him. In the script of my life, this would be the moment that I try to take a shower (and steal a couple minutes of alone time)-- and within moments of my departure, I will have a congregation of cute observers standing at the shower door. Asking for me to get them a snack (of course in the cutest way possible).
Anyhow, the crowd pursued Jesus (aka “the kids”). And here is where Jesus did something really boss. Jesus saw the large crowd, had compassion on them, and healed their sick. The fact that Jesus healed their sick was a miracle in it of itself. But to me, another miracle is that the text let us know He had compassion on them. I mean, Jesus was in a boat, in the process of taking time away. He did have a choice to keep going along and pursue the alone time that He desired. But He didn’t. Jesus was kind and compassionate and put His plans on hold. The kids, I mean the crowd, cut His time short. Jesus didn’t get resentful, irritated or angry. Jesus had compassion.
Jesus then crushes it some more and gives abundant provision by feeding the 5,000 plus crowd. With twelve basketfuls of food leftover. Amazing and mind-bending, I know! But what I want to draw our attention to next is in verse 22.
Immediately, Jesus directed the disciples to go on ahead of him and Jesus Himself, then dismisses the crowd. Jesus made it a point and a priority to again pursue time with His Father. Verse 23: “After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone.”
Those three words are like a warm hug for my heart. I don’t know if it’s the thought of Jesus having that actual time alone with God, or if it was the persistence and importance that Jesus placed on still prioritizing to be in God’s presence. Jesus’ actions show us that it is 100% okay to prioritize having alone time with God. Jesus also showed He made a point to make time for it.
Jesus gives us an arrow of divine direction of how we too, can (and need) to make time alone with God, a priority. Alone time won’t just fall into our lap or happen by coincidence. Our schedule isn’t necessarily going to open up on its own and make space for us to have alone time, if we’re not intentional about it. Jesus showed that here. He gave direction to the ones He cared for, the disciples and the other followers, so that He could depart for a time of soul retreat with God.
Jesus was willing to seek God over the pressures of being caught up in the current to keep going. Even though His first attempt was detoured, He still then made an immediate effort to prioritize the alone time with God afterward. Jesus shows us that seeking God’s presence on a regular basis took precedent.
What if we too, gave ourselves permission to seek God’s presence? On a regular basis? Daily, even? What could our life look like if we sought time in God’s presence and it took precedent?
Taking time to retreat into God’s presence might not seem to be convenient. Or easy. As you can see, it took Jesus more than once to have that alone time, and by the time He did have it, it was late and went into the wee hours of the morning. (4th watch of the night = ~3 am to 6 am). But Jesus’s actions emphasize the eternal importance of having alone time with God the Father. Jesus sought time for His soul to be filled by the Father, we can too.
Tuesday || March 8 || 2022
Taking care of business
While I was younger, I picked up on phrase that my dad said. One that has resonated with me, and has taken up residency in my mind over the years.
This phrase that I keenly remember my dad saying was: “just taking care of business”. Or for short, he would tell me, “T-C-B”.
That was dad’s fun way of saying he was getting the job done. The jobs of life. Laundry, pick-up, yard-work, bills—anything—you name it. The times I usually caught my dad saying it, he was in fact “taking care of business” by doing those jobs of life. He did them with a steadfastness and one of a focused, but light heart.
That stands out to me so much. Not just the fact that he would worked hard, but how my dad was compelled to do those jobs, day after day. Day in and day out, with a similar vigor and perseverance to keep “plugging away” (another loveable phrase he had).
What I know now, is that dad was compelled to carry out the work that was in front of him was because he carried Christ in his heart. My dad let the fuel from his faith in Jesus carry him throughout life’s (never-ending) list of chores, tasks and little jobs. My dad carried a different motivation in his heart and that manifested in his work.
Thinking back on my dad’s work ethic (still to this day!), it brings to mind a few things. My dad was a good example for me to have a different outlook in how I can carry out the jobs of life. Whether in a professional role, at home, or for the church. Because, let’s face it, at times it’s easy to misplace the reasons behind our work. We can get tangled up and get grumpy about the work that’s before us because we don’t have the life-giving fuel pumping through our heart.
Within my first year or so of becoming an occupational therapist, a little bit of the newness-- the luster of “going out into the world to help others”—was starting to fade, just a little bit. Well, I had shared some of my frustrations on a phone call one morning with my dad before I headed into work one day. He kindly listened to me as I vented my frustrations of feeling like I wasn’t really making a difference and that my current caseload of patients didn’t seem very grateful (the nerve!).
Anyhow, my dad directed me to look up a passage when I had time. It was Colossians 3:23-24.
And so, I did.
I immediately was choked up, probably cried, and wrote it in permanent marker on an index card. I took it to work with me, and hung it up on the bulletin board above my desk at work. I looked at it every single day. It was my daily reminder of Who I was working for. It also led me to a simple, short prayer that I started praying every single day on my drive into work. It goes like this: “Lord, help me to serve you, through serving your people, today.” Short. Simple. Effective and to the point. And it was a game changer. Through that passage that God laid on my dad’s heart to share with me, prompted me into a (daily) prayer, and thus helped re-align my perspective with work.
An eternal perspective.
And the crazy thing? I still pray that prayer, today.
This happened over a decade ago. And the even crazier thing? I don’t work full time as a therapist anymore. Only on the weekends. My current full-time job? Being a stay-at-home mom with my two beautiful (very busy) children. And the prayer? It still works.
I am grateful that all those years ago, God lovingly helped re-shape my thinking and perspective in carrying out my work. The work we do (any kinds, all of it—paid or unpaid), it is all an opportunity to do it for our Lord and a chance to bring Him glory.
Doing new, old, same, repetitive, hard, mundane, confusing, tedious, boring, or exciting kind of work—all of it can be done with a new song in our heart. The song is played because we have nothing but the chance and opportunity to let God’s goodness sing through our work because of the new life He’s given us.
I know that I’ve held you in suspense for some time now, but in case you weren’t familiar with the verse Colossians 3:23-24, I’ll share it here with you. Maybe you too, will want to go and jot it down on an index card so that you can read it everyday for a loving reminder of Who you get to work for, each day.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”
I wanted to share this with you all because I think when we have our heads and hearts in tune with Jesus—we can let the joy of His salvation really be the fuel and fire to help us carry out our work.
Who knows, maybe you’ll start to whistle while you work (sorry, had to make a Disney reference somehow!), or smile and say “just taking care of business”, while your heart carries you through the work you have to do.
Looking for other passages to help you sing a new song in your heart, while you work? Look no further my friend! I’m listing 7 passages for you, maybe one for each day of a week? 😉
* Psalm 40:3-8
* Ephesians 6:7
* Colossians 1:10
* Colossians 3:17
* Proverbs 16:3
* 1 Corinthians 15:58
* Colossians 3:23-24
Friday || February 25 || 2022
God's Game-plan
We can celebrate the victory. The score is settled. God's grace wins. Every.single.time.
God's game-plan was grace, right from the beginning.
If we had the opportunity to open God's play-book, it would have one page. And this is what is written in big, bold letters across that single page:
It's underlined. Circled. Twenty-five arrows pointing to the word grace.
There is a line that stands out to me from Remember the Titans. One of the assistant coaches asks Denzel Washington's character, Coach Boone (the head coach) a question about his play-book. They were sitting during lunch time between practices, Coach Boone's play-book sitting on the table. This scene ensues:
Assistant coach to Coach Boone: "Awful skinny play-book, isn't it?"
Coach Boone (Denzel) responds (without skipping a beat): "I run 6 plays, split veer. It's Iike novacaine. Just give it time, it always works."
I love it! I love the the kind of confidence Coach Boone had and the fact that he had a skinny play-book. He knew what he would do, using just a few plays, would help lead his team to success. Coach Boone didn't even bat an eye-lash at the thought of needing any other plays in his play book than what he already had.
God's play-book might seem skinny to us, but His game plan is a winner: GRACE. God knows that grace gives the full coverage of anything that might ever come up in the game of life. I can hear Him saying in a huddle, "Alright. Everybody listen real close. I have the game plan for victory. We're going to have grace at the beginning. We're going to have grace in middle. And then, at the end, we're going to seal the victory with grace!" As we're leaning in, and listening to God deliver His game plan, we can have complete confidence in Him and the grace that He gives will always work. Time and time again, God's game plan of grace is proven, and will win.
We might think that our mess ups sabotage God's game plan for us.
Nope, not a chance.
God's grace infinitely and eternally will always win. Our mess-ups, mistakes never, ever muddle His game plan.
Now that's a buzzer beater!
So join me, friend, in reveling in this incredible victory. The victory that we can stand in and celebrate Amen? Amen!
Thursday || February 24 || 2022
Welcome Home
I can remember the very first time I was going to meet husband’s extended family when we were dating. At the time, we had been dating for almost a year when Tom asked me to join him at his Grandma and Grandpa Brown’s house for Thanksgiving. And in his asking, he must have been confident enough that I would say yes to go and not get scared off because there were going to be so many people there. I mean, I don’t blame him, as it could be intimidating to go to a family gathering where there would be no less than 50 people, all with the last name Brown, all huddled together (in the cutest house ever), all filled with people that knew my name and knew about me, and I would be well—probably be a little overwhelmed. I digress.
But after initially entering Grandma and Grandpa Brown’s house (and the initial shock of meeting everyone in my, now, wonderful family), I learned very quickly this was a house of welcome. Invitation. Open arms, big laughs, and real love. I was able to quickly draw the conclusion that Grandma and Grandpa Brown had grown a legacy of love and welcome. From the two of them, in their home and into the heart of the Brown family. I love that!
Loving and welcoming words weren’t just spoken there, they were lived there. Evidence was through their actions and it trickled down through the entire family. Over the next 12 years, I had the pleasure of visiting Grandma and Grandpa Brown’s house many, many times. Every time, I always felt like I was right at home and that I belonged.
Grandma and Grandpa Brown truly embodied a welcome home feeling by the way they talked and interacted with you. By the way they always opened their home (I mean, they never locked their doors, so there’s that). You walk in and there would be counter-tops full of crock pots and casseroles; the laundry room was always converted into a dessert bar; dozens of buckeyes and the most delicious homemade sugar cookies that you could imagine; M&M’s for days; and a fully stocked freezer ready to dish out mosehoppers and gin-slushies. Between the food and the fellowship, you always felt at home. No one was ever overlooked. No one was ever forgotten about. Even if someone wasn’t able to make it to the previous family gathering, there was even more love to be poured out on you the next time you were there.
Reminiscing about Grandma and Grandpa Brown (and how fortunate I am to be married into this family), I am overflowing with gratitude, humility and sincere inspiration. The legacy of love that they embodied truly left an imprint and deep impression on me. To me, Grandma and Grandpa Brown were just being themselves. The loving, kind, generous, and incredibly benevolent people that they were. They were always available and ready to love on anyone that was in their vicinity.
Grandma and Grandpa Brown lead me to think about a father that Jesus describes in a parable in Luke. If you take a peek at Luke 15, you will find Jesus sharing about the parable of the Prodigal Son. Basically, this parable talks about a father that had two sons. The younger son basically tells his dad he wants his share of the inheritance so he can go off and live life. The father gives the son what he requested, and cliff notes version—the son goes off and squanders it. The part that I want to draw our attention to is the father. At this point in the parable the son realized he blew it, was living with pigs and thought life was better for him at home, so he went home.
And guess what?
The father was moved with compassion. The father saw his son, ran, embraced him and kissed him.
What a welcome home! Honestly, I get choked up every time I read this parable and how the loving father responds to his son. The love and welcome that the father exuded to his son points to God and the kind of love that He gives us. Incredible, joy-filled, over-flowing with grace kind of love. The father threw a welcome home party and brought out the very best to celebrate his son’s homecoming.
But what I want us to think about for a moment is this. What was the father doing while his son was away?
I like to think that the father was preparing for his son to come home. Even though the months or years of waiting for his long-lost son to return were certainly difficult, I bet the father spent time anticipating his return. The father didn’t give up hope that his son would come home. I bet the father had his room ready, a chair for him at the dinner table, and left the light on and the front door unlocked—just in case his son would come home. The father was patiently waiting, prepared and ready at a moment’s notice for his son’s homecoming. He anticipated it.
Verse 20 says that the son was “a long way off, and the father saw him.”
How can someone see something a long way off? You have to be intentionally seeking for something off in the distance. You are actively searching or anticipating. I bet the father would go out and look around on a regular basis to see if his son was coming home.
God is like that. God eagerly waits for us to come home. No matter how long we’ve been gone, what we did in the mean-team, He is filled with joy that we have returned. Period.
When we come home, God is always there with open arms to bring us in. God is our heavenly Father that:
-that leaves the light on
-stays up late
-tells you that He’s glad you made it home, even if it’s after curfew
-will always sets a place for you at his table
- will leave the porch light on
-has the front door unlocked
-gives you the code to his garage door
- has the welcome mat out
-has warm coffee ready for you
- has your favorite food in the fridge and snacks in the pantry
God is the loving Father that is always ready, always seeking and lovingly awaiting your arrival. Let’s lean into this kind of grace-filled, welcome home kind of love that our Father is always willing and ready to give us.
Tuesday || February 22 || 2022
Daily Diligence
The day to day.
The daily grind.
The daily demands.
We all have them. We all have the mounds of mundane tasks, that we might feel like we do over and over. It's easy for the daily tasks to lose their luster and with that our eagerness to do them. Instead of having the desire to show up and do them, we want to shut down. Probably because we know we have to do that very same thing the next day. Or even in the next moment.
That sounds daunting, typing that. It feels daunting when you’re living amidst a season that has never ending demands.
As we all come to know, life carries the demands of day-to-day activities. The daily stuff we can't ignore, because, well, others are likely depending on us to do them.
So, what do we do?
We can eat the frog. Whaaat?!
We can do the things we don't want to do or even love doing, for that matter. We can say yes and do the stuff-- the daily grind. We can do so with the help of two things.
Dependence and diligence.
We can be diligent in carrying out the daily demands while being dependent on God. That is a choice we have. I personally am still learning to start another week, heck, another day being dependent on God to help me to do the daily stuff. The "do's" in and of themselves aren't necessarily hard, but to do them over and over and over-- diligently and with an inkling of enthusiasm, sometimes, is hard! It might even feel robotic in carrying out the routine demands. But last time I checked, each of us are living, breathing—real people—with brains, hearts and souls. We have a desire to connect with the work that we’re doing, and some fulfillment out of what we’re doing. So, when we are going about our daily demands—the repeat offenders if you will—how do we hold a heart of gratitude and diligence to even do them in the first place (or in this case again)?
I think for starters, we can ditch the "not this, again" mindset. We can look to God to move us into motivation. We can ask Him to help us be dependent on God as do the work set before us today, diligently. I know. That seems weird or counterintuitive, right? Ask God for help to do something that we already know how to do and have probably done 26 times already? I’m with you there. It does seem odd. But God invites us and welcomes us to seek Him for help, in all things, big and small. God desires us to have a good heart-attitude behind the work that we’re doing, and when we’re called to do the daily jobs again, we have a new-found luster to do them because God is lovingly partnered with us while we do them (Colossians 3:23-24).
God is the one that helps us dig deep and cultivate the right heartitude behind doing the daily repeats. God knows I have to do another round of dishes. God knows I have to wipe up the milk-masterpiece-messes off the floor, again. God knows I'll be changing 5 poop bombs today.
Just like God knows you might have to
-fill out the same forms at work
-answer the same questions
-give the kids a bath, again
-have the same meeting
-pick up the toys littered all over your living room
You know what it is. You know the daily do's that God has you doing in this season of life. But we can find hope and the motivation to work with linking up with Jesus to do each task.
Keep working diligently, my friend! Diligence to do the work will come with daily dependence on God. So, let's do it. Let's direct our efforts being dependent on God during the daily grind, today.
Sunday || February 13 || 2022
clothed in christ
The other morning while I was getting ready for work, I put on my scrubs and was struck by something. How big they were. Like too big. Yes, I generally want my scrubs on the slightly looser side, so that I’m not restricted in my movements to transfer, move and assist the patients on my caseload for that day. But for some reason I noticed my scrubs were overly big. They were ill-fitting and sloppy.
To be fair, these are the same scrubs that I’ve been wearing from 5 years ago. When I was 5 months pregnant. I was hired on at my current job in 2017, shortly after we moved from Ohio to southern Indiana/Louisville area-- and at that time, I was pregnant with Adam. So, I purchased a few sets of scrubs that would be big enough to suit me throughout the duration of my pregnancy. So, they fit me really good then.
Not so much now.
I haven’t purchased new scrubs for a combination of reasons. It’s probably between frugalness, mild apathy, and the fact that I don’t want to spend money on something I wear roughly 2 days a month.
My ill-fitting work clothes, to me, is an allegory to the spiritual clothes we actually wear and what we should wear. I realize that wearing baggy scrubs in the grand scheme of things is not really that big of a deal—probably more of a first world problem. But it certainly got the wheels turning in my mind how often we keep on wearing things that don’t really fit us.
As Christ-followers, we are commissioned and welcomed to wear new clothes. New spiritual clothes. These are the garments we wear on our heart, mind and soul—the clothes that adorn our inner life. But I think so often, myself included, we aren’t aware that we have a new wardrobe awaiting us to wear as Christ followers.
So, we stay in our same old, ill-fitting spiritual clothes.
Wearing ill-fitting spiritual clothes are frumpy and don’t fashion us or suit our faith anymore. Throughout scripture, there are many passages in the Old Testament and New Testament that point to Christ-like characteristics we should adorn ourselves with and wear on a daily basis. We are called to take off, put away, and rid ourselves of the old self and put on the new.
Being made new in Christ, from the day of our salvation and moving forward, we are warmly welcomed and invited to don the new clothes of our faith—ones that fit us and our faith. Christ-like characteristics fit us and equip us to move about in our faith and perform the duties that we are called to do.
Things like caring for others, living in love and forgiveness, carrying compassion—a life that is fashioned by the love that lives inside of us from Jesus. When our hearts are dressed in Christ’s love, we want our spiritual wardrobe to match. It’s like our spiritual fashion sense is awakened and we have a deep desire to coordinate our clothes—the love that fills our heart and mind needs to match with our outward actions.
Many years ago, I had the opportunity to listen to a speaker at a women’s retreat. The speaker did something that really stuck with me. She was speaking on a similar topic, being clothed in Christ. During the middle of her talk, she actually rolled in a mobile clothing rack. She had several big, bulky coats—over several beautiful blouses and shirts. One by one through her talk, she took the big, bulky, ill-fitting coats off of the blouses as she talked about being clothed in Christ. She visually illustrated that we are welcome to take off the ill-fitting spiritual clothes and invited to wear and enjoy the wardrobe of Christ like character—each and every day.
That really made an impression on me. I think because for so long, I personally had been wearing ill-fitting spiritual clothes. Ones that didn’t fit me or my new faith. Ones that I didn’t need to wear. Ones that I didn’t know I didn’t need to wear anymore. I had felt freed that I could take them off and get rid of them.
When we say yes to Christ and are living in the space of sanctification, we might not realize the truth that we are made new in Christ. Being new in Christ means we get to wear a new spiritual wardrobe. One that is adorned in love, gentleness, compassion, forgiveness, patience and grace. As friends and followers of Jesus, those are the ones that we have the privilege to wear—every single day. But it is a choice. We have to consciously take off the old spiritual clothing—resentment, malice, slander, bitterness, unforgiveness—all of that stuff—and get rid of it. We have to take it off, pull all the old stuff out of the closet so it’s not taking up room or even lingering around as an option.
Once we do the sweep of our spiritual wardrobes and rid our closets of what we don’t need or have to wear anymore, we are eliminating the ill-fitting options. We narrow down our spiritual clothing choices to the ones that are characteristics of Christ. Clothes that honor God and help us live out our new life in a love-laced fashion.
Let’s take time today and ask God to help us weed out the old, ill-fitting wardrobe. Let’s ask Him for help as we don our new clothes—the ones that fit us and our faith. Let’s thank Him that we don’t have to look relentlessly for something new to wear. God gave us Jesus and with that, a whole new wardrobe to wear. One that is faith-first and certainly fashion forward.
Wednesday || January 26 || 2022
Hang onto His Promises
There’s a friend in the Bible that I admire. I know it’s cliché to say that one of the Bible giants of the Old Testament is one that I think a lot of—but it’s true.
It’s Abraham.
He knew how to hang. Hang onto God’s promises, that is.
(Although I have no doubt, he would be enjoyable to hang out with in heaven one day).
Throughout much of Abraham’s story (mostly in Genesis 15-24), but especially in Genesis 22, Abraham did something that I admire. Abraham hung onto God’s promises. Whole-heartedly. God said go, and Abraham went.
Went where?
Well, in this particular scene, God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. (Spoiler alert—he doesn’t actually end up sacrificing his only son—he was just asked to. See Geneses 22 to see how it turns out).
Anyhow, Abraham was someone that persistently hung onto God’s promises throughout his life. Abraham hung onto the truth of God’s word, even when he didn’t exactly have a framework or reference point how God was going to work things out (especially in this case with the “go-sacrifice-your-son-scenario).
Abraham didn’t know exactly how God was going to work things out when he was asked to sacrifice Isaac. He just clung tightly to the promises that God had told him throughout the course of his life and trusted that God had it handled. God had already told Abraham more than once that a great nation was going to be built through his line—so he knew God’s promises would prevail, somehow, someway.
Through Abraham’s life, he was a man credited with righteousness, because He believed God. He believed God at His word, and that took some serious faith. Full-fledged-faith.
The take away here from this part of Abraham’s story is that he chose to hang onto God’s promises. In faith, Abraham took God’s promises with him and proceeded on what God asked him to do. We too have the same invitation. We can tuck God’s promises away in the pocket of our heart and carry God’s promises with us. Hanging onto God’s promises is a fancy way to say that we are going to remember what He tells us. When we hang onto God’s good promises, aka remember what He’s promised us we can trust that:
· God does have a greater purpose
· He provides protection in the process
· God’s provision will come, but possibly not in ways we expect
· We can be open and prompted to pray
As we take time in reading the Bible, we come to know the truth that God’s promises are perfect. They are always true. They carry out His divine purposes. I think the thing we might forget (I know I do!) is that God’s promises take time. It’s over a period of time, a process that God works His promises out in our life. Just like what God did in Abraham’s life, God will work His promises out in ours as well. God may shed light in our life that something is going to happen, but it may not happen instantaneously. Throughout the Bible, God delivers His promises and then it took time for them to be carried out. As we participate in God’s promises, it takes time, patience, perseverance and persistence.
Even think about Noah. God told Noah he was going to flood the earth. God promised that the flood would happen, and God wanted to start life over, beginning with Noah’s family. God promised that the flood would happen. God delivered His promise, but it didn’t happen the next day. Or the next week, month or year. God promised that the flood would happen and then? A big period of time. Like decades. Noah needed time to prepare for God’s promise. Noah needed time to build the ark and get ready for the flood that God promised would happen. It took Noah big-time faith, perseverance and persistence to keep pushing forward toward God’s promise.
God’s promises are what frames God’s purposes. We often don’t see the whole picture of God’s purposes until later. If God revealed the purpose of His promise right up on front street, why would we need faith? Through the process of God giving Abraham, Noah, and even us promises—it takes time and it is a faith builder.
Along the path of pursuing God and trusting in His promises, I feel like He leaves us little cookie crumbs to pick up along the way. Those little cookie crumbs could be reassurance through answered prayer, a kind word said from a trusted friend, or maybe your favorite bird repeatedly coming to your backyard. These little cookie crumbs are God’s way of leading us and encouraging us to keep going. Because, truthfully, living in a culture that yells very loudly that life and results should come instantly—it’s hard to keep going. It’s hard to plug away and keep pulling ourselves toward God’s promises, when all else is pushing us to stop.
But if we stop for a second and think about the type of faith that Abraham and Noah cultivated over the years of their life—they were examples and encouragement for us in our faith walk. Nothing was ever instantaneous in their life. It took hard work, perseverance and persistence and a heaping dose of faith in God to carry out all of His promises. They continued each day (imperfectly) to persist in whole-heartedly hanging onto God and His promises.
Maybe it’s hard to see what’s up on the horizon. You may feel like you’ve been traveling on a road that hasn’t had an arrow or a sign to encourage you to keep going. Maybe it feels like you’ve been on the same road for a long time. Keep going. Let’s keep going. Let’s link arms with Jesus on our journey and keep holding onto Him, wholeheartedly. Despite that it feels long and hard. Persistence and perseverance work themselves out through the time that God carries out His promises in our life. The process to us will not be picture perfect. It could honestly feel like we’re staring at picture frames without any pictures in them.
God can and will deliver on His promises. Scripture points to that time and time again. And if we’re brave, if we’re willing—we too, can take a look back on our own life and look and see the promises that God has delivered on already.
God’s promises frame His purposes.
We most certainly, one day, will come to know the beautiful picture God is creating as His purposes are lived out in our life.
Thursday || January 13 || 2022
Big Hands
You want to know something? There is something that I used to be very insecure about. I was definitely embarrassed if somebody noticed. I actually used to resent them when I was younger.
My hands.
I used to be embarrassed and uncomfortable about the size of my hands. Phew! I said it. Now you know too. My hands have always been big and I have extremely long fingers. I used to dwell on the (obvious) fact that had big hand(s). Or at least way bigger hands than everyone around me. As a kid, I didn’t really appreciate the hand that was dealt to me, literally.
I was very self-conscious about my hands and very uneasy at the thought of someone possibly noticing that my hands were large and in charge. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself, that’s for sure. Heaven-forbid someone pointed out my “man-size-hands” to me, because well, I was already super aware of that. Because of my hypersensitivity and unease about the size of my hands, I also told myself it was really good that I didn’t have a boyfriend for majority of my formative years. I mean, how embarrassing would that be if I had bigger hands than the guy I was dating? Um, hard pass. From this train of thought, I made a mental note in high school that I were to get married, I certainly wouldn’t marry someone that had smaller hands than me. That’s in the rules of marriage, somewhere, right? (Just kidding!).
Anyhow, as you can see, I was very sensitive, uncomfortable about the size of my hands for a long time. Way too long. I will say though, reminiscing and jotting down these memories to share for you, it’s kind of funny the things that we tell ourselves—especially the things we don’t love about ourselves.
Over the years, my feelings toward the size of my hands changed. I think what helped me turn the corner of thinking they were big and weird to “wow, it’s super helpful to have big hands”, was when I started to discover my affinity for sports. All the sports. Finding my outlet in playing basketball, volleyball, softball, and track—you name it! I found that in the case of doing anything athletic in nature, having bigger hands was quite the advantage. Through my numerous years in sports, I grew to appreciate my hands and decided that having them was actually pretty cool.
I know you’re also dying to know the rest of this hand saga of mine, so here, I will share the last snippet about my hands with you. Other than the size of my hands, my hands have had some physical trouble as well. Over the years my hands have hurt like no other (hello arthritis), ached, gone numb, lost feeling in their fingertips and both of my hands have even needed surgery for carpal tunnel release. Oh, and they crack and bleed during the colder months and constantly feel dry, all the time.
Okay. So here we are. I’ve spent a few paragraphs telling you about hands. I did this because I wanted to tell you I haven’t always liked or appreciated every piece about myself. The way that God created me. In this case, I felt (for way too long) embarrassed about a feature about myself, that God had designed me with. God created me to have big hands. Long fingers. My hands are a part of me, just like everything else that is on and in my body. It is on purpose. And my hands serve a purpose, despite my initial, early embarrassment of my hands.
Maybe you do too. Maybe there is something about yourself that you used to resent or try to ignore over the years. But I honestly think the thing that we are maybe the most sensitive or super aware about ourselves (we all mine is my hands)—I think that it is the thing that God gave us, specially, to do His good work.
Maybe you have a really big torso and long arms? You probably give the best hugs.
Maybe you have super-duper thick hair? You probably are great at growing it out and donating it to others.
Maybe you have wide hips? You probably are excellent at holding your cute (but clingy) children up on those hips.
Maybe you have oversized ears? You probably are the best listener to all your friends and family.
Maybe you are freakishly tall? You probably put the star on top of the Christmas tree like nobody’s business.
Whatever that thing is—that piece of you that makes you want to hide it? Or have mental disclaimers to yourself about why you have it or….?
God 100% gave you those wide hips, thick hair, big torso and tall stature for a reason. Lean into whatever that is, my friend. Lift a little prayer and ask God to help give yourself some grace and the space He wants you to use it in.
To wrap this post up, instead of leaving you with my aforementioned list of all the things that have bothered me and made me feel insecure about my hands—I wanted to leave you with another list.
I am sharing a little list of some of the wonderful things that my hands have done over the course of my life. I am happy to report that I have come to accept my hands and appreciate them. I see now that God gave them to me. They are unique to me and they serve a special purpose in carrying out my calling in life. Your special thing about you (whatever it is—you’re thinking of it right now) is a good thing. God created you, just as you are. And that is awesome.
Last thing, I promise. Before you skim over my list, consider writing one of your own. You’d be surprised at the things you can think of. God’s cool like that :-)
My (big) hands have:
-given a lot of amazing high fives & secret handshakes
-shook many a friend and acquaintances’ hands
-given many gifts
-palmed volleyballs and (girls’ size) basketballs
-thrown hundreds of softballs
-written a lot of notes to friends
-mailed lots and lots of letters to my pen-pals
-passed relay batons, served and spiked countless volleyballs, blocked shots in basketball
-embraced a loved one
-held hands with my soul mate
-held my precious babies
-wiped away tears
-made countless card creations, curated and carefully made for my homies
-wiped sweat off my face in all the games (also, I’m a sweater. Sorry if you didn’t want to know that).
-given lots and lots of thumbs up
-covered the key-holes on my clarinet countless times with my Gibsonburg Band-Buddies
- placed them on patients’ hands for comfort and to show concern
-gently massage, manipulated and facilitated lots and lots of arms of those that have suffered from a stroke
-typed, journaled, written words to encourage others
-made and shared bible-grams
-braided Julie’s hair into Rapunzel and Elsa hair more times than I can count
-dressed, bathed and assisted hundreds of patients trying to get back to regular living
-clapped countless times
-folded and pressed my hands together to lift and carry prayers to my dear Lord
-flipped through pages of mountains of books
-changed 1,000s of diapers
-given deep squishes to Adam when he needs sensory input
-flipped through the pages of my bible to seek God’s word
-texted and tapped out messages to my loved ones on my phone
-pulled and pushed my left leg in out millions of times after knee surgery
-held onto others’ shoulders to encourage them
-carefully folded mounds of laundry for my family
-signed “I love you” to my mom millions of times
-held my rings of promise given from Tom on our wedding and 10 year anniversary
- dug through the trash to find Indian’s’ tickets that I accidentally threw away (true story!)
As you can see, my hands hold value. Deep worth. They truly help carry out acts of love, kindness and my calling in this life. I’m proud that I have big hands, long fingers, cracks and they look worn. I want to use them to the fullest extent that God is equipping me to use them. I see my hands how as a gift. And I know that there is nothing that makes my heavenly father smile even bigger about is when his children use the gifts, He’s created us with.
Go for it, friend! Lean into what God’s created you with. How you were created is by far the best credential you will ever carry in carrying out God’s will on your life. I will be here, clapping and cheering with my hands and all of my heart as you do.
Wednesday || January 12 || 2022
Hardships= Heart-shapers
I don't think anyone willingly raises their hand and volunteers to be handed a hardship.
Job certainly didn't volunteer.
Job is a man of faith that we find in the Bible-- in the book that is also named after him. You will find it nestled between Esther & Psalms, in the Old Testament part of the Bible.
And spoiler alert! Majority of this book is hard to read. Hard from the stand point of what Job goes through, not necessarily word-hard-wise. In the book of Job, you read all of the heartbreak and hardship that Job walks through. Not-so-helpful and unencouraging comments from his wife. And then he has some less than loving friends to "help him" when he was at his lowest of low. Yikes. Not great.
Like I said, it is hard to read. Let's just say we're "lucky" to have a birds eye view of what went on in Job's life.
And what was the hardest to take? (for me at least)
Is that Job is a man of God. In the book of Job, more than once, he is coined as righteous. An upstanding man who follows God. He worships him. You even seen in at the beginning of the book that Job sacrifices on behalf of his children and family.
So this begs us to ask the question: "Then why do bad things happen to good people?"
Job is a righteous, God-fearing man-- why did he go through hardship?
You know friend, I ask that often. Not just in regards to Job, but in regards to those I see in life around me. All the ones going through heartbreak, health issues, & flat out hard times. Again, it's hard to watch and see those events unfold.
It doesn't seem fair. Not one bit. Not for Job. Not for you or anyone that has experiencing hard and heavy times.
To be honest, I don't know the exact answer. Why do good people go through hard times? Or one step further-- why do God's people go through hard times?
We might not know exactly why some things happen or don't-- in this earthly life. I know. Super helpful! But I think unpacking hardship and why some of us gets something and another something different-- well, it's not up to us. There are some things that we won't ever be able to draw a line back to and figure out why it happened or what caused it or the reason behind it. There is just some things we aren't meant to know. It is a tension that we live in, in this life, this side of heaven.
We live in a fallen world that is a far cry from perfect and anything that resembles paradise. When things don't align with our way of thinking or "add up to", I think we go searching for an answer as to why. I validate that motive, and I myself often want answers to things. Especially the tough stuff. I don't think we necessarily seek out the reasons why good stuff happens to us, because, well, it's good stuff. But the hardships are hard pills to swallow-- it's difficult, painful, and unpleasant. We want to avoid things that make us uncomfortable and deal with really ugly, horrible things that nobody wants to experience. So we hunt for answers and seek out maybe how to avoid it in the future.
But amid hardship we have a choice. Not necessarily the choice to avoid it or not. But a different one. We have a choice of how we walk through the hardship and Who we hold onto while we do. We are hardwired with free-will. God did create us, but he didn't build us to be robots. Within the hardship, we can hold a perspective that hangs onto hope. And the hope I'm talking about isn't like a "wishing" kind of hope. Not the "I hope this goes away soon" kind of hoping. Not that. The hope I'm talking about is the confidence kind. A deep-down knowing, in your insides that you believe that God sees you and knows exactly what you're walking through and that He will see you through. Hope that holds onto God. That kind.
So when life does hand us the hard stuff, we can choose to hold onto hope. And notice I didn't say if, but does. We can hold onto hope. We have that choice.
I am not writing this to you today because I am a champion of hope myself. I am writing this because how much I still need hope, too. I want my soul to be overflowing with hope in God, no matter what comes. I want the strength to choose having hope in Him. A favorite verse of mine that has served my heart many a times is found in Hebrews 11:1. "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." That is what I am going to let my heart hover over in the hard times-- God's hope. It is a firm assurance in Him-- even though we can't see the outcome or know the what or why that initiated it.
We all can choose to hang our hat on hope. God's hope. We can ask God to fill our heart with hope as we walk through the hard. We can ask God to give us a hand, hear our prayer and hug us with His hope as we push through.
Being a Christ follower doesn't eliminate the possibility of experiencing hardship. It didn't for Job. Nor does it for the rest of us in the faith family.
If anything, we can come to expect it.
Read Job's story and see how God shapes and renews his hope through hardship.
Hanging onto hope from God-- despite the hard-- it 100% will shape our heart and it will harvest a deeper faith than we could have ever hoped for.
Monday || January 10 || 2022
He knows
God knows what we need before we kneel and pray.
He knows. Jeremy Camp even sings a song about this exact thing.
Our good God knows.
It might be difficult to wrap our mind around that truth, that God is omniscient-- all knowing. This is a heavy truth I’ve been holding recently. Really considering the gravity of what it means to be loved and cared for by an all-knowing God.
In Old Testament times, it probably seemed like God was this off-in-the-heavens-loud-voice; this 'being' that sat off somewhere off in the distance, chilling in the bleachers with popcorn, watching the events of history unfold. Like a spectator at a sporting event or something. Yes, God certainly keeps an eye on us throughout our life and does watch and see what’s going on—that is true. But God is more than a spectator. As we fast-forward to the New Testament times in the bible, we come to find out that God became man—human form-- in Jesus. Because God is also Jesus, He knows what our deepest needs are, well, because He’s lived life, just like us.
God is capable and qualified to watch over us and anticipate our every need because He became flesh (Jesus) and walked this life.
God really does know. He knows the hurts. The hardships. The heartache. The hustle. The hurry up and wait. The highs and lows. He knows it because He’s lived it.
Throughout my life I’ve had dozens of coaches. Like a lot of them. 4 sports from childhood through high school, include travel teams, AAU, elite summer camps and then 4 more years of college volleyball—I’ll let you do the math :)
And you know what? I learned a lot of things from each one of them. But the ones that really stick out in my memory, the ones that really helped me, were the ones that had played the sport they were coaching me in. Or, extra bonus points, if they actually got out on the court, field, track, pit, etc. and could demonstrate or play right along with me. That was straight up credibility and authenticity. They weren't just telling me what to do, they showed me and could truly teach me because they did it too. Those coaches really made a big impression on me. The ones that had lived the sport they were coaching me in could teach from their experience. The ones that had put in the time, climbed the ropes, did the sprints, countless drills, painful stretches and all of the hard work it entailed. Those coaches still shine in living color in my mind when I think back on my sport-life memories. Those coaches could pull from their personal experiences and relate to me because, well they had walked the path that I was on. They had a deeper understanding and could connect with me because they lived and breathed through the same things I was.
They knew.
That’s Jesus. He is fully God (& fully man) and lived the life that we are living. He truly knows because He experienced life. Jesus didn’t come to earth to watch us but to walk with us. Jesus didn’t walk the exact same life that each one of us lives, but He went through all the same types of things that we as humans journey through on earth.
He was tempted. He knew hunger. He walked hundreds of miles. He worked. He had fellowship. He lived family life. He stood in storms. He prayed. He sought God. He shared. He loved. He cried. He cared. He lived out His calling. He experienced heart break. All of it.
He knows.
Whenever we feel overwhelmed & start to pray, we can keep this in mind—that God really does know. Our good God gets it because Jesus lived, walked and breathed every second of this life that we live, and knows exactly what we’ll need.
Next time you physically kneel and your soul bows low to be near to God in prayer—know that God Himself is next to you and ready to walk along with you through every single thing that you need.
Wednesday || January 5 || 2022
There was a line in a movie Tom and I watched together that really grabbed my attention. So, I jotted the line down so I wouldn’t forget. What was the line, might you ask?
“If you aim at nothing, you hit nothing.”
By itself, I find this very motivating, thought-provoking and inspirational regarding goal setting. In context from the movie (without giving any spoilers), one of the characters was talking about how she had a hard time focusing on anything and going after “being good at something”.
She goes on to say that she would inevitably give up and decide that she wasn’t good at anything. She felt like she was mediocre at a lot of things-- in essence saying she felt like she was aimless in the pursuit of anything. The character that was listening to her then said the line that I just mentioned to you: “If you aim at nothing, you hit nothing.”
I think that really resonated with me, because for a chunk of time after having kids, I wasn’t really setting goals for myself or specifically aiming for some thing. I don’t think I was aimless for a lack of drive or wanting to do something, it was more that life was full force between marriage, work, raising a family and just trying to keep up. Additional layers that compounded me not deliberately setting goals and “aiming at something” was the permission piece and knowing what I supposed to be doing exactly. Other than being a wife/mom/therapist, etc. I was doing good things, but I still felt aimless in the sense there was something grander that God had in store for me to really do.
A part of me didn’t give myself permission to pursue setting goals was based on a couple of reasons. One of them being was that I felt like if I set goals for myself, I was being vain and trying to do something that was outside of God’s will for me and it would take time away from my family. The other part was what exactly does God want me to go after? The truth was, I was afraid to set any goals and “aim for something”, because I really didn’t know what I was aiming for (other than caring for my family).
Over the past few years, God has slowly been awakening me out of a stage of goal setting hibernation. He’s been calling me from this state of hibernation in my faith, and awakening me to the dreams and goals that He has been laying on my heart. Through persistent and consistent time spent with Him, God has opened the eyes of my heart and soul so that I could see myself as the person and child of God that He created me to me. Inadvertently along the way of life, I had become murky seeing and knowing my sense of self. I was certainly busy in very excellent and worthwhile things (marriage, family, job), but in doing those things, my sense of self and who I truly was and created to be had gotten buried beneath the busy.
I’m guessing many of us can attest to that happening to a degree— feeling like we “lose ourselves” along the way because the jobs of life pull us in many different directions. We aren’t exactly centered on one thing because we’re called to care for many (wonderful) things.
So, back to the goal thing.
It’s not lost on me that it is the beginning of a new year and this time of year that everyone is primed for setting goals! That in it of itself is a conundrum and can be scary-- but at the same time, necessary because we have this pull to do or pursue something worthwhile. Then there is a layer of sensitivity in setting them at all, because we don’t want to come off as self-centered. Or we might feel altogether that we’re missing the mark because we’re not 100% sure exactly what we’re supposed to be doing. Yikes! All the things!
So, what do we do? Not set any goals at all? How can we set goals without it coming off as self-centered or missing the mark of what God wants us to do?
Well, in answer to those questions, I think it’s a few things. I think in order to know what we’re aiming for, we have to be in a place where we are firm in our identity of whose we are and what’s leading our heart to set these goals.
As Christ followers, we come to learn that we are all God’s children. That is our identity. We are His children! When our identity is firmly planted in God-- through His Son, Jesus, we are starting from the right place. In being God’s child, we therefore have a relationship with God. He is our Heavenly Father, and we are His child. In any relationship, you spend time with someone. You start to get to know them. In this case, we start to get to know God intimately and personally through our relationship with Him. God reveals more and more of Himself to you as you spend time with Him. And in turn, your relationship will reveal who you are and who you were created to be as God’s special child.
Making this connection, coming to stand in that truth of being God’s child, and live it out loud in living color in our life—that is a total game changer. You are starting from a different point, one that is centered in God. When your identity is first and foremost centered on God, He will direct what we aim for in life because He is the One we are in a close, loving relationship with.
Between the relationship, the time spent together, our trust grows with God. We start to be connected closely to Him and thus start to desire what He desires for us. We learn how special each one of us was created, how unique we are, and have a beautiful call on our life (see: Ephesians 2:10, Psalm 139:13-14, 1 Peter 4:10, Romans 8:28).
When we let the truth of God’s word and the strength built in our relationship with Jesus direct us, we are no longer shooting for our own selfish-seeming goals. Our aim, focus and target changes completely. We realize that God starts to lay goals on our heart. God-sized goals that we realize He created us uniquely for.
And my friend, that is a wonderful thing. Those goals that God lays on your heart are the ones that get you out of bed in the morning. They spring you to your feet and put a song in your heart. You realize that God has gifted you and created you in such a special way, and you are uniquely called and created to carry out those God centered goals.
My first book that I finished for 2022 was nothing short of divine. The book, Chazown by Craig Groeschel (highly recommend, and see photo) was one that I had picked up earlier last year and then put down for several months. I picked it up again right after Christmas and finished reading it this week. And it talks about the very thing that we are discussing today. Setting and chasing our God-centered dreams that God lays on our heart.
To wrap up my blog-post for you today, I want to leave you with a few things. I am going to share some of the God-centered-goals that are on my heart. I share them with you, not to incite comparison, but to ignite you cultivating God-centered-goals for yourself, too. Being centered on Jesus, He is leads me to aim at things that help cultivate the Christ-centered life He has called me to live. These tasks, activities or prompts aren’t the end all or be all, either. If I don’t “achieve one”, doesn’t mean I throw in the towel in chasing down what God is leading me to. I just know I can (and need to) regularly lean into God’s grace and strength to help me move toward them.
My prayer today for you is that you too can feel permission to pursue God-centered-goals. Know that you are not setting goals alone or pursuing them alone. You can persistently step toward those goals with God’s presence fully in you and before you as you take steps together in achieving them.
A few of my God-centered-goals for 2022
Wednesday || December 29 || 2021
Life on pause
Having been an athlete and dabbled in many sporting events since adolescence, I have had the privilege in playing in many games. And you know what? There is something that occurs in every game or sporting event, no matter what. Time outs. Breaks. Down time. A pause in play, if you will.
Whether it was a time-out being called, time to switch courts between games, half-time, or time for a substitution, there was some sort of pause that occurred among the entire span of game play. Yes, I understand these pauses were necessary. And this may seem a little “Captain-Obvious”, but when you’re in the middle of the game and you had to pause, it totally interrupted the swing of momentum.
So, what happens when our life is put on pause?
Have you ever had a time in life when it feels like there is an abrupt halt, stand-still or pause in play?
Regardless if life’s pauses are expected or coming from left field, it still feels like the stand still steals our productivity, momentum and steam to move forward.
Pauses in life can feel out of place, that is for sure.
In the moment, we might not appreciate the over-arching purpose of a pause.
What purpose do pauses serve anyway?
I think a way we might have an idea of having some insight into the purpose of a pause, we can take a peek in the passage John 11: 1-44. To bring us up to speed, this is the scene where Jesus had been sent word that His dearly beloved friend, Lazarus, was sick. Mary and Martha (Lazarus’ sisters) were the ones that had sent word to Jesus about their sick brother. This message was basically a hint for Jesus to come help and heal their brother.
But, as the scene plays out, Jesus stays where He was. For 2 more days. Jesus stayed put.
Underlying tone: a pause.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. How can Jesus just stand still and not go to Lazarus, even though he knew Lazarus was sick?
Well, if we take a step back and look closely into Scripture, we find the reason that Jesus was prompted to have this pause. Jesus wasn’t being apathetic; He wasn’t having a lack of sense of urgency because He was unconcerned. Nope. That wasn’t it. In verse 4, it says when Jesus heard of Lazarus being sick, He said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
I have more than once glossed over that statement that Jesus made! But Jesus, right up front, gives the outcome before the rest of the scene plays out. Let’s go ahead and keep Jesus’ promise tucked in our pocket as carry on throughout this passage.
If we shift our focus over to the sisters, we could probably hypothesize that Mary and Martha probably felt like their request hadn’t made it to Jesus. Or that it had gotten lost along the way. Maybe the sisters thought that Jesus hadn't sensed their urgency? I’m sure at this point, the sisters probably felt that their life was on pause.
They placed a request to Jesus, and then a giant pause. During the pause in waiting for a response from Jesus, Lazarus died. And was also laid in a tomb.
As we know, Jesus didn’t overlook the sisters’ request. He most certainly acknowledged it and gave a promise of the outcome. Having the privilege of knowing how this scene will turn out before it comes to an end, how does that change our view point of Jesus’ pause response?
For me, it shifts from panic and disdain to peace. My knee jerk reaction used to be: What is Jesus waiting for? Why is He waiting? Doesn’t He care? Jesus’ two-day pause used to me make feel uncomfortable. Even though the pause that Jesus takes does initially feel uncomfortable—and as I imagine, very difficult for the sisters—the pause can be a place to experience God’s peace. Also, in knowing that Jesus already was going to take care of business, give God the glory, and that Lazarus would still live—wow! I find comfort within Jesus’ words and promises. My perspective on Jesus’ pause shifts away from the panic-stricken to peace-laden. This pause takes on new perspective. Jesus promised that Lazarus’ illness would not end in death and that God and His Son would be glorified through this situation.
Pauses in life hold their place.
Just like the pauses I experienced in game-play growing up, they served their purpose.
God may place times of pause in our life—both expected and unexpected. We might not always have the immediate understanding of the purpose of the pause, but we can hold onto the promise that it is not outside of God’s plans and His perfect purpose for our life.
As we can see in the scene from John 11, Jesus’ pause served a purpose—in bringing God glory.
So back to our initial question, what purpose do pauses in life serve anyway?
Pauses can be a time that produce patience.
Pauses can be a time that give us perspective.
Pauses can be a time where the pressure is lifted from our hearts and placed in God’s hands.
I think it’s a natural inclination for us to pursue productivity and to chase down all possible solutions to a given situation. I think even in prayer we do that to a degree. It is not a bad thing to seek God and ask for His help and request possible solutions—God desires us to come to Him for help and we can come to Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).
And in pursuing God in prayer, we have to include the possibility He may call us to a pause. As awkward, uncomfortable that the pauses may feel—when we let them play out, God’s purposes still prevail.
Pauses may not be our favorite part of life, but God uses them to execute and carry out His perfect plans. It’s in the pauses and periods of waiting for prayers to be answered, we can allow ourselves the possibility that God will and can answer them in line with His perfect purposes.
Thursday || December 16 || 2021
cast your cares on God
Since the beginning of December, I have been sharing 25 Days of Invitations on Instagram (@OpenDoorEncouragement) as a celebration over the past year for invitation being my word in 2021.
This was the first year I had ever had a word for the year-- and a bible verse to go with it-- and it has been nothing short of awesome, rewarding and welcoming.
God laid the word invitation/invite on my heart at the tail end of 2020 and being present to Him through that word has been eye, heart mind and soul opening. As I have explored what the word invitation means, what God is inviting me to, and what I need to invite God into over the past 12 months has changed me. He has deepened the grooves in path of my faith walk with Him, that is for sure! He has invited me to completely swing open the door of my heart and fully trust Him and continue to invite Him, no matter what I am led to do.
As I mentioned, this month I wanted to spend time sharing 25 invitations that I have come across in God’s Word over the past year (and there are SO many more!). God has blessed me in so many ways through this word, so I felt an overwhelming desire to share this gift with others.
So, today is day 16 of the 25 days of Invitations. Neat, I know! : )
But what is really so divine is that I had previously listed out and prepped content to share on Instagram and here, Open Door Encouragement website, ahead of time. And through this process of me sharing these invitations in God’s Word with you, I still see God continually sharing His invitations with me, too.
The verse that I had assigned for today is Psalm 55:22. The NIV translation says:
“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.”
What grabs me in this verse? Cast your cares on the Lord.
In the context of this being an invitation: We are invited to cast our cares on the Lord. God is welcoming us to cast our cares on Him.
This verse ordinarily stands out to me because of the language and how rich it is and gives me a very vivid image of casting my cares onto the Lord, like for instance in fishing. I’m not a fisherman or by any stretch of the imagination, but I have been around long enough to have watched others do it or see it on t.v. (ahem. Andy Griffith show). Fishermen cast their lines or their nets out into the water. With this action, there is an expectation to catch something—my guess is fish!
So, what can we expect when we cast our cares onto the Lord? We can expect for Him to catch them, for Him to sustain us, and check out part b of that verse: “He will never let the righteous be shaken.” We can expect Him to hold us firm as we fling our worries over to Him.
As you just read, and now see with your minds eye, when we accept the invitation to cast our cares on God and we in turn can expect that God has got us in the process. He cares for us deeply and will hold us firmly when we trust Him with our troubles.
The reason this invitation was so profound for me today, is that I personally have been feeling bogged down and truthfully a overwhelmed by all the busyness that has been ensuing lately. Don’t get me wrong, I have a deep joy in my heart being able to care for my family, work at whatever job the Lord lays at my feet—but the busyness of all the things has been a heavy load on my heart recently. I have been bothered by that. I have this constant reminder going off in my mind that is also alerting me to the fact that it’s Advent, our Savior’s birthday is coming and I should be laying all things to rest so that my heart and soul can honor that more fully. And intentionally. And peacefully. But nothing has slowed down. If anything, I feel like the accelerator keeps getting pushed down more as we inch closer to Christmas. And God knows that I’ve been wrestling with that. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. His invitations never fail to reach me (or you!) at the exact right moment.
So, the divine appointment in all of this is that this verse, Psalm 55:22, has popped up no less than 3 times in the past week among my devotions & readings I've come across.
And as you already know, today.
The verse for day 16 is Psalm 55:22.
When my eyes searched for Day 16 in my content so I could find it and post about it, my heart filled to overflowing. I knew what that verse said already, and not just because I had made the inspired content, but because God had been laying it on my heart all week long.
God is good like that.
He knew that I would have feelings of overwhelm this week and knew that I would benefit from His gentle reminder and invitation in Psalm 55: 22. He knew that I needed to be encouraged by this invitation and promise *today*.
God most certainly wants you to be blessed, welcomed and always invited into His incredible invitations too, my friend.
Maybe you’ve slowly been nodding as you’ve read this and noticed your heart feel heavy too.
So go for it! Let this invitation initiate you to:
-cast your cares on God
-bear your burdens to God
-toss your tough stuff to God
Whatever it is. Launch it. Let it go. Leave it in His sovereignly capable hands. He can handle it. God’s net of grace and mercy casts wide and deep. He can catch, carry and handle all that we throw at Him.
There are some supplemental verses that came to mind in writing today’s blog post. They both pair nicely with Psalm 55:22 and I have no doubt you will feel a warm hug of invitation as you read each of them. Go ahead. Accept His invitation today, and give it all to God—He promises to care for you.
Supplemental verses: Matthew 11:28-30 & 1 Peter 5:7.
Link for: 25 Days of Invitations (also found under “Days of Devotion”)
Wednesday || December 8 || 2021
wellspring for life
If I'm being brutally honest, there are some days I don't want to put on my big girl pants. Like, I just want to lay in bed, be a log and let the day pass by.
I just feel drained.
Do you know what I mean?
What do you do when you're feeling drained?
Maybe you're like me and sometimes you want to have a 5 minute internal pity party and whine to God why you don't feel like doing life today. Various things were adding up this morning and I felt like that was enough to give myself permission to have my aforementioned pity party. I told myself that it was technically prayer, so I chalked it up as okay.
But shortly after that, the Holy Spirit convicted me of a few things. As a so called follower of Christ, was I really following through with what I knew to be true? Was I allowing the the truth that I knew-- that I can ask for God's help and strength (Matthew 7:7-8; Matthew 21:22) and believe in faith that He will follow through? Did I truly believe that God in His divinity would deliver me strength that I need, especially when I felt this drained?
Personally, I think that's where I fall short. A lot. Like a lot, a lot. I absolutely love diving into God's word and reading other books that support my faith walk and spiritual growth. But where the rubber meets the road, do I believe the truths that I read in God's word enough and put my faith into action?
Maybe you can relate.
So what do we do when life has us feeling drained? What do we actually do? Who can we turn to?
At the beginning of John 4, we will find (one my personal favorite) a scene that plays with Jesus and a Samaritan woman. Jesus was at Jacob's well and this Samaritan woman comes out at that time while He is there. Basically what transpires is that Jesus asks the Samaritan woman for a drink; but it turns into Jesus telling the Samaritan woman that He Himself is the Living Water. Jesus already knew how drained this woman was from living a life that wasn't drawing on God's strength. So He offered her the best deal ever. Jesus offered this Samaritan woman to draw on Him for Living Water.
I don't want to spoil it for you, so feel free to check out the passage and see how it plays out.
Jesus is the Living Water that we can draw on-- every single day. No matter what life is doling out to us at the moment.
Drained from the day to day? Draw on Jesus.
Difficult work situation? Draw on Jesus.
Demanding schedule? Draw on Jesus.
Devastating diagnosis? Draw on Jesus.
Drowning in life's demands? Draw on Jesus.
Don't see change coming soon? Draw on Jesus.
Down-right-beaten-down-and-don't-know-what-to-do? Draw on Jesus.
I don't know your exact circumstances, but I assure you that God does, my friend. He delights whole-heartedly when you depend on Him and draw on His Son Jesus. God delivered us His Son Jesus so that we wouldn't have to live a single day without Him (John 3:16).
Dear friend, I will link arms with you and draw on Jesus with you today, too. Our dependency on Jesus, each day, will deepen our love, trust and devotion to Him. We will see when we decide to draw on Jesus He will quench our deepest thirst with His incredible strength.
Monday || December 6 || 2021
it's all included
I have tunnel vision.
Let me rephrase that.
I used to have spiritual tunnel vision. My scope of spiritual vision has been widening.
Truth be told? I couldn't be more excited about it! Who doesn't want to be able to see things more fully, in panoramic view-- with SO much possibility?!
So, what did I have tunnel vision about?
My "occupation". The "job" I was called to do. I am thankful God has broadened my spiritual vision to see that I don't just have "one job" in my life. I am realizing that there are lots of little jobs, tasks and roles I will have the opportunity to do throughout my life.
I didn't realize as God's child, that I am never tethered to just "one job". Additionally, our job, tasks, and roles in our life do not define us. Those jobs are an opportunity for us, as a child of God, to exercise the definition of what it means to be His child. An opportunity to exude His love, kindness, forgiveness and compassion within those jobs and roles of life. God may present each of us many things to do vocation and work-wise—it’s how we choose to respond to carry out each of those vocations in a way that honors God is what matters.
Personally, as I mentioned earlier, God has been broadening my vision to see more and more what and who He created me fully to be as His child. As His child, all of my other jobs, tasks and roles in life fall underneath of that umbrella—child of God first, everything falls in line after that. Knowing that my identity as a child of God comes first, it helps me work and carry out Christ-like characteristics in whatever work comes my way.
So, as a child of God, what does that entail?
Do I have to go find another job, because I’m His?
Um, no. :)
Just because we have the privilege to be a part of God’s family, as His child, it doesn’t mean we have to start going to seminary school or enrolling in a class to learn how to be a minister or something. Being His child allows us to have the firm identity and foundation that we work from—in all of our jobs, tasks and roles in life-- anything. Because of our identity first in God through Jesus, we are empowered to let our life speak through our actions and we can share about Jesus by how we live and the way we do our work (whatever that may be).
Like I mentioned, for a long time, I had spiritual tunnel vision. I used to keep my work, jobs, roles-- the “stuff I did”-- mutually exclusive from my relationship with God. I didn’t think there was an overlap. I thought because I wasn’t a pastor or something and it wasn’t “my job”; I had my relationship with God in one circle and all my work in another. This notion that aspects of my life, the roles that I have and the things that I do and my that my relationship with God had no overlap is well, was tunnel vision. But once I surrendered to God and allowed Him to re-align my thinking in putting Him first, He was able to help me stop spiritually compartmentalizing pieces of my life. Instead, God has graciously showed me how my relationship with Him, my work, jobs and roles-- they’re all layered together, overlapping—with my identity in Jesus being the foundation of all of it. And thus, my spiritual vision widened, broadened and started to change.
So, why does this matter?
Well, I’m going out on a limb here, but I think if anyone can relate to how I was thinking and living life at one point—you know, having spiritual tunnel-vision—I was in essence short changing myself and ultimately God in carrying out His gifts that He gave me in all areas of my life. Not just the stuff that sounded “churchy”. God calls and gifts each of us with special, unique talents and abilities as His children (1 Peter 4:10). He loves it when we say yes to be His child and then employing the gifts and abilities in any role or job that we take on!
So, to tie this together for you (and me), let’s take a peek at Jesus’ disciples.
Before Jesus' disciples were His disciples and said yes to following Him – His disciples were fishermen, tax collectors-- everyday people-- like you and me! Jesus called and invited each of His disciples to follow Him and increase the footprint of the Christian church—and guess what? Not a single one of them were a priest or some theological expert of the bible. Jesus purposefully chose His disciples that were “lay people” and He employed their skillsets through their ministry. Everything overlapped. Just because the disciples were following Jesus, doesn’t mean that they “quit” doing other things that they were good at. Think about how many times you read in the gospels that Jesus and His disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee—in a boat. Jesus was with His disciples, among several of them—fisherman. The point I’m trying to drive home is the fact that we are children of an incredible God that can use every inch of us—our abilities, talents, and skills that we use in our jobs and roles and employ them in carrying out our identity as His child. Everything is mutually inclusive as His child.
Knowing this, I think it swings the door open wide with possibility for each one of us. Each of us as God’s children are equipped with special gifts, talents and abilities, and He wants us to use them to bring Him glory—in whatever we are called to do.
It takes a willing heart and an open mind to see beyond what we think the jobs or tasks we are meant to carry out in our lifetime.
Just like when Jesus invited Peter to come and follow Him. Jesus Himself would teach Peter how to fish for people (Luke 5: 1-11).
Jesus calls and invites each of one of us to follow Him and carry out Christ-like characteristics in anything we come to do.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer puts it like this: " The modern Jesus follower will walk many roads-- some politics, some missionary work. Some will embrace a secular career; some choose a spiritual vocation. They are all equally important & valid if they spring from the desire to emulate Jesus' way of living and acting. The issue is not so much the kind of work we do, but it's in honoring Him in our work."
My prayer today is in whatever job we do, we do it out of love and honor for our friend Jesus. I pray that we are willing to be faithful followers of Christ, to pick up our cross and be disciplined in the ways we carry out our work to honor Him.
Wednesday || November 17 || 2021
Never, never quit
Never, never quit!
That has been a mantra & motivator for me for a long time. It has resonated in my mind on many occasions-- through sports, work and......changing diapers!
Nowadays, it really reminds me of a friend in the Bible that embodied a never, never quit spirit.
First a shepherd, then a refugee, then king. That one.
[ More on David's story: check out 1 + 2 Samuel in the Old Testament].
But David had all kinds of mountaintop + valley experiences in his life. Slaying Goliath with a stone, leading the Israelites in countless battles of victories, committing adultery, fleeing for his life in the wilderness, and becoming king of Israel, to name a few.
But there was an underlying theme throughout his life, despite all of his varying circumstances. His different circumstances never deterred him from doing something.
David never, never quit seeking company with the Lord.
David continually sought company in the Lord. Whether it was time of celebration, mourning or being made aware of some really big mistakes in his life. David consistently and persistently sought God and desired to keep Him first in his life.
Maybe you're heard a phrase that is coined with David and the type of person he was.
David was a man after God's own heart!
That mental imagery is so vivid. So alive. So energizing! What if we too, embodied that type of never, never quit mentality in our faith walk? What would it look like for us today to be after God's own heart?
David delighted in seeking the Lord. He was determined in any and every situation to direct his steps toward the Lord and continually sought company with Him.
As noted, David's life was far from perfect [ 2 Sam 11]. Which, that might be a cue for us to have a sigh of relief for a lot of us. Not that we want our friends in faith to make big mistakes or fall into sin, but it's more of a relief to know that we don't have to be perfect in pursuing the Lord. Having a never, never quit kind of mentality in our faith walk doesn't mean we are doing it in absolute perfection. Thank goodness!
We are all far from perfect (phew!)-- well, I know I am a far cry from it-- but God knows that! And our imperfection doesn't disqualify us from following the Lord. If anything that is the best thing to have on our resume-- NOT PERFECT. That is the biggest enabler of us to continually pursue the Lord and His heart because we need Him. He is loving, caring, kind, generous, forgiving and compassionate-- and He is what our heart and soul need. So, David is a good example of the desire and dedication we are to have in pursuing the Lord in our life. Despite David's low moments and mistakes in his life, He never let that deter Him from seeking the Lord.
Despite imperfections, we too, can perpetually pursue God's heart in all we do.
Following David's cue of taking heart in the Lord, we too can experience:
🤍 confidence
🤍 comfort
🤍 courage
🤍 cues to never, never quit
Take a look at Psalm 27:14. This is a cry of confidence and invitation to God, from David himself. NIV translation reads: " Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."
The language used in the NIV, The Message and the Amplified versions of the bible sing a chorus of inspiration!
🤍 stay with God!
🤍 don't quit!
🤍 confident expectation
🤍 be stout + enduring
So what do you say? Shall we lean in, together, and take heart in the Lord, today?!
I say yes, my friend! Let's go for it! Let's allow our hearts to hold close company with the Lord and He will always be the hope and motivation for us to never, never quit.
Friday || November 12 || 2021
nothing separates us
Someone needs to hear this, today.
I can’t shut the thoughts off.
I can’t shake the feeling.
I can’t turn down the volume in my mind.
I need to share this with you today.
There is nothing that stands in the way of God loving you.
You are SO loved.
God loves you more than you know or could understand, my friend. And there isn’t a single thing that stands in the way of His relentless love for you. Not one single thing. It’s impossible for anything to stop that. There is nothing that you could have ever done/did/will do/think about doing or that has ever happened to you that will ever stand in the way of God’s incredible love for you.
Maybe you needed to hear that today. Maybe no one has ever told you that. Well, I am here to tell you again and again:
You are SO loved. (Read it as many times as you want to!)
How do I know?
Because someone else told me the same thing. My heart and soul needed to hear (read) that incredible truth. Not only did I need to hear it, but I needed to believe it.
Having asked Jesus to be my Savior at the age of 8 or 9, I felt like I had the Christian box checked off. I knew that I had been saved, but for a long time I didn’t understand that having a relationship with Jesus was the key to living out my new life.
Later on in college, it wasn’t until I walked through some really painful experiences (many self-initiated/self-inflicted) that I had found myself desperate to receive God’s love again. But to me, there was a catch. I felt like because I had fallen so far away from God, it wasn’t possible for Him to love me anymore. Or even want to. I felt like God was really far away. Maybe He doesn’t want anything to do with me? My mountain of mistakes seemed insurmountable. I had made mistakes that I knew deep down in my heart were wrong. And thinking since I knew what I had done was wrong, that botched out any chances of God having any kind love or interest in me. So, for a period of time, I allowed a wedge of guilt and shame divide me from God.
It wasn’t until I had been reminded over and over again that God would always love me.
No matter what.
God still loved me, despite what I had felt was an unconquerable mountain of mistakes that I had made.
It wasn’t until I started to have a relationship with Jesus that I was reminded of this incredible truth, but then actually believed it. God gave me permission to let go of the fractured view of love that I had and welcomed me to experience His real love. God’s unconditional, never ending and relentless love.
Let that incredible truth of God’s love wash over you today too, my friend.
Nothing will ever stand in the way of God’s unconditional, never-ending and relentless love for you.
To remove any lingering questions.
You are invited.
You are loved.
You are welcome.
You are His special creation.
You are beautiful in His sight.
You are treasured beyond what you can possibly imagine.
You have a place at His table.
You are loved SO much.
Nothing separates you from God’s incredible love. To prove how much He loves you, God decided that you are worth His only Son to die for.
So, yeah. I would say God loves you an incredible amount!
Maybe you’ve been waiting for an invitation to be extended to you again to be welcomed back to God. Maybe you feel like you’ve never had one extended to you before. Well, your invitation to receive God’s love is never-ever lost, revoked, cancelled, crumpled up, invalid or expired.
God’s invitation to receive His love and the promise of this amazing truth is available for you today my friend!
Hear this truth and let it sink into the depths of your soul-- nothing stands in the way of you receiving the incredible love that God has for you. Forever.
[Reference verses: Romans 8:38-39, Revelation 22:17, Revelation 3:20, John 3:16, Ephesians 2:10]
Wednesday || November 10 || 2021
Happy Wednesday, friend!
Maybe you're happy to make it to the half-way mark this week & praying there is enough momentum from hump day to help you landslide into the weekend.
I get it!
We have days or times we feel like:
- we're a hot mess
-pulling apart at the seams
-crap is hitting the fan
-life is wild & we can't tame it
-we're just trying to "keep the raccoon in the bag"
- all the wheels are coming off
or, my personal favorite:
➡️ we're just trying to
(or STM for short)
Okay. I'm giggling a little bit at some of these sayings. But the reality is, I think at some point we all try to hold it together. All the time.
We feel like we have to be the glue that holds everything together 24/7.
Personally, the harder I've tried to "hold it all together", the more things seem to fall apart and get even messier.
In the words of Elsa, I have to just "Let it GO".
You know what I mean?!
When I've realized that I can't (and don't need to) try to hold it all together, I can rest in the comfort that God is the one Who is and can hold it all together.
Thank goodness!
Maybe you need to hold onto this incredible truth today, too.
Hold onto HIM
Tuesday || November 9 || 2021
doubt = a doorway for God's grace
Belief is the basis of our faith.
If belief is the basis, what would doubt be?
What if we doubt?
Do our doubts deter God? Do our doubts disappoint Him? Do our doubts cause Him to decide we aren't deemed worthy of His love?
Absolutely not!
In fact, doubt is a doorway to God demonstrating His incredible grace.
Personally, I never want to admit when I have doubts. Even if I haven't verbalized it to myself, I call feel the weight of doubt-- it makes my heart droop & I honestly have felt ashamed.
My heart feels especially droopy when I have doubted God. In some way I do think He is disappointed in me when I've carried doubt. Doubting that things will work out. Doubting that something will ever happen. Doubting that there will be enough. In some way, I felt if I let doubts linger in my mind, it was an extension of me doubting God as, well, God. Who He is. His character. His infinity. All of it. I never for one second wanted God to think that in some way I am doubting His complete sovereignty, majesty and love-- not for a single second! So, for that reason, I wouldn't always bring my doubts to the Lord, because as I mentioned, I felt ashamed for even having any doubts at all. Isn't having doubt the opposite of having faith?
Maybe you have had similar questions or feelings on doubt too.
So what do we do with doubt? When doubt is dangling in our heart and soul, do we allow the weight of it to pull us down? Or is growing doubt the thing that directs us to seek the Lord deeper?
I was led to the end of John the other day. It's the episode after Jesus was resurrected and He presented Himself to His disciples. (John 20: 19-23)
In this particular instance, one of the disciples-- Thomas (Didymus) wasn't initially around to see Jesus for Himself. His disciple buddies that had witnessed Jesus first hand, told Thomas that Jesus was alive. Thomas' response? “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” (verse 25b).
Admittedly, I have been hard on Thomas when I've read this. Instead of a "Debbie-downer", I felt like he was being a "Debbie-doubter."
But did you notice something Thomas said? Unless. "Unless, I see...". Does his statement initially come off as sounding like doubt? I think so, yes. But if we read it again, Thomas had a disclaimer. Unless. Thomas was a man that frequently wanted to seek proof. You know that old saying, "the proof is in the pudding" ? Even though Thomas comes off sounding like he is doubting, or maybe somewhat harsh with his statement, I think we can give him credit that he wanted to see the evidence of Jesus living, for himself.
I'm sure we've all had a friend tell us of something really exciting or neat and their experience of it. Say it's a really great restaurant, a new show, or cool attraction they visited. You hear all about this amazing thing that your friend experienced. Your next comment is "I have to see it for myself!" We want the first hand experience ourselves to know what it is like. You can enjoy a little bit what your friend got to experience, but there is nothing like being able to have a first hand experience yourself. Am I right? It's just not quite the same.
I think that is what Thomas was saying here. That unless he could himself place his hands in Jesus' side and see the nail hole marks himself, He would not believe. Thomas wanted the glorious first-hand experience of his living Lord and Savior, for himself.
Thomas' little statement of doubt was a doorway for Jesus to demonstrate incredible grace.
A week later, Jesus presented Himself again and personally showed himself to Thomas. Look in verse 28 to see what Thomas' response was. "My Lord and my God!" How much more of a personal response can we ask for? Thomas claimed Jesus as his because of this incredible first-hand experience he had with Jesus.
I never thought that doubt as an opportunity for God to demonstrate His faithfulness.
But God sees when we are failing to connect the dots and our faith my be lagging behind. But doubt is a directive to be open & vulnerable with God.
Sharing our truths, how we're feeling, with God-- even if it is an inkling of doubt-- is OK!
He can handle it.
Doubt is the ability to be vulnerable. Transparent. The ability to show our true selves with Jesus. And we can allow for this kind of openness to occur in our relationship with Him, as our faith grows.
Our doubts can grow from disbelief to faith that is fruitful from our first-hand encounters with Jesus. Doubts are definitely an opportunity to deliver them to God in prayer. Doubts can drive our faith to be fuller, richer and more dependent on God.
Check out the end of John 20 and see how Jesus lovingly responds to Thomas. I pray that if you are experiencing any doubts yourself, draw in close to Jesus, friend. Jesus is no doubt ready to lovingly respond to all and any of your doubts too.
Friday || November 5 || 2021
Little Steps of Faith = God grows Big results
God does the growing,
let's be willing to get going!
Our faith isn't some big, huge feat.
Our walk of faith are little steps adding up to a life of faith.
Our faith, no matter how small it feels, is never too small for God to grow it into something bigger.
All of the teeny, tiny acts of faith are seen by our big God.
Faith is saying yes to the work that seems little, on a daily basis, that allows God to cultivate rich results.
Faith is a willingness to take little steps in doing the seemingly small things that God places at our feet.
Jesus extends an invitation to each of us in the 2 parables that are at the end of Mark 4. I love the allegories Jesus uses with seeds, planting & growth!
Our faith over the course of our life is like that.
A very small seed that is planted within us and then watered.
Given some sun.
Even more time.
And then?
It grows, over time.
The really, really amazing part?
God does the growing.
He has a green thumb to turn any kind of seed, no matter how small, into something that is beautiful and so bountiful-- it leaves (sorry, had to!) us without question that it was work done by His gardening hands.
In the parables found in Mark 4:26-34, Jesus welcomes us to help with growing God's kingdom.
What is our part in God's Kingdom work? (That sounds very fancy!)
Maybe it's to...
Keep an eye out where He wants us to plant
Dig the hole & prepare for planting
Scatter & plant the seeds
Water what has been planted
In laymen terms, what does all of that mean?
It could be:
praying for an opening to speak with a friend
opening your door to your lonely neighbor for dinner
inviting that co-worker to grab coffee that seems curious about Jesus
sending a small note in the mail to a member of your church that you haven't seen in a while
simply listening to someone who has felt abandoned
Honestly, the list is infinite. I think we know the Kingdom work that the Lord wants us to do, because He will lay it on your heart. He will present little windows of opportunity for you to speak up or take a small step of action. God's Kingdom work has a fancy name to it, but the work itself is not overtly "fancy". It is the often over-looked, small things that we don't put a lot of thought into. I think the gestures and actions that we take that seem small to us, are actually the big things to God and to those on the receiving end of our actions.
Allowing our faith to have feet and to take steps where God wants us to-- helps grow His kingdom! That is what Jesus was expressing here.
So, let's lean in my friend.
We could be called to one, two or a few steps.
Whatever it is, the faith behind it trusts God to grow it.
When we have even mustard seed (super tiny!) size faith, God grows it into something incredible.
Let's never overlook the small steps of faith we can take &
trust that God can grow them into something beautiful!
Amen? Amen.
Monday || November 1 || 2021
Commission= God's Special vision
I am beyond excited to introduce a new topic today:
Soul Shaping Words.
This topic is going to house words that encourage Christ-like character and bring an imagery to activities we are called to as Christ-followers.
Throughout the bible we can draw from those seeking to follow the Lord and be inspired by the characteristics they carried out in their actions.
The section Soul Shaping Words intends to bring to light words that are explicitly written in God's Word or behaviors that Jesus Himself embodied or even His faithful followers carried out.
Commissioned is one of those words that you do not necessarily see written across the pages of Scripture, but you see the behavior being carried out and embodied by Jesus on several occasions.
Let's take a few minutes to look at the word commissioned itself, dive into a few passages that help us have a better understanding of this soul shaping word and how our awesome God commissions each one of us.
Right off the bat, the word commissioned is a word that holds bonus words. The bonus words that are nestled in the word commissioned are super helpful and enlighten us to the depth of it's meaning.
The word commissioned itself is an invitation to carry out a special duty or task; granted authority. Biblically, this is a really cool thing! This is where God extends the invitation to carry out His good works that He has already set forth for our life (Psalm 139:16). Each one of us is commissioned. Yup, you read that right. Every single one of us.
One of the first bonus words that I notice in commissioned is the pre-fix: co-. The very beginning of the word is a huge hint to the word commissioned itself. Co- meaning joint or mutual-- is just that-- meant to be done in a partnership. Together. I think of it as a co-op. A co-op with God. Being commissioned by God (asked to do His special work) isn't something we are called to do alone, but together-- with Him! To me, we can be reassured, at peace and uplifted by those two little letters of c and o. We don't even have to be scared of what God may be calling us to do because, He is with us while we do it, no matter what! (Deuteronomy 31:8).
The second word that is housed in commissioned is the word mission. I know, I went a little captain obvious on this one. But to be on mission is to carry out an important assignment, vocation or calling. As noted above, each one of us has a unique calling to carry out. We don't have to be ordained
or go to a formal school to become a pastor in order to be commissioned by God. Some of my favorite and inspiring friends to read about in the Bible are the ones who went out on the mission that God laid on their heart, and the job/calling/task wasn't something they ever had experience in doing before. God has the vision for the mission and lays it on our hearts. An example that I am drawn to is Nehemiah. Nehemiah was a layperson, a cupbearer to a king and was commissioned to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (that had previously been destroyed). Nehemiah was a cupbearer and was called and commissioned to rebuild city walls. AKA construction. Last time I checked, Nehemiah's resume didn't have "construction worker" or "masonry" on it. But that's what is neat about God's commissioning, it can be something way outside of our scope of vision or imagination.
So, as noted in Proverbs 19:20, Ephesians 2:10 (and many other verses); God has good plans, wonderful plans to carry out that has already been planned since before we came to be. Knowing that each of us has a special mission before we were born takes the guess work out of "figuring out what that mission is" and trusting that God helps us uncover that special mission in His divine timing.
The next three words that I wanted to share aren't housed within the word commissioned, but they certainly surround it and give it a base of support. The first being commit. To commit is to carry out or be dedicated in doing something. When we commit to carry out God's commissioning, (the thing/plan/vision/task God calls us to do) we can whole heartedly dedicate ourselves to that work because: He is with us when we do it; His plans are good and bring Him glory; and it is also a gesture of our thankfulness. When we commit and dedicate ourselves to the good of God's work, it is from a place of deep appreciation in our hearts.
Community. This definitely goes along with the word co-. Community is unified support. God 100% provides ample support when we are commissioned. As noted earlier, God goes with us on mission, but He also provides a network to give us support as we journey along. King David had his mighty men; Jesus had His disciples; Paul had Barnabas and Luke; and Moses had Aaron and Miriam. We don't go it alone. Our network may be near or far; big or small-- but God provides support for us that we need as we go out on mission with His vision.
Come. Jesus uses this word often throughout the Gospels when He commissioned others. "Come and follow me", "Come and I will give you rest". Jesus used the word come to invite others (and us) to move toward Him. That we could proceed in His direction because He was the one capable of providing strength, direction, hope and help in any circumstance. Come isn't directly spelled in commissioned, but it is certainly embodied within the word. As we are called and commissioned by our loving God, it really is a greater invitation to follow, move toward and approach God as we carry out His vision.
To recap, commission is an invitation to carry out God's special vision/task/duty/calling. We have the privilege of carrying out this special vision with God's help (co-op). We are commissioned with His special mission. We are called to commit to His plans because they are good and bring Him glory. Come. We get to approach our awesome God and follow His Son's lead. Lastly, we have the loving, unified support from the community that God places in our life (near or far!).
So what does it look like to be commissioned?
Well, I am so glad you asked. I am going to share 3 examples with you.
Take a peek in 1 Samuel 16:1-13. Here is where the prophet Samuel is asked to anoint David as the next king over Israel. God's commissioning of David to be the next king was a big surprise to David's family-- because he was the youngest son and least suspecting-- he was a shepherd! But God's mission many times is out of our direct vision. That is what is so incredible about God's commissioning to do His work, it sort-of feels out of left field and maybe something we feel ill-equipped to do.
Next is Moses. In Exodus 3 is where Moses encounters the burning bush. AKA God. Moses notices God's invitation through a burning bush (bizarre, right?). Moses slows down and has this incredible encounter with God-- all because he was able to slow down and accept this little invitation from God. Here, God commissions Moses about the big job He wanted Moses to do: lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses rebuts with feeling ill-equipped, but God offers Moses support from his brother Aaron to help him.
Lastly, Jesus. All throughout the gospels you will notice Jesus calling and commissioning invitations to people. They are gentle, welcoming and direct. The major one that most of us probably think of is when Jesus delivers His great commission to His disciples before He returned to heaven in Matthew 28: 18-20. He commissioned each one of us to go and share the good news about Jesus and we could do so as God would be with us forever. This commissioning is inspiring, hopeful and filled with promise.
Maybe you will look at the word commissioned a little differently now. As I started to see the other words nestled in commissioned and the ones that wrap around it and provide support; it gives me a deeper understanding and reassurance as God commissions me. I hope it does for you too.
I am praying that God reveals His special vision, dear friend. Lean in and keep an eye out for that invitation and trust that God's commissioning comes with all the necessary support to carry it out.
Wednesday || October 27 || 2021
Adversity = grounds for growth
For a good part of my life, I used to have a spiritual formula for things. In my mind, I would try to figure out why some things happened in my life, and I used to think that it was because of something that I did or didn't do.
I think I was led into that way of thinking when there were times of difficulty, discomfort or adversity. I usually didn't question when life was going smoothly or "nothing was going wrong", because I figured that I must have been behaving well for things to go so well.
So, for a while I went with that. When things were especially hard or gut-wrenching to go through-- especially the interpersonal, the relational type of difficulties -- I equated it to I must have messed up somewhere along the line and this was God's way of disciplining me. Yes, sometimes there are immediate consequences or a type of discipline that comes subsequently because of our actions; but that isn't always the case.
What happens when things get crazy difficult, uncomfortable, or just plain HARD and you didn't do anything wrong?
What about then?
I myself haven't always been the most graceful person when going through tough times. Tears, prayers of anguish, plenty of questioning God and whether or not if He knew what He was doing. I also had a knee-jerk reaction and tendency to try and fix something myself before pursuing the Lord in prayer, reading His Word-- just so I could avoid any kind of pain or difficulty.
But what happens when we seek the Lord in prayer and are staying close to Him in His Word? What if things are still hard and painful then?
Sometimes our questions are left unanswered during adversity. Or God is answering them in a way we don't see, understand or quite have clarity on yet. Sometimes God needs us to wait and continue to trust in Him on a daily basis for His strength to see us through.
Job is an excellent person to read about in the Bible in regards to persevering through adversity. Job, an upright, God-fearing man, walked through physical, mental, and relational adversity-- all at once (Job 1:13-2:10). It certainly can be hard to read knowing how much hurt Job was walking through. But God was with Job through every step of his pain and time of adversity. God cultivated a deeper, richer and more genuine faith in Job because of the adversity he allowed him to walk through (Job 42).
I guess I don't entirely understand why some of us walk through adverse times, but God does. I used to question God's level of compassion and care when I've walked through adversity. But as He has revealed to me time and again in His Word, He has allowed me to walk through hard times because He does love and care for me.
God allows His children to walk through adversity because He loves them (Hebrews 12:6). The times of adversity is actually the perfect ground that is fertile for us in trusting God. We start seeking and searching, and often are open to pursuing God in adversity.
The grounds of adversity are prime for growth.
Adversity helps us to grow through what we go through.
Think about a cactus. They grow in the desert. They grow in a desert. When you really think about it, it sounds kind-of crazy that something is able to grow in the desert. The desert is dry, super hot, little to no rain, and sand for days. How in the world can anything grow out there?! I still can't wrap my mind around it. But God. He made a way for that to happen. So the cactus. That is where the cactus grows, in a desert. The cactus is able to thrive and grow in the desert-- a climate that spells adversity. But the cactus inspires me that it can sustain life, let alone grow in those conditions.
The cactus is able to grow in the desert because it is able to do something that is pretty amazing. It retains and holds water. It has a thick, hard-walled, succulent stem that enables it to hold in the water. It even has a protective coat on the outside (besides the pokies!). The other interesting thing is that the cactus has very long, fibrous roots that allow it to draw in any moisture that is deep in the ground.
I think we can take some tips from the cactus and apply it to our own faith when we are living in a climate of adversity. What if we, like the cactus, let the roots of our soul draw on the living water-- from Jesus-- and draw on Him for our needs? What if we allowed our soul to root deeply in Jesus and allow Him to fill us with His amazing living water? We too, like the cactus can grow in adverse times and ask God to help us retain the spiritual water He's filling us with (John 4:16-18).
If you are walking through some adverse times right now, whether it is relational, personal, health-related, work circumstances, financial or loss-- know that God is with you, friend. Your current adverse climate might make you feel like it's unbearable, but God sees you and His Son Jesus will come alongside of you and walk with you. Draw on Jesus and His living water and He will sustain you and help you flourish. God is growing genuine faith in you that is greater than you can imagine!
Thursday || October 21 || 2021
inadequacies are God's opportunities
If I took a poll to see how many people like to feel inadequate, I'm guessing the percentage of people that would say yes would be 0.0%.
I would certainly answer no.
I don't like to feel inadequate at anything-- work, parenting, relationships, a new endeavor-- you name it.
I'm sure many of us can relate. Society doesn't exactly give us high fives if we come off as incapable, unable or inadequate.
But there is a guy that wrote a good chunk of the New Testament-- the Apostle Paul--
who actually boasts about his weaknesses.
AKA➡️ inadequacies.
If you take a peek into 2 Corinthians 12, Paul says this:
"Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
Paul is basically putting it right out there on front street about the fact that he does experience struggles and difficulties and that he delights in them.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the times haven't changed that much in regards to the fact that people experience problems and hardships-- from biblical times until now. That hasn't changed and I don't foresee that changing anytime soon. Also, I don't think it's usually the first topic of conversation for someone to say to a friend or family member, "Hey, I'm really struggling" or "Holy cow, I am completely blowing it...".
I think most of the time, when we're feeling inadequate or insufficient, we hold it close to the chest. We try to internally process it or maybe sweep it under the rug---maybe some way other than acknowledging it or even asking for help.
But Paul had no shame in his game in asking Jesus for help.
Nor should we. As you can read in the bible-graphic, Ephesians 3:20 reminds us of the kind of strength that God has. It is infinite and immeasurable.
In the verse that precedes Paul boasting about his weaknesses, he actually quotes Jesus in 2 Corinthians 12:9. That Jesus' power is made perfect in our weaknesses (or inadequacies).
I know, right?!
That is so great. Better than that. Infinitely awesome.
Paul sees his weaknesses as an opportunity for Jesus to exercise His strength through Him.
Our weaknesses = God's strength.
While we take in this incredible truth about laying our weaknesses before the Lord, and allowing His strength to prevail, we have to keep something else in mind as well. Being weak or feeling inadequate isn't a reason to throw in the towel & not take any action when we're presented with something new or don't know how to do.
Inadequacy does not equal inaction.
Our inadequacies that we feel or sense are our chance to turn to God and ask Him for His strength to help us. This we know.
So what is our part in all of this?
Well, while we hold onto these promises from Ephesians 3:20 (God can do immeasurably more than we can imagine) and 2 Corinthians 12:9 (God's power crushes it when we are weak), we have one other thing that we can do.
Our souls can take action.
Take a peek at Psalm 37.
We can:
Trust in the Lord.
Delight in the Lord.
Commit to the Lord.
Be still before the Lord.
Last I checked- trust, delight, commit and be are all verbs. Verbs indicate an action or doing (or state of being). So, if these are the actions that God is inviting me to take while He is the One doing the heavy lifting when I am weak, then I will find the power in that.
So let's place our inadequacies in God's capable hands and watch how He exercises His strength through us today. Amen? Amen
Wednesday || October 20 || 2021
Does life feel like it's coming on full force sometimes?
Kind of like a freight train-- flying down the rails and failing to stop?
I know. Some days, I feel that life is like that for me too.
If you're having one of those days, weeks or even seasons of life for you,
feel free to flip through this ODE mini book. (image carousel at the bottom)
Just click or tap on the right hand arrow.
Prayers that it refreshes + fills your soul today, dear friend.
Monday || October 18 || 2021
The first semester of my freshman year in high-school, I looked at my schedule and remembered seeing something called "sectionals".
Come to find out, this was the designated time that "sections" of our high-school band met to play, based on your instrument.
In case you were curious, I played the clarinet. (I know, super cool 😎)
It took me a long time to get used to playing with only the woodwinds during that class, once a week. It was hard for me to decipher how my part would fit together with the other sections that played in our band.
Luckily, our full band met daily and I was able to hear how all the different notes of each section fit together. Hearing the full composition made a world of difference. The seemingly off-key + obscure notes I played in sectionals then made more sense.
Life is kind of like that, I think.
I'm sure many of us seem like we've played some random notes and it doesn't seem like it ties into anything.
Or it feels like we've been playing the same set of notes for a long time.
Or maybe the notes we're asked to play are ones we've never had to play before.
Whatever the notes we've been given to play, know that those notes have been given to us + orchestrated that way for a reason.
God, being the all-knowing orchestrator, knows exactly how it will sound when the notes of our life play out.
As we look back + listen to the notes we've played in life, we can see that God has been orchestrating the notes all along. 🎵
Friday || October 15 || 2021
I read something the other day out of one of my devotions & it was so profound, I'm still blown away by the impact it had on me.
It cut me to the core.
It breathed new life into my lungs.
It made my heart fill with relief & deep gratitude.
As I type this to you, I am still whispering a "thanks be to God" for the generosity of His love.
God loves us as much on our best day that He does on our worst day.
That kind of truth makes my mind:
For so long I had myself convinced that God loved me based on how good I was.
I also felt the opposite was true.
That God loved me less when I screwed up & completely blew it.
I couldn't have been farther from the truth.
That's because for a longggggg time (too long), I knew of God, but didn't know Him.
I didn't have a relationship with Him.
So because I didn't have a tight-knit relationship with Him, I had assumed for too long, that I had to perform, earn & deserve His love.
But thank God our faith & salvation doesn't boil down to that!
God's love is dependent on Him.
Not us.
His love
never ceases
can ever be separated from us
is the same forever,
because God is love (1 John 4:16)
& God never changes
I hope this truth hits deep in your heart & rocks you to your core too.
I pray that your heart is wildly consumed with God's unceasing, unrelenting & never changing love, today.
Tuesday || October 12 || 2021
I will tell you what, I have some very fond memories of when I was a volleyball coach during a few years of college.
My favorite part was when I would see the skills + abilities of my girls-- the ones they had been learning + practicing-- would translate onto the court during a game!
I 💯 would jump up + down, clap + cheer in excitement as I saw it play out in front of me!
It was the best!
I still have a giant smile on my face as I reminisce on
those moments of coaching-- priceless! 🌟
I also think that this is the type of reaction that God has when He sees His children putting their gifts + abilities into practice in life.
He is no doubt, giving a standing ovation, clapping + cheering when He sees you using your head, heart + hands and practicing using the gifts He's given you.
God is our Coach, Teacher + also our glorious Creator that made each one of us with special gifts + abilities.
He loves nothing more when we start putting our gifts into practice-- for the good of those around us + to bring Him glory!
God has certainly placed you in locations, jobs + situations that have offered you time to learn + grow in using the gifts He's given you.
Paul encourages + invites us in Philippians 4-- that all the wonderful things we have learned + received along the way,
that we can
➡️ put it into practice ⬅️
I am teary eyed sharing this with you, at the thought of what this opportunity can bring not only for you + those around you-- but for God and His glory too!
Whatever it is:
🔨 building things
🎵 making music
📚 teaching others
📋 coaching + mentoring others
➡️go out, + put it into practice! 🙌
God's peace will be with you as you do.
Lean into what God has equipped your hands, heart + head to team up + do. I can't wait to see it! 🌟